Author Topic: BCS Haters Thread  (Read 9024 times)

Offline crustpope

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BCS Haters Thread
« on: October 27, 2009, 09:54:16 AM »
Just as it says, this is where people can come and "hate" on the BCS.  TO stoke your anger, I will give you the latest BCS poll and begin to thrash it in front of you.

Rank Team             Avg
1      Florida           .9726 
2      Alabama        .9450   
3      Texas            .8927   
4      Iowa             .8249   
5      USC              .7944   
6      TCU              .7890   
7      Boise State    .7752   
8      Cincinnati      .7735   
9      LSU              .7030   
10    Oregon          .6456   
11    Georgia Tech  .5895   
12    Penn State    .5851   

The biggest jump in this weeks poll was Iowa, USC adn TCU  who rose over ..

Boisie State and Cincinnat.  What did Boisie state nad UC do to deserve their calamitous fall?

Well Boisie state beat Hawaii 54-9 and UC beat Louisville 41-10

What did USC, Iowa and TCU do to rise above them?
USC beat an unranked oregon state 42-36, Iowa beat a tough Michigan State team by scoring at the last minute to win by only 3 points.  and TCU beat a#16 Brigham Young 38-7

Of each of those teams, I like TCU the best.  Iowa is a good team in the Big Ten, but that is like saying you are the Smartest kid in the Dumb class.  USC is so overranked and overrated right now ,that I am projecting a big but whuppin this weekend when they get destroyed by #10 Oregon this weekend.

Florida and Alabanma I see.  and I believe that they are the two best teams in football ATM.  but Cincinnati should be #3 in my opinion.  and both Boisie state and TCU have shown that they deserve to play with the big boys.  I am tired of the legacies of major conference teams like USC and Ohio State cluttering up the works for others. 

I think the BCS shoudl be sued for an Anti-Trust Violation and that we should end up with some sort of Playoff system.  Let them leave it on the field.  The Oklahoma Boise state game of two yaers ago should have shown everyone that those can be some great games and that two old has-beens slugging it out in mediocracy does nto , a good bowl game , make.
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The Schaef

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Re: BCS Haters Thread
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2009, 10:30:27 AM »
Until Oklahoma and Notre Dame are permanently banned from the BCS, its legitimacy is in question.

I know playoff advocates have an uphill battle against the almighty dollar, but I might almost buy into the BCS if it produced more engaging matchups.  Last year's title game was good, and the Fiesta came down to the very last drive, but no other game was closer than two TDs.  The year before that, the Orange Bowl was the only good game.  In 06 the Fiesta went into overtime.  In 05 the Rose and the Sugar weren't bad, but Oklahoma went to a game they had no business being in and USC ran them out of the stadium.  04 was the one genuinely good year for BCS games across the board.  In 03 of course was the big OSU win.  The four years prior to that had maybe 5 or 6 good games between all of them.

The directors will tell you the only real purpose is to create a championship matchup, which is all well and good, but most of those are stinkers to begin with, and the fact remains that they still hand-pick the other 3-4 bowls, and those matchups are their doing as well.  There's no way this is the best system we can achieve.

Offline crustpope

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Re: BCS Haters Thread
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2009, 10:37:54 AM »
Until Oklahoma and Notre Dame are permanently banned from the BCS, its legitimacy is in question.

I dissagree on Oklahoma.  They have fielded some pretty good teams.  But Notre Dame is a given.  As much as it pains me to say ( I am a Notre Dame Fan)  Notre Dame is choesen because its fan base is so huge and it will always be chosen for a bowl game if it is bowl eligible...even if it is CLEAR that they do not deserve it.

The BCS is a money making machine period and the Fans and students deserve something better
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Re: BCS Haters Thread
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2009, 11:59:35 AM »
The biggest jump in this weeks poll was Iowa, USC adn TCU  who rose over ..

Boisie State and Cincinnat.  What did Boisie state nad UC do to deserve their calamitous fall?

Well Boisie state beat Hawaii 54-9 and UC beat Louisville 41-10

What did USC, Iowa and TCU do to rise above them?
USC beat an unranked oregon state 42-36, Iowa beat a tough Michigan State team by scoring at the last minute to win by only 3 points.  and TCU beat a#16 Brigham Young 38-7

:rollin:  The answers to your questions may very well be contained in the phone logs of the major conferences heads.  Last week, Boise St. was sitting in the catbird seat.  The loser of Florida/Alabama would fall.  Texas would lose in all probability based on past history of how Big 12 leadres fare in the Big 12 championship.  It was very likely that Boise St would make it to the BCS championship if they won out against the cream puffs left on their schedule.  I think the major conference heads called up all the coaches and sportswriters to lobby for votes!  Or in this case, lobby them to not give votes to Boise St and Cincinnati.   ;)
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Offline crustpope

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Re: BCS Haters Thread
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2009, 12:38:44 PM »
probably.  I think it is ridiculous that Boisie state and Cincinnati both do work on their opponents and DROP two spots in the BCS ranking while the other two barely handle their unranked opponents and they rise two spots each.  TCU is the only one that deserved to rise in my opinion.  That was a pretty healthy thrashing of a ranked opponent.
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The Schaef

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Re: BCS Haters Thread
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2009, 01:36:53 PM »
I dissagree on Oklahoma.  They have fielded some pretty good teams.

Some pretty good teams that haven't won any BCS game since 2003, and one year went to a title game when they did not even PLAY IN their own conference championship!  I am unimpressed.

Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: BCS Haters Thread
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2009, 02:29:23 PM »
The answers to your questions may very well be contained in the phone logs of the major conferences heads.  Last week, Boise St. was sitting in the catbird seat.  The loser of Florida/Alabama would fall.  Texas would lose in all probability based on past history of how Big 12 leadres fare in the Big 12 championship.  It was very likely that Boise St would make it to the BCS championship if they won out against the cream puffs left on their schedule.  I think the major conference heads called up all the coaches and sportswriters to lobby for votes!  Or in this case, lobby them to not give votes to Boise St and Cincinnati.

While Boise State lost votes in both polls used by the BCS (16 in the Harris poll, 1 in the USA Today Poll), I think there was a gain for them since their Harris poll % went up .0014 and their USA Today poll % only dropped .0007.

Cincinnati received more votes in both polls and went up .0248 and .0149, respectively.

The computers didn't like them - Boise lost .1 and Cincinnati lost .08.

Iowa dropped in both polls, but went up in the computers.  USC dropped in one poll and gained in one, which resulted in a overall drop in their poll portion.  Both offset the drop with gains in the computers.

I don't like the BCS, but this shift isn't on the human voters.

Offline crustpope

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Re: BCS Haters Thread
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2009, 02:41:35 PM »
Yeah, well that is a whole other mess.  Having computers rank human desire, motivation and drive is a brilliant idea.  Because there is NOOO way David could beat Goliath....
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The Schaef

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Re: BCS Haters Thread
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2009, 03:35:23 PM »
On the other hand, there is a reason that David's victory is historic.

But there is also a reason the AP decided they didn't want the BCS to include them in their mess any more.

Offline MitchRobStew

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Re: BCS Haters Thread
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2009, 04:20:49 PM »
I'm guess one of the non-BCS conferences teams will get the boot again this year to an undeserved BCS conference team again. A conference that only had one bowl win last year (Big 10, Iowa) will hopefully not get 2 BCS bids again, as that was just wrong last year.

The Schaef

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Re: BCS Haters Thread
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2009, 05:26:45 PM »
Ohio State travels well and has a decent BCS record (two bad losses to SEC teams, yes, but four wins including a title, and a last-minute loss to a team that could just as easily have been in the big game in place of Oklahoma).  If they are not the conference champions this year, expect them to go back to the Fiesta anyway.  I mean, what else do you do if you have a 10-2 conference champion with a close loss to USC and an 11-1 runner-up?

Last year may have been a rip-off for non-BCS teams, but Penn State was contractually included, despite the clear indication of which team belonged in that series.

Offline STAMP

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Re: BCS Haters Thread
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2009, 07:53:20 PM »
I don't like the BCS, but this shift isn't on the human voters.

It isn't?  Computers, after all, are programmed by humans.
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Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: BCS Haters Thread
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2009, 09:25:00 PM »
Name the decent teams Boise State has played. Now compare it to the USC or Iowa schedule.

Offline MitchRobStew

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Re: BCS Haters Thread
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2009, 01:27:33 AM »
Name the decent teams Boise State has played. Now compare it to the USC or Iowa schedule.
Iowa hasn't done anything either.  I cannot wait till they lose to Ohio State.  The do not deserve to be in consideration for a BCS Bid.  Almost losing to a 2 win Arkansas St. team at home, squeaking by so-so big 10 competition,  almost losing to UNI at home(with our weakest team in 3 years).  Boise State beat Oregon.  Oregon is better than any team Iowa has played this season outside of an long shot at Penn St being better.  In fact I guarantee Oregon would flat out dominate Iowa.  USC coughed one up to Washington (missing QB so pass is justified).  Oregon/USC is gonna be huge this weekend, big implication.  Iowa is going to drop like a rock once they lose, and its bound to happen at The Shoe. 

Offline crustpope

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Re: BCS Haters Thread
« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2009, 09:35:26 AM »
Name the decent teams Boise State has played. Now compare it to the USC or Iowa schedule.

Yes but you are penalizing them for being forced to play in a weak conference.  This is the main reason that a Playoff system is desparately needed.  IFi Boisie State was unleashed on many of the major teams, I guarrantee they would hold their own.

Iowa hasn't done anything either. 
  Neither Has Ohio State..unless you count thrashing Youngstown State.  If Ohio State is the best team in the Big Ten then the Big Ten desserves to be demoted to a mid-Major conference.  UC could THRASH Cincinnati at the moment and most OSU fans who have seen UC play will freely admit that they are glad UC doenst play them this year.

And before any of you start your "OSU is the GRATEST TEAM EVAR" diatribe,  I have one word for you... Purdue.

ANd remember who beat Purdue!  Notre Dame.  So one might conclude that Ohio State is WORSE than a very WEAK ND Team.  Just gonna trhow that out there  ;)
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Re: BCS Haters Thread
« Reply #15 on: October 28, 2009, 10:26:38 AM »
"OSU is the GREATEST TEAM EVER" (So long as it's not a bowl game)

Fix'd and qft

The Schaef

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Re: BCS Haters Thread
« Reply #16 on: October 28, 2009, 10:53:11 AM »
Neither Has Ohio State..unless you count thrashing Youngstown State.

Within the last twelve months they have played both Texas and USC to within three points.  You claim that Boise State can hold their own against major teams.  Ohio State HAS.

And before any of you start your "OSU is the GRATEST TEAM EVAR" diatribe,  I have one word for you... Purdue.

And see, this is why it is impossible to have a reasonable discussion about Ohio State simply being a good team who deserves to be playing in January.  There's no middle ground with some people.  Nor does there seem to be any great rush to pile on USC who lost to a team with the exact same record as Purdue.  If we're going to make the "who beats who" argument, then how are two teams - each with one loss to a sub-500 team and who played a head-to-head game three points apart - twelve spots apart in the polls?  I can't see one reason I should hesitate to say that much about Ohio State without all this "greatest team evar" nonsense being heaped onto my take.

Offline crustpope

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Re: BCS Haters Thread
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2009, 11:20:51 AM »
Neither Has Ohio State..unless you count thrashing Youngstown State.

Within the last twelve months they have played both Texas and USC to within three points.  You claim that Boise State can hold their own against major teams.  Ohio State HAS.

And before any of you start your "OSU is the GRATEST TEAM EVAR" diatribe,  I have one word for you... Purdue.

And see, this is why it is impossible to have a reasonable discussion about Ohio State simply being a good team who deserves to be playing in January.  There's no middle ground with some people.  Nor does there seem to be any great rush to pile on USC who lost to a team with the exact same record as Purdue. 

Hey, I have been piling it on USC as well, its just that USC hasnt been specifically adressed by anyone yet.  I think BOTH USC and OSU were and probably are still overrated.  I give OSU a 50/50 shot of getting through the rest of the season with just the one loss to purdue with penn State, Iowa and a good Michigan squad still to come.  In fact they could easily lose all three of those games.

ANd for the recod, USC will not have it any easier with ORegon, UCLA and Arizona still to play.  They could JUST as easily lose those three games, or more and reveal themselves to be the posers they really are.

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Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: BCS Haters Thread
« Reply #18 on: October 28, 2009, 01:16:49 PM »
It's not penalizing them for playing a weak conference, it's penalizing them for not getting better out of conference games. They have played only 1 ranked team, Oregon, but other than that, their out of conference schedule included winless Miami (OH), Bowling Green, and barely surviving the "powerhouse" that is Tulsa.

Iowa has played a solid 5-2 Arizona team and 5-3 Iowa State team that has beaten other good teams (i.e. Nebraska).

USC played Ohio State and Notre Dame.

How is Boise State's schedule comparable at all? It's not. The team everyone should be hoping wins out is TCU. They play in a strong conference and played a good out of conference schedule. They'll bring down the BCS, not some lame team from Idaho that hasn't played anyone except Oregon.

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Re: BCS Haters Thread
« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2009, 01:33:37 PM »
Alex, I am fine with TCU winning out, My argument is that teams like Boisie State and TCU should get to prove their mettle in a playoff formatt.  Only then will a true national title team emerge.

Personallly I feel that if Cincinnati wins out, they should be able to play in the title game.
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The Schaef

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Re: BCS Haters Thread
« Reply #20 on: October 28, 2009, 01:35:27 PM »
Boy, and you call ME a homer...

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Re: BCS Haters Thread
« Reply #21 on: October 28, 2009, 01:44:08 PM »
I mean...really...where is Tennessee?

Eric "best defense in college football hands down, now if only Jonathan Crompton was better" Largent
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Re: BCS Haters Thread
« Reply #22 on: October 28, 2009, 01:54:35 PM »
Boy, and you call ME a homer...

Fisrt of all Schaef, I didnt call you anything.  My response was to mitchrobstew not you.  YOU took it upon yourself to defend OSU thinking I was singling you out when I wass simply stating that OSU is a weak school in a weak conference that is being proped up by a long legacy of good teams.

and for the record, I have further stated that MY team is Notre Dame.  not Cincinnati.  My comments regarding UC have been because I have seen them play and I think they are the best team in Ohio at the moment. 

Personally I think the National Championship will be decided when Florida and Alabama meet but that is because I think those teams are jsut head and shoulders above the rest of College football ATM.

I mean...really...where is Tennessee?

Eric "best defense in college football hands down, now if only Jonathan Crompton was better" Largent

ANd Eric.  Tennesee?  Really? ;)
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Re: BCS Haters Thread
« Reply #23 on: October 28, 2009, 02:02:36 PM »
   You must know.  When you attack one's attack them (no matter who you actually named in your post).  I believe that is where Schaef is coming attacked his team, therefore he must defend its honor.
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Offline crustpope

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Re: BCS Haters Thread
« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2009, 02:09:17 PM »
Im just tired of people trumpeting about their own school while turning a blind eye to the glaring defects in a squad.  Much the way you hate UK players who harp about Kentucky's team no matter what.

My College Football team is ND and no one has heard me harp on about how ND is going to pummel so-and-so and ND is the best ever and what not.  I like the team but I am not ignorant to the fact that they are still a year away from being a contender.

And for the 87th time, I am an equal opportunity offender so that should cool the jets off of any one who thinks I am picking on OSU.  I have done my best to expose a HORRIBLY overrated USC team (who I believe should not even be in the top 20)  as well as denigrated Iowa to the "Smartest Kid in the Dumb Class" status with their seeming dominance of the Big Ten...(which is probably the weakest major NCAA Football conference at the moment)

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