Wow, I just had an amazing session with my sister, and I simply must share this game with everyone. The rules are simple:
1. Each person can only say one word at a time.
2. Any item of punctuation can be added along with - or instead of - your one word.
3. Any suffix or set of letters which changes the form or meaning of the previous word can be added before - or instead of - your one word.
4. Grammar doesn't have to make sense.
5. You get bonus points if you play the game at least two hours after your normal bed time.
6. This game is so much better without Colin.

Here are a few samples which my sister and I have formulated in the past couple of hours which are definitely worth reading (listed in chronological order):
You have aten tacos, too, butterfly. Hey! Man, don't steal my bananas! I need you to have unscrupulous salutations among disbelievers whither beyond foreclosed apparitions thou shalt undeniably hasten forth unto the indescribable painting which whosoever evil exoskeleton of dawnosaurs forthwith linger whereupon thine eyebrow hast thee enchanted mine own owing of heretical poetry which devours each and todos de tu chimichangas esperando para stupid loafers in my knickers.
Considering how infinitesimally theoretical such cumbersome mathematical activitations are during periods whence marvelously materialized formations regarding practical obligatory conclusions THEREFORE are majorities, THEREFORE wherever said he to Beast has definitely led straight ourselves down into abhorrent spectrums, dissolving torturously upon unwitting fathoms which needless preparations disorientated preposterous monstrosity! Now get thee down here! Or what? Well, now! This hurts! I say! It works? Wow! Why, hey howdy doody dow! Down 'round yonder ain't y'all done a-wrangglin' them chickens up? People who speak like dogs will PAY!
Out with apes in my shorts! How do he do comes for here not without pain! That's my main man there licking his delicious leg brace... tasty! This don’t mean nuttin’ ‘bout who do you my love hate puppy doo, just more peanuts please! I try entirely unconsciously for the first idea-monster that rolls up my pajamas. Secrets unfold beneath this lightningy magical unicorn:
Upity muppety, downity frownity,
he skippidied flippity to Mippity mire.
Soonity woonity, camity lamity,
every Beverly lacked barnacles!
Thus saith the great happipity skip-flippity
and morally schlippery grippity friar.
Only because my goodness prevails henceforth overalls which the indisputable Moth-Man has sassed relentlessly, intentlessly, and silentlessly, do such quarrels therefore subside intermentlessly? Even then my beloved words descended effervescently into terminentlessly unrecognizable lobs. This drives me FURIOUS!! Moreover, asses do assault my nostrils! This happens from excessive food intake, followed unfailingly with pleasantly aromatic indulgences – how sweet you taste! Undiscovered flavor grows lovingly fumatious inside this attractive muffin of peutrificationally terminal diseases. Because of the well-known sumptuousness inherent in all slugs, many erroneously assume I sprinkle sugar over Earth in hopes of attainment of perfect compunction. Eats dem me yu! Be de bud fer biddy boddy bops! Giddy ninnies in silly grinnies do attract much willy nilly finnies!