Is Legend of the Five Rings any good? I've heard a few things about, but have never played it.
The only other CCG/TCG I've played seriously besides Redemption is the SW TCG (there are two different ones, and the one I played is the one often referred to around here as "the crappy one".
). It's ok, but not nearly as solid Redemption.
Legend of the Five Rings is awesome. It's based around Japanese culture/mythology/folklore. Legend of the Five Rings ranks as one of my all-time favorite CCG's.
There are basically four conditions for victory. You play with two separate decks, the black one or "Dynasty" deck, and the green one or "Fate" deck. You separate your Dynasty and Fate decks with four face-down cards from your Dynasty deck. These represent your four provinces. Battles in this game are to destroy provinces, and when one is destroyed you get one less card you can bring into play from your Dynastry deck (which makes up your characters, gold production facilities, events, regions, etc).
So basically, the four conditions for victory are Military Victory (destroy all of your opponent's or opponents' provinces), Honor Victory (begin your turn with 40 honor or more), Dishonor Victory (force your opponent or opponents to -19 honor), or Enlightenment Victory (play all five Rings -- each ring has special and challenging conditions to play them, and playing each one represents a mastery of that particular element).