Author Topic: ATTN: Former MTG Players  (Read 3829 times)

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ATTN: Former MTG Players
« on: July 12, 2010, 02:37:44 PM »
Building A Bridge: MTG’s Library of Alexandria

Did you know Magic The Gathering has at least two cards that you as a believer can use as a bridge to witness to MTG players.  They are: Library of Alexandria from their Arabian Nights expansion and Nebuchadnezzar from the Chronicles expansion.  You can share with them the Truth about both.

Library of Alexandria

Back in about 333-331 B.C. Alexander the Great founded the city of Alexandria in Egypt and died in 323 B.C.  At that point you can show them the Winged Leopard beast of the Rock of The Ages Expansion which represents his empire.  The 4 winged, 4 headed beast represents the speed in which he conquered the know world and the 4 parts in which his empire was divided after his death. 

One of Alexander’s Generals, Ptolemy I Soter took control of this great city which is located along the Mediterranean Sea Northwest of the city of Memphis situated on the Nile River.  It became a center for education and contained a massive library, aka MTG’s Library of Alexandria, which had over 700,000 volumes of books. Then you can say this spiritual principle,

Christianity is not based on information knowledge.  You can gather all the information on the Earth and still not know who God is.  Christianity is based on revelation knowledge, knowledge that is revealed. You can see this by John 7:14-17 when Jesus was teaching in the temple.  You ability to learn does not replace your need for Faith and Faith is required of you no matter what you have learned.

Ptolemy I was highly intelligent and is described in the Book of Daniel ch. 11 as the King of the South.  He was able to start a dynasty that would last for over 200 years.  Ptolemy II Philadelphus’s reign was marked by massive building projects such as  the light house of Pharos and the Library of Alexandria and commissioned 72 translators to translate the Hebrew Bible into the first Greek translation, the Septuagint. 

The Library of Alexandria was destroyed by the Saracens in about 642 A.D. who were led by Antiocus II Theos who successfully defeated Ptolemy II.

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Re: ATTN: Former MTG Players
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2010, 02:46:47 PM »
isn't there a rule that restricts people from talking about MTG on a christian forum?

I don't think anyone is going to fault a person for trying to build a bridge between MTG and Redemption, or more importantly using it as a tool to reach people where they are for Christ.

Keep up the good work, delarosajon.
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?

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Re: ATTN: Former MTG Players
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2010, 02:50:48 PM »
I don't know, but this is about witnessing and expanding the Kingdom of God.  I'm not trying to talk about MTG, but as a former MTG player and born-again disciple of Christ the Anointed One, I am looking for ways to reconnect with old friends who still play and are involved in the occult, inspired witch-craft & sorcery via MTG.  Using a common ground we both have, magic the gathering.  I don't support mtg, but I will use it as a vehicle to bring someone into the Kingdom if they're open to hearing the Gospel.  Otherwise they'll reject it, but all I'm responsible for is sowing seed which is as easy as a quick 1-2 minute one on one conversation.

Just like Redemption, there's Lost Souls over there too who need Heros to cross the battle field to bring them into the family of God.  God needs Ambassadors of His Kingdom everywhere.  Its His will that all come to repentance.

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Re: ATTN: Former MTG Players
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2010, 02:51:06 PM »
Building A Bridge: MTG’s Library of Alexandria

Did you know Magic The Gathering has at least two cards that you as a believer can use as a bridge to witness to MTG players.  They are: Library of Alexandria from their Arabian Nights expansion and Nebuchadnezzar from the Chronicles expansion.  You can share with them the Truth about both.

So, has this worked for you at all? It seems like a good idea in theory, but I wonder how many MTG players care about the sources of their cards? Obviously Redemption players generally care a lot about the source of Redemption cards, since it's more meaningful to us than a source of cards, but I don't know enough about the average MTG player to know if this would work.
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Re: ATTN: Former MTG Players
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2010, 02:54:15 PM »
ok i slipped up
i thought he was talking about MTG so i decided to not see what it really said
i apologize
it's just i really don't like games like MTG
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Re: ATTN: Former MTG Players
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2010, 02:58:46 PM »
ok i slipped up
i thought he was talking about MTG so i decided to not see what it really said
i apologize
it's just i really don't like games like MTG
:) lets delete the useless posts
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Re: ATTN: Former MTG Players
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2010, 03:00:14 PM »
As a former MTG player I would say I would have been very interested in the source of the cards for the game.  Me and my friends used to sit around for hours trying to piece together why they made certain cards, why did they have their abilities, and we actually tried to piece together the event's of the brother's war before those awful books came out.  I may be a statistical outlier (God knows I am usually out there ;)), but this might have helped become interested in Christianity *years* before I actually got saved.  When I think about what happened over those years I wish one of my christian friends had tried this approach.  I heard the usual "magic is evil and your going to hell for playing" mantra and it turned me away from christ.  So I pray that God blesses you delarosajon, you may do more good than you will know on this earth.

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Re: ATTN: Former MTG Players
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2010, 03:00:45 PM »
...are involved in the occult, inspired witch-craft & sorcery via MTG.


as an aside, library of alexandria is so broken. as far as nebby, im not entirely convinced they are referring to the one in the bible. the picture has some sorceror looking guy.

i forget what the name of the card is, but there was an old card that had a verse from mark i believe about the herd of swine.
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Re: ATTN: Former MTG Players
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2010, 03:08:23 PM »
good gracious warrior!
there's actually something we agree on!  :o
Spam tastes yucky on ministry threads  :o
plus there can only be one main argument on a thread
and it looks like Kchief just lit the fuse on a flame war
« Last Edit: July 12, 2010, 03:12:00 PM by The Warrior »
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Re: ATTN: Former MTG Players
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2010, 03:10:47 PM »
you could get your MTG friends into redemption.
could spark something in their hearts
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Re: ATTN: Former MTG Players
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2010, 03:16:03 PM »
aha, found it:

"If it weren't for people with bad decision making skills, I'd have to get a real job." - Reynad

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Re: ATTN: Former MTG Players
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2010, 03:31:40 PM »
aha, found it:

Praise God! Awesome, another tool to the tool belt, thank you my broutha!

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Re: ATTN: Former MTG Players
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2010, 03:32:32 PM »
that's the MTG version of Legion XD
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Re: ATTN: Former MTG Players
« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2010, 03:33:38 PM »
that's the MTG version of Legion XD
pretty "Boar"ing XD
Wanderer of the Web.

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Re: ATTN: Former MTG Players
« Reply #14 on: July 12, 2010, 03:53:45 PM »
Building A Bridge: MTG’s Library of Alexandria

Did you know Magic The Gathering has at least two cards that you as a believer can use as a bridge to witness to MTG players.  They are: Library of Alexandria from their Arabian Nights expansion and Nebuchadnezzar from the Chronicles expansion.  You can share with them the Truth about both.

So, has this worked for you at all? It seems like a good idea in theory, but I wonder how many MTG players care about the sources of their cards? Obviously Redemption players generally care a lot about the source of Redemption cards, since it's more meaningful to us than a source of cards, but I don't know enough about the average MTG player to know if this would work.

Not yet, I only used it twice over the weekend with people I don't really know and since then I've looked into it more and have learned more and have more to say. It doesn't matter whether it seems like it would work "in theory", what matters is that you are sowing seed, that you have something to say. The only person you can be assured of salvation is your own. We're seed sowers, faith growers. We sow the seed (words) and God waters them. It can take years, 10-20 years years till they get saved, but I did my part about saying something. All spiritual things take you somewhere, either to salvation or damnation. Hebrews 4:12 describes the Word of God as a double-edge sword, the Word separates. It separates your soul & spirit, it bypasses your logic & reasoning and goes straight to your spirit. That's why sometimes you can discern the Truth in something without it making sense in your head. You'll hear God's Truth and it bears witness with your spirit, that's when you get convicted. Or other people will just get offended by rejecting it through thier soul.

Faith doesn't come out of reason. Romans 10:17 says that Faith comes by hearing. When God speaks He's not trying to make sense in your head. When God speaks He makes Faith in your spirit. You can try to make sense or let it make Faith, but you can't do both. When non-believers are trying to figure God out, they're bringing Hom down to their level, it's control & manipulation, it's lack of faith.

Anyways, I just wanted to share something that could possibily help someone witness to a MTG player, but if you don't think you can right now, then don't use this, but make sure you're saying something and I trust that you are. 

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Re: ATTN: Former MTG Players
« Reply #15 on: July 12, 2010, 03:58:59 PM »
that's the MTG version of Legion XD
pretty "Boar"ing XD
nice one!
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Re: ATTN: Former MTG Players
« Reply #16 on: July 12, 2010, 03:59:45 PM »
ok i slipped up
i thought he was talking about MTG so i decided to not see what it really said
i apologize
it's just i really don't like games like MTG

Amen, well said- God gives grace to the humble and you did that, God can help you. You took the part of the bigger man and admitted you were wrong, it takes real strength to do that and anybody will admire you for that. Be blessed my brothua.

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Re: ATTN: Former MTG Players
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2010, 06:29:31 AM »
Building A Bridge: MTG’s Library of Alexandria

Did you know Magic The Gathering has at least two cards that you as a believer can use as a bridge to witness to MTG players.  They are: Library of Alexandria from their Arabian Nights expansion and Nebuchadnezzar from the Chronicles expansion.  You can share with them the Truth about both.

Library of Alexandria

Back in about 333-331 B.C. Alexander the Great founded the city of Alexandria in Egypt and died in 323 B.C.  At that point you can show them the Winged Leopard beast of the Rock of The Ages Expansion which represents his empire.  The 4 winged, 4 headed beast represents the speed in which he conquered the know world and the 4 parts in which his empire was divided after his death. 

One of Alexander’s Generals, Ptolemy I Soter took control of this great city which is located along the Mediterranean Sea Northwest of the city of Memphis situated on the Nile River.  It became a center for education and contained a massive library, aka MTG’s Library of Alexandria, which had over 700,000 volumes of books. Then you can say this spiritual principle,

Christianity is not based on information knowledge.  You can gather all the information on the Earth and still not know who God is.  Christianity is based on revelation knowledge, knowledge that is revealed. You can see this by John 7:14-17 when Jesus was teaching in the temple.  You ability to learn does not replace your need for Faith and Faith is required of you no matter what you have learned.

Ptolemy I was highly intelligent and is described in the Book of Daniel ch. 11 as the King of the South.  He was able to start a dynasty that would last for over 200 years.  Ptolemy II Philadelphus’s reign was marked by massive building projects such as  the light house of Pharos and the Library of Alexandria and commissioned 72 translators to translate the Hebrew Bible into the first Greek translation, the Septuagint. 

The Library of Alexandria was destroyed by the Saracens in about 642 A.D. who were led by Antiocus II Theos who successfully defeated Ptolemy II.

This article is so going in the July issue of The Redeemer webzine.
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