Author Topic: Books  (Read 9161 times)

Offline lightningninja

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Re: Books
« Reply #25 on: March 08, 2010, 02:13:51 PM »
-Prince caspian they attempt to summon the white whitch through dark majic
Yeah, the movie, they didn't do this in the book.
-Magicains nephew the white which kills every one with the "word"
Symbolic of evil
-the white whitch's wand
Same as above
-aslan comming back to life from "the deep magic"
Biblical reference, so did God.
- if you can say prophecy is magic in a land of magic then you also have the foretelling of the white which's death
the Bible has prophets, this isn't dark magic.
- magic horn that calls the kids back to Narnia
Given by God. I've always thought this symbolic of praying.
- a portal that send them back to thier world
Seriously? That's not magic.
-a bow that never misses - had to be imbude with something
David didn't miss, see the resemblence?
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Re: Books
« Reply #26 on: March 08, 2010, 02:52:29 PM »
-Prince caspian they attempt to summon the white whitch through dark majic
Yeah, the movie, they didn't do this in the book.
actually, it's in the book. "Draw the circle, and prepare the blue fire!" but in the movie they actually summon her, in the book, it's just beginning to happen before the Pevensies come in.
-Magicains nephew the white which kills every one with the "word"
Symbolic of evil
it's still magic.
-the white whitch's wand
Same as abovesame as above
-aslan comming back to life from "the deep magic"
Biblical reference, so did God.
so then, if God uses magic, then how can you say it's evil :P
- if you can say prophecy is magic in a land of magic then you also have the foretelling of the white which's death
the Bible has prophets, this isn't dark magic.
I agree.
- magic horn that calls the kids back to Narnia
Given by God. I've always thought this symbolic of praying.symbolic, maybe, but still magic.
- a portal that send them back to thier world
Seriously? That's not magic.
the portal could be arguably said to be made by magic. if it's not magic, what is it? haha.
-a bow that never misses - had to be imbude with something
David didn't miss, see the resemblence?
David didn't miss, but he could have (and probably did a lot of the time). "If you trust in this bow, it is not likely to miss" I believe in the quote, so then, it must have had some magic in it to be able to feel the trust inside of susan, and magically hit the target.
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my responses above in glowy red!

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Re: Books
« Reply #27 on: March 08, 2010, 03:31:46 PM »
My responses above in blue. Why? Just to make it inconvenient and hard to read? My responses in black.
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Re: Books
« Reply #28 on: March 08, 2010, 04:06:56 PM »
My responses above in blue. Why? Just to make it inconvenient and hard to read? My responses in black.
hahahahahaha. win.

Offline redemption101

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Re: Books
« Reply #29 on: March 08, 2010, 05:49:45 PM »
As to lightning ninja responses,   ringwraith was on par with what i would say.   

The point that i was trying to make is that there is indisputable evidence of magic on both sides in the series the chronicals of Narnia .  Though many parrellals can be drawn to the Bible it still dosen't negate how it was portrayed in the book.   IF you believe that if it is shown in the Bible or can be drawn to the biblical view then it is okay, then by this logic i can prove that alot of questionable books are okay. 

Using Harry Potter because its the most well known
Murdering splits the soul - the mark of cain maybe not a physical rending of the soul but there is still an indelliable mark.

book 7 many people sacrifice themselves to try and  rid the place of evil, ever heard of a mayter

Lilly potters sacrifice - protects harry from a form of evil,   holy spirit protects us from demonic possesion, 

Good wins in the End -Revaltion

hp having 2 close friends helping him through trials - Ecclesiastes 4:12

the list goes onbut i need dinner,  please do not be offronted i'm just trying to show there are always parrelles in every book,

Offline Glorfindel 12

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Re: Books
« Reply #30 on: March 08, 2010, 11:23:07 PM »
Well as long as it isn't "DARK" and so unbelievable that its dumb.  Books I wouldn't read because of certain issues that I believe don't line up with my worldview are Harry Potter and the Twilight series and there are others but I'm open to suggestions that are fictional as long as they don't have any characters preforming dark arts.
In this thread, you said you wouldn't read "DARK" Christian books because they don't line up with your worldview. You also said that you are open to other fictional series as long as they don't have the dark arts, then defend LotR and Chronicles because even though they have the dark arts, they have Christian authors. Wut?

Also, Harry Potter has a Christian author and a more directly Christian message than LotR, but you won't read those books. Your logic is about as consistent as the current REG.
First of all, to clarify, I did not say "DARK" Christian books as this would be an oxymoron.  A dark book cannot be a Christian book.  The scripture clearly states that we are not to dabble in the occult or traffic with mediums or we will pollute our souls (Lev 19:31, 20:6).  I have not read Harry Potter but I do know that the author is not a Christian.  The LOTR's author was a Christian.  In Tolkien's biography, by Humphrey Carpenter, Tolkien was quoted as defining a wizard as somebody who is extremely skilled in or knowledgeable about something, which coincides with the Encarta Dictionary's definition of wizard.  The only magic in LOTR was used by evil characters.  The theme of good v. evil is clearly depicted in the LOTR books (not so clear in the Hollywood movies).  In Harry Potter and Twilight magic is used by the "good" characters, therefore indicating occultic practices are acceptable.  Neither of these series (Harry Potter and Twilight) depict anything even near Christianity.  I fail to find any fallacies in my logic, having studied logic extensively.  Lastly, as long as the dark arts are clearly shown as dark arts, as in LOTR and Chronicles and Perreti's or Dekker's books, I am not opposed to reading.  But in Harry Potter and Twilight the good v. evil is subtley twisted.  Making it difficult for those not strong in their faith to discern the evil therein.  P.S. wut is spelled what.   
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Re: Books
« Reply #31 on: March 08, 2010, 11:38:23 PM »
Well as long as it isn't "DARK" and so unbelievable that its dumb.  Books I wouldn't read because of certain issues that I believe don't line up with my worldview are Harry Potter and the Twilight series and there are others but I'm open to suggestions that are fictional as long as they don't have any characters preforming dark arts.
In this thread, you said you wouldn't read "DARK" Christian books because they don't line up with your worldview. You also said that you are open to other fictional series as long as they don't have the dark arts, then defend LotR and Chronicles because even though they have the dark arts, they have Christian authors. Wut?

Also, Harry Potter has a Christian author and a more directly Christian message than LotR, but you won't read those books. Your logic is about as consistent as the current REG.
First of all, to clarify, I did not say "DARK" Christian books as this would be an oxymoron.  A dark book cannot be a Christian book.  The scripture clearly states that we are not to dabble in the occult or traffic with mediums or we will pollute our souls (Lev 19:31, 20:6).  I have not read Harry Potter but I do know that the author is not a Christian.  The LOTR's author was a Christian.  In Tolkien's biography, by Humphrey Carpenter, Tolkien was quoted as defining a wizard as somebody who is extremely skilled in or knowledgeable about something, which coincides with the Encarta Dictionary's definition of wizard.  The only magic in LOTR was used by evil characters.  The theme of good v. evil is clearly depicted in the LOTR books (not so clear in the Hollywood movies).  In Harry Potter and Twilight magic is used by the "good" characters, therefore indicating occultic practices are acceptable.  Neither of these series (Harry Potter and Twilight) depict anything even near Christianity.  I fail to find any fallacies in my logic, having studied logic extensively.  Lastly, as long as the dark arts are clearly shown as dark arts, as in LOTR and Chronicles and Perreti's or Dekker's books, I am not opposed to reading.  But in Harry Potter and Twilight the good v. evil is subtley twisted.  Making it difficult for those not strong in their faith to discern the evil therein.  P.S. wut is spelled what.   
A. you (and I) haven't read Harry Potter, so it's hard to judge what's in it based off of biased opinions of others. and B. Pol meant to spell it wut. it's what he uses when he doesn't get something, usually preceded by an "lol," making hilarious objections.

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Re: Books
« Reply #32 on: March 09, 2010, 02:33:35 AM »

Ok. Now, on to the other stuff.

A dark book cannot be a Christian book.
Is The Shack a Christian book? Ok, bad example. Is The Screwtape Letters a Christian book?

but I do know that the author is not a Christian.
J.K. Rowling is a Presbyterian. Blam.

The only magic in LOTR was used by evil characters.
1. Gandalf starting a fire on the mountainside. 2. The river was horses. 3. Gandalf, Galadriel, and Elrond have and use magic rings. So, 0-3 so far.

The theme of good v. evil is clearly depicted in the LOTR books
As it is in Harry Potter. Voldemort means "he who runs from death," and the only reason you could be making this argument is addressed in my next point.

(not so clear in the Hollywood movies)
This quote is another all-too-painful reminder that you're talking about stuff you know nothing about. You haven't read the books, so it's understandable that you're woefully ignorant.

I fail to find any fallacies in my logic, having studied logic extensively.
Let me do it for you. You have a red herring when you start talking about Hollywood movies and Twilight in a discussion about Harry Potter. And then there's the part where, you know, none of your facts are right.

Lastly, as long as the dark arts are clearly shown as dark arts, as in LOTR and Chronicles and Perreti's or Dekker's books, I am not opposed to reading.
Ok, so you aren't opposed to reading Harry Potter? Finally you're talking sense. I'm glad you're going to read them now; once you get past the first couple--which are children's books--they're some fantastic pieces of literature, grounded in the classical tradition (and I was educated in the Trivium, Mr. Logic, so I know what that is), and send a clear message of the fallen nature of man and the need of a savior who conquers the power of evil by sacrificing himself.

As a side-note, I probably have a lot more problems with Twilight than you do. So at least we have that in common.
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Re: Books
« Reply #33 on: March 09, 2010, 04:22:24 AM »
i still consider the first harry potter book the best of the series.

christian/secular literature aside, the harry potter series is still an amazing work of literature. the books get more and more progressive, so rowling pretty much stuck with one generation of readers until the end. pretty awesome stuff.
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Re: Books
« Reply #34 on: March 09, 2010, 12:03:30 PM »
He's not an allegory for Christ, but he certainly meets the requirements for Christ-figure. Harry has a many-faceted role during in the books and it changes as the books progress.
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Re: Books
« Reply #35 on: March 09, 2010, 12:04:33 PM »
wizard as somebody who is extremely skilled in or knowledgeable about something,
Wait wut? By that definition being knowledgeable about the bible makes you a wizard? I am confused on that.
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Offline lightningninja

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Re: Books
« Reply #36 on: March 09, 2010, 06:03:58 PM »
He's not an allegory for Christ, but he certainly meets the requirements for Christ-figure. Harry has a many-faceted role during in the books and it changes as the books progress.
Harry Potter is Jesus now? Wow.
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Re: Books
« Reply #37 on: March 09, 2010, 06:08:17 PM »
He's not an allegory for Christ, but he certainly meets the requirements for Christ-figure. Harry has a many-faceted role during in the books and it changes as the books progress.
Harry Potter is Jesus now? Wow.
Pol said just the opposite. he was saying it's like a Christ figure. just like Gandalf. I'm not saying that Gandalf is God, cuz he's not, cuz I pwned him in teh face. Saruman FTW.

Offline lightningninja

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Re: Books
« Reply #38 on: March 09, 2010, 06:10:26 PM »
Wait... you said Pol said the OPPOSITE, then you said he thinks exactly what I said. Just so we're clear, Jesus is Christ right?  ;)
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Re: Books
« Reply #39 on: March 09, 2010, 06:24:06 PM »
Oversimplification. Harry is no more Jesus than Voldemort is the Enemy. But they are figures that represent certain aspects of the other.
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Re: Books
« Reply #40 on: March 09, 2010, 06:44:04 PM »
Wait... you said Pol said the OPPOSITE, then you said he thinks exactly what I said. Just so we're clear, Jesus is Christ right?  ;)
He's not an allegory for Christ

I feel like I should drop out of this debate, considering I haven't read Harry Potter and cannot judge it accordingly.

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Re: Books
« Reply #41 on: March 09, 2010, 07:03:34 PM »
Pol, that's some win on the comment about the shack.

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Re: Books
« Reply #42 on: March 09, 2010, 09:27:55 PM »
im not sure if harry potter could be considered a christ figure.... yea he was a good guy, yeah he saved the world. BUT...... he wasnt perfect, he still did bad things. and he didnt know or want all this pressure, i mean his parents died and he survived? who would want that???? although, i would definitely say that voldemort is a satan figure. Just my  :2cents:
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Re: Books
« Reply #43 on: March 10, 2010, 01:42:03 AM »
I agree. That's why I was very clear about my position on Harry being that he's a Christ-figure, not a Christ-allegory. Among other things,
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Just as Frodo is a Christ-figure but imperfect. He didn't plan to go through with destroying the ring at the end. But the whole point of extra-Biblical literature is that all Christ-figures should be less than Christ. The only true Christ figure is in his autobiography, and literature is simply a retelling in some way or another.
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Re: Books
« Reply #44 on: March 10, 2010, 09:09:58 AM »
I agree. That's why I was very clear about my position on Harry being that he's a Christ-figure, not a Christ-allegory. Among other things,
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Just as Frodo is a Christ-figure but imperfect. He didn't plan to go through with destroying the ring at the end. But the whole point of extra-Biblical literature is that all Christ-figures should be less than Christ. The only true Christ figure is in his autobiography, and literature is simply a retelling in some way or another.
IMO, Gandalf is the one who has the Christ-figure in LotR

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Re: Books
« Reply #45 on: March 10, 2010, 09:34:27 AM »
+1 But even Gandalf wasn't perfect.
Not quite a ghost...but not quite not.

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Re: Books
« Reply #46 on: March 10, 2010, 05:24:47 PM »
The only magic in LOTR was used by evil characters.

lol wut?

Offline Kingsman08

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Re: Books
« Reply #47 on: March 10, 2010, 09:42:39 PM »
i have been reading alot of a good christian artist. not techinicaly a christian series, but i believe his other series's  are. his name is Stephen R. Lawhead
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Re: Books
« Reply #48 on: March 10, 2010, 11:41:30 PM »
i have been reading alot of a good christian artist. not techinicaly a christian series, but i believe his other series's  are. his name is Stephen R. Lawhead
Hood? yeah. read those. thought about getting the Pendragon Cycle too, but then Dekker came out with a book and I remembered why I never have any money for other books...

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Re: Books
« Reply #49 on: March 11, 2010, 02:35:50 AM »
Stephen R. Lawhead
<3 this dood. Pendragon Cycle and the Song of Albion are my favorites by him.
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