Author Topic: ARG?  (Read 4156 times)

Offline katedid

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« on: April 26, 2011, 12:19:49 AM »
Since College is wrapping up in the next month or so for most of us college folk, what creative ways do you use to deal with the stress?


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Re: ARG?
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2011, 12:20:53 AM »
I neglect studying for finals and play starcraft. It doesn't really work, beings I get more stressed when I lose a game.


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Re: ARG?
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2011, 12:24:08 AM »
I'm neglecting a research paper by playing Dragon Age Legends on Facebook, being on the boards a LOT, and playing Fire Emblem. I figure the longer I wait, the less time it'll take to do it. I've also been sorting all my redemption cards.

Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: ARG?
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2011, 02:06:20 AM »
Since College is wrapping up in the next month or so for most of us college folk, what creative ways do you use to deal with the stress?

I'm neglecting studying for finals by researching the newest sport, Kronum.

Offline SomeKittens

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Re: ARG?
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2011, 06:10:06 PM »
I've outsourced all my homework.
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Offline katedid

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Re: ARG?
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2011, 07:10:47 PM »
I've outsourced all my homework.
Ahahaha!!! you wish you could...
I myself have resorted to prayers, and eating carmel butterscotch sauce from the science center lounge fridge.


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Re: ARG?
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2011, 12:10:02 AM »
I'm only taking 12 credits, but I still feel a bit of stress, mostly because we got behind in my Electronic Music Composition class and my teacher bumped the due date for the last project back, giving me less time to work on this project.

Sacred Stones. I found my Gameboy Advance that I've been missing for 3ish years, and it's the only one I own for it. I still haven't beat either path on hard mode yet though, and I never finished either normal mode before I lost it (although I was on the final chapter for Eirika, so I beat it quick, but started over for Ephraim). I'm planning on going back to Radiant Dawn (on hard mode right now...intense will be so brutal) once it gets to summer and I have time.

Offline Master Q

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Re: ARG?
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2011, 12:41:31 AM »
Sacred Stones. I found my Gameboy Advance that I've been missing for 3ish years, and it's the only one I own for it. I still haven't beat either path on hard mode yet though, and I never finished either normal mode before I lost it (although I was on the final chapter for Eirika, so I beat it quick, but started over for Ephraim). I'm planning on going back to Radiant Dawn (on hard mode right now...intense will be so brutal) once it gets to summer and I have time.

Sweet! SS is my favorite! It's crazy addicting; just one of my files has over 188 hrs and 17 completions of Lagdou Ruins by itself, and I have 295 hrs combined play time for my 2 copies of SS, though that doesn't include deleted files... You can tell what my favorite GBA game was :P

Is Radiant Dawn the GC or the Wii one?
If you were to go on a trip... where would you like to go?

Offline JSB23

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Re: ARG?
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2011, 12:52:51 AM »
The Gamecube one was Path of Radiance
An unanswered question is infinitely better than an unquestioned answer.


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Re: ARG?
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2011, 12:53:44 AM »
Radiant Dawn for is the Wii. I think I prefer it for a couple of reasons:
1. No arena, tower, or ruin abuse.
2. Skills are swappable. Not realistic, but makes each character have the ability to be different, and gives loads of options.
3. Laguz bring an interesting strategy (although the lords are OP to the max), but I'm not sure I like it altogether.
4. Three tiers for characters.

Offline Master Q

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Re: ARG?
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2011, 01:08:10 AM »
Radiant Dawn for is the Wii. I think I prefer it for a couple of reasons:
1. No arena, tower, or ruin abuse.
2. Skills are swappable. Not realistic, but makes each character have the ability to be different, and gives loads of options.
3. Laguz bring an interesting strategy (although the lords are OP to the max), but I'm not sure I like it altogether.
4. Three tiers for characters.

Lqtm those reasons are precisely why I didn't get into the console ones as much. I played RD for the first time on hard mode and got to the final? boss (Ashera?) and couldn't win, and couldn't go back without starting the whole thing over, so I gave up. :P The GC one was fun.

I really like the characters and the option of forging weapons, but for me the console games don't have the addicting replay value of both the GBA ones...
If you were to go on a trip... where would you like to go?


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Re: ARG?
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2011, 01:17:25 AM »
Seriously? Arena abuse FTL. Your units level up waay too quickly.

I agree with you on the replay value. I played SS solid from MN to Kansas and back, and after I found it again, from MN to CO and back (though not quite the whole time). I've played RD every now and then, but for the most part I get bored of the characters and levels. (Which is funny, since there are more characters and levels).
I also like how SS splits paths.
Forging is pretty awesome, but I really couldn't get enough gold to use it as much as I wanted to on normal.
I haven't played PoR yet, but I plan on getting it eventually (who knows when that'll be).
Ashera was the final boss. She's super annoying...

Other things I liked:
You don't need crests to go up a tier for the consoles.
NO SETH. I'm doing Seth Skip on all of my games now. I'm also not arena/tower/ruin abusing for my hard mode. I did a bit of arena with Garcia (mostly because I wanted gold and didn't care if he died).

Offline Master Q

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Re: ARG?
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2011, 01:45:23 AM »
Seth is only good for soaking up attacks on the early levels (w/o weapons): he's not really a character, he's a shield ;). He levels up so poorly for me anyways, there's almost no point in using him :(.

The no crests thing ruled. I didn't like the absence of the traditional magic triangle though...

I loved the dungeons for leveling up late in the game (leveling Ewan and Ross would be super tough w/o it); didn't get into the arena thing too much (except for the 1st Fire Emblem ::)).

The first Fire Emblem for GBA was cool because there were exclusive characters depending on what you did in the game (turns used, the way you leveled your units, etc.); alas, no Creature Campaign...

If you were to go on a trip... where would you like to go?

Offline katedid

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Re: ARG?
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2011, 01:58:16 AM »
Aaaandddd.....this thread is no longer about college stress.
Carry on


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Re: ARG?
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2011, 09:22:55 AM »
Seth is only good for soaking up attacks on the early levels (w/o weapons): he's not really a character, he's a shield ;). He levels up so poorly for me anyways, there's almost no point in using him :(.

The no crests thing ruled. I didn't like the absence of the traditional magic triangle though...

I loved the dungeons for leveling up late in the game (leveling Ewan and Ross would be super tough w/o it); didn't get into the arena thing too much (except for the 1st Fire Emblem ::)).

The first Fire Emblem for GBA was cool because there were exclusive characters depending on what you did in the game (turns used, the way you leveled your units, etc.); alas, no Creature Campaign...
Seth can win the game being the only combat unit used. That's OP. He is really nice for the earlier levels though...

I'm pretty sure RD had the magic triangle...but it's been so long, maybe I'm mistaken. It also had wind/thunder/fire for anima, and I'm pretty sure that had a triangle too.

I've never had a problem leveling Ross. He was the first one I used a crest on in normal mode (and yes, he was at level 20). Bandits of Borgo gives you tons of options for easy exp using the hatchet on the guys on the other side of the wall. After that, he should be level 7 (I think). Three kills on the next chapter will make him normal, and at level 1 he's almost as good as a level 6 Garcia. He's by far one of my favorite characters.

Ewan though, yeah, he came WAY too late in the game to level him up without the tower. He's a decent unit if you can manage to get him up to the rest of the people, but not worth it without tower abuse.

And Amelia is garbage anyway, so I'm not going into that.

From what I've played of Blazing Sword, it's a great game. Storyline is awesome, characters are good, and the game is definitely harder than SS.

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Re: ARG?
« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2011, 11:46:30 AM »
And Amelia is garbage anyway, so I'm not going into that.
You don't like her? I find her quite useful with her higher speed than Gilliam.
Not quite a ghost...but not quite not.

Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: ARG?
« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2011, 01:19:18 PM »
And Amelia is garbage anyway, so I'm not going into that.
You don't like her? I find her quite useful with her higher speed than Gilliam.

Her requirement of arena abuse makes it irrelevant. She forces you to play an inefficient game.


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Re: ARG?
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2011, 01:32:39 PM »
And Amelia is garbage anyway, so I'm not going into that.
You don't like her? I find her quite useful with her higher speed than Gilliam.

Her requirement of arena abuse makes it irrelevant. She forces you to play an inefficient game.
Agreed. She's absolutely awful to try to train. Plus, I'm not a fan of generals anyway, since they move too slowly. I get bored of waiting for them to catch up. My crests are better spent on Joshua, Ross, and Gerik.
I thought the whole fire/wind/thunder triangle was unnessecary. I didn't think you could have shamans or anything like that, which I missed :(.

Ross is fine as long as he doesn't get hit w/ anything early on. Later though, he's pretty much the best combatant in the game. And super Ewan is beast ;D

I've never really used Paladins much; once you hit Gerrick (or get Gilliam high enough), Seth takes a back seat very quickly for me.

I've never heard it called 'Blazing Sword' before but I guess that makes sense...
Prince Pelleas is a shaman, and you can get him on your second time. First time you have to kill him. I never finished the epilogue, so I killed him the second time too, haha. Shamans are meh. I've always liked Anima the best, but light is starting to grow on me.

Bandits of Borgo gives Ross all the exp he needs to not have to worry about getting hit. I've never had a problem keeping him alive. He's basically a pure beast once he gets to second tier.

I haven't trained a super trainee yet. I'll have to try it sometime.

Paladins' speed advantage over Great Knights make them so much more worth while. I usually make Franz and Forde a Paladin. Kyle is usually a Great Knight though. I do like Duessel, mostly because he's a beast.

Blazing Sword is what Serenes Forest calls it, so I called it that, haha.


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