Author Topic: All About Baseball!  (Read 28470 times)

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Re: All About Baseball!
« Reply #125 on: August 25, 2009, 01:59:59 PM »
Anyone else see the Giants Rockies game? That was sick.

Tied 1-1 going into the 14th.

Giants get a couple triples and a couple walks to score 3 runs.
Rockies come back with a grand slam!

Yes, I saw it.  I'm so sad.....

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Re: All About Baseball!
« Reply #126 on: August 25, 2009, 05:22:26 PM »
... before Ozzie Smith, Honus Wagner, Arod, etc?

Yes. Ozzie Smith was an awesome fielder who made spectacular plays. I remember his best years.

Honus Wagner I do not remember. I only know his baseball card is the most valuable one out there.

A-Rod. No, just no.

There are plenty of great shortstops to choose from (like Cal Ripken), but if I had to vote for which player I wish was the shortstop on my team (especially now - list the names of all the great Red Sox shortstops over the last 15 years whose name doesn't spell Ramon backwards), I would choose Derek Jeter over any of them. He has always been outstanding when his team really needed him to be.
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Re: All About Baseball!
« Reply #127 on: August 25, 2009, 06:13:24 PM »
Ugh. Did you guys hear the bad news? Jake Peavy is being called up to make a start against the Yankees

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Re: All About Baseball!
« Reply #128 on: August 25, 2009, 07:22:13 PM »
When it comes to shortstops Honus Wagner would be my choice for my all-time team.  Ernie Banks would be my backup.  Jeter would make my Top 10, though.
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Re: All About Baseball!
« Reply #129 on: August 25, 2009, 07:38:44 PM »
Hmm. Lets just post our all time teams!

*Note* I'm just doing this off the top of my head, so these probably aren't too accurate/well picked.... :p
SP 1: Walter Johnson
SP 2: Roger Clemens
SP 3: Cy Young?
SP 4: Randy Johnson
SP 5: Sandy Koufax? Not really sure about number 5.

Catcher: Johnny Bench
Backup: Mike Piazza

First Base: Lou Gherig
Back Up First Base: Jimmie Fox

Second Base: Joe Morgan
Backup: Hornsby

Third Base: Schmidt
Backup: Matthews

Shortstop: Honus Wagner
Backup: A-Rod

Left Field: Ted Williams
Back Up: Stan Musial (I think he was left field)

Center Field: Willie Mays
Back Up: Uggh. I don't know if I want Tris Speaker or Cobb... I'll go with Cobb

Right Field: Babe Ruth
Back Up: Hank Aaron

Releif Pitchers

Offline ejberkenpas22

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Re: All About Baseball!
« Reply #130 on: August 25, 2009, 11:15:04 PM »
Ugh. Did you guys hear the bad news? Jake Peavy is being called up to make a start against the Yankees

Why is this bad. Oh and GO BUCCOS! Walk off homer to beat the dang Phillies!
Eric J. Berkenpas


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Re: All About Baseball!
« Reply #131 on: August 25, 2009, 11:17:39 PM »
Why is this bad.
Could be because I'm a Twins fan and therefore I want the White Sox to fail. Could be because I like Peavy and having an above average pitcher make his first start back in the majors against one of the best offensive teams is a recipe for disaster, especially when he is moving from one of the most pitcher friendly parks to one of the most hitter friendly.

Offline STAMP

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Re: All About Baseball!
« Reply #132 on: August 25, 2009, 11:23:42 PM »
SP 1: Walter Johnson
SP 2: Sandy Koufax
SP 3: Bob Gibson
SP 4: Christy Matthewson
SP 5: Nolan Ryan

Catcher: Johnny Bench
Backup: Mickey Cochrane

First Base: Lou Gehrig
Back Up First Base: Jimmie Foxx

Second Base: Roger Hornsby
Backup: Nap LaJoie

Third Base: Mike Schmidt
Backup: George Brett

Shortstop: Honus Wagner
Backup: Ernie Banks

Left Field: Ted Williams
Back Up: Stan Musial

Center Field: Willie Mays
Back Up: Mickey Mantle

Right Field: Babe Ruth
Back Up: Hank Aaron

Releif Pitchers (yeah, I agree with yours although Bruce Sutter was untouchable for a few years)
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Re: All About Baseball!
« Reply #133 on: August 25, 2009, 11:36:41 PM »
Awesome! Sweet clutch hitting by Young in the ninth to push us past the Oriels! Twins now have a 5 game winning streak!

The Twins love to come back and taking the division when it is near impossible. We tied the White Sox, so now the Tigers should be getting scared...

Offline ejberkenpas22

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Re: All About Baseball!
« Reply #134 on: August 25, 2009, 11:41:02 PM »
Why is this bad.
Could be because I'm a Twins fan and therefore I want the White Sox to fail. Could be because I like Peavy and having an above average pitcher make his first start back in the majors against one of the best offensive teams is a recipe for disaster, especially when he is moving from one of the most pitcher friendly parks to one of the most hitter friendly.

Oh...well I sure am happy and hope he pitches GREAT the rest of the season because I've been holding him on my fantasy team for awhile now! I could use another good pitcher going into the playoffs!
Eric J. Berkenpas


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Re: All About Baseball!
« Reply #135 on: August 25, 2009, 11:44:09 PM »
Don't hold your breath of Peavy. The home park of a pitcher affects their stats greatly, and Peavy's ERA and WHIP will almost certainly go up due to this.

On a side note, has anyone else noticed Cliff Lee lately? Since being traded to Philly, he has posted an ERA of .68 with a WHIP of less than one.

Offline ejberkenpas22

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Re: All About Baseball!
« Reply #136 on: August 25, 2009, 11:45:47 PM »
Yeah I posed about him about a page ago...the phillies have a legitimate chance of repeating this year. With Lee, Hamels, and Happ going into the playoffs they could beat anyone. Hamels just needs to start pitching like what he is capable of.
Eric J. Berkenpas


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Re: All About Baseball!
« Reply #137 on: August 25, 2009, 11:56:51 PM »
Phils don't have a fair chance if they continue to hand the ball to Brad Lidge when the game is on the line.

Offline ejberkenpas22

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Re: All About Baseball!
« Reply #138 on: August 26, 2009, 12:01:18 AM »
That is true...he was great last year, I don't know what happened...maybe throw Moyer or Park in there...I'm sure they could throw one solid inning, though they may not be used to that th inning playoffs pressure. Oh well, I don't mind Lidge being bad. It just means the Phillies lose more games. Hey you are from minnesota do you happen to know Maury, Ashley, and/or James Berkenpas?
Eric J. Berkenpas


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Re: All About Baseball!
« Reply #139 on: August 26, 2009, 12:09:20 AM »
I'd be surprised if he was able to repeat last year. In the play offs, every team is going to be good... if you have a lead in the 9th, you need to keep it.

No, I don't know any of them.

Also, Greinke struck out 15 tonight :D

Offline ejberkenpas22

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Re: All About Baseball!
« Reply #140 on: August 26, 2009, 09:13:36 AM »
Yeah Greinke could still be the AL Cy Young...his beginning of the season pace slowed down significantly but still his numbers are great!

They were/are part of the Minnesota playgroup...they probably aren't there very often which is why you don't recognize them.
Eric J. Berkenpas


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Re: All About Baseball!
« Reply #141 on: August 26, 2009, 02:44:15 PM »
There is more than one play group in Minnesota. I go to Austin, the southern most one.

I didn't predict Greinke winning the Cy Young because the award often goes to someone who has a good W-L record. Its not fair if you play for a weak offensive team (such as the Royals), same scenario with The Freak.

Offline Crashfach2002

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Re: All About Baseball!
« Reply #142 on: August 26, 2009, 08:21:04 PM »
How about Russell Branyan for suprise player of the year?

I know he is only hitting .251 but that is his second highest batting average of his career (he is a .234 career hitter).  So does anyone really expect him to hit really well.  He also had a .303 average going into July with almost 250 ABs under his belt.  He also has set career highs in ABs (422), HRs (31), and RBI (76).  The HRs are 2nd in the AL, and he has hit more a Safeco than away.  Seattle is know as one of the most pitcher friendly parks in the game.  He also has played 100 games in the field (the first time since 2002).  Yes he has 10 errors which is the most but that is only one more than Carlos Pena and Albert Pujols (which are both considered good fielders).  He also has a better fielding percentage than Hank Blalock and Joey Votto.

The only reason I say Branyan is a surprise is because nobody would expect him to do any of this.  If you told me he had a .300 average going into July, I would tell you he only had 100 ABs and only faced right handed hitters.

So there is my little spill about a guy who deserved to go to the All-Star game and doesn't get much love!

Offline ejberkenpas22

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Re: All About Baseball!
« Reply #143 on: August 26, 2009, 08:48:49 PM »
There is more than one play group in Minnesota. I go to Austin, the southern most one.

I didn't predict Greinke winning the Cy Young because the award often goes to someone who has a good W-L record. Its not fair if you play for a weak offensive team (such as the Royals), same scenario with The Freak.

Usually the case with Lincecum except for the Giants are actually good. I still think if Greinke pitches out the year well he will be a god contender. There aren't many really stand-out pitchers in the AL like the NL with Lincecum, Carpenter, Haren, C. Lee, and Josh Johnson. Beckett or Verlander are the best in the AL and they are not that stiff competition for Greinke for the Cy Young. That is a toss up.

They are in Minneapolis so that makes sense.
How about Russell Branyan for suprise player of the year?

I know he is only hitting .251 but that is his second highest batting average of his career (he is a .234 career hitter).  So does anyone really expect him to hit really well.  He also had a .303 average going into July with almost 250 ABs under his belt.  He also has set career highs in ABs (422), HRs (31), and RBI (76).  The HRs are 2nd in the AL, and he has hit more a Safeco than away.  Seattle is know as one of the most pitcher friendly parks in the game.  He also has played 100 games in the field (the first time since 2002).  Yes he has 10 errors which is the most but that is only one more than Carlos Pena and Albert Pujols (which are both considered good fielders).  He also has a better fielding percentage than Hank Blalock and Joey Votto.

The only reason I say Branyan is a surprise is because nobody would expect him to do any of this.  If you told me he had a .300 average going into July, I would tell you he only had 100 ABs and only faced right handed hitters.

So there is my little spill about a guy who deserved to go to the All-Star game and doesn't get much love!

Compare him to Ben Zobrist or Jason Bartlett though...neither have had years close to what they are doing this year. They were drafted in the 6th and 13th rounds respectively in their drafts and so they aren't that hyped up. I agree Branyan is a huge surprise but not THE surprise of the year, not with players like Zobrist and Bartlett.
Eric J. Berkenpas


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Re: All About Baseball!
« Reply #144 on: August 26, 2009, 08:59:50 PM »
Usually the case with Lincecum except for the Giants are actually good.
They are one of the worst offensive teams in the game. Let me pull up some stats, I have no doubt in my mind they are bottom 3.

EDIT: Yep, they are in the bottom three with OPS. The only stat of theirs that isn't near the bottom is BA.

I still think if Greinke pitches out the year well he will be a god contender. There aren't many really stand-out pitchers in the AL like the NL with Lincecum, Carpenter, Haren, C. Lee, and Josh Johnson. Beckett or Verlander are the best in the AL and they are not that stiff competition for Greinke for the Cy Young. That is a toss up.
He is a contender, but to me atleast his odds don't seem very good. W-L is a massive part of the Cy Young award, it shows your able to keep your team in the game. It varies from team to team, and often the person who deserves the award is not the most talented pitcher.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2009, 09:05:05 PM by Rawrlolsauce! »

Offline Crashfach2002

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Re: All About Baseball!
« Reply #145 on: August 26, 2009, 09:00:48 PM »
No Zobrist was considered a part-time defensive player, an offensive liability and is crazy good this year.  I was just proving that Branyan gets no love  ;D


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Re: All About Baseball!
« Reply #146 on: August 26, 2009, 09:14:03 PM »
Branyan doesn't get any love because he hasn't earned it. Hitting .017 points higher than your career batting average is not ultra impressive, and just because you hit a few long balls doesn't mean your a top player. Infact, is SLG is actually LOWER than last year by a MASSIVE .57! His OPS+ is 9 points lower than last year!

His UZR is slightly above average (0.2), so he is no way a "good" fielder. He is a slightly above average fielder.

He shouldn't even be considered for "Suprise player of the year"

Offline ejberkenpas22

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Re: All About Baseball!
« Reply #147 on: August 26, 2009, 09:45:23 PM »
Usually the case with Lincecum except for the Giants are actually good.
They are one of the worst offensive teams in the game. Let me pull up some stats, I have no doubt in my mind they are bottom 3.

EDIT: Yep, they are in the bottom three with OPS. The only stat of theirs that isn't near the bottom is BA.

Their offense has nothing to do with Lincecum's Cy Young chances, and they may be poor offensively but what explains them having a 68-58 record and being only 6 games out of first in their division and 4 out of wild card? They have great pitching and that starts with Lincecum who is very deserving of Cy Young (12-4, 2.43 ERA, 214 k'S, and 1.04 WHIP). They have Cain in that two spot who has been spectacular this year, though at times very lucky. And Zito has proved that he's still got some good stuff left. Jonathan Sanchez puts in some good starts though he is unreliable. Point being they may be poor offensively but they are still doing well due to pitching and been almost impossible to beat at home (40-20 is top 5 in the MLB).
Eric J. Berkenpas


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Re: All About Baseball!
« Reply #148 on: August 26, 2009, 09:50:44 PM »
Their offense has nothing to do with Lincecum's Cy Young chances
It affects his W-L record, which is what is generally looked at for Cy Young. So, yes, their offense affects it massively.

and they may be poor offensively but what explains them having a 68-58 record and being only 6 games out of first in their division and 4 out of wild card?
Great Pitching.

They have great pitching and that starts with Lincecum who is very deserving of Cy Young (12-4, 2.43 ERA, 214 k'S, and 1.04 WHIP).
I said he deserved it. I'm also saying there will be other contention due to his record, which is 12-4 mainly because he is a giant. Had he been a Red Sock or Yankee, he'd likely be 16-2 or better right now.

They have Cain in that two spot who has been spectacular this year, though at times very lucky. And Zito has proved that he's still got some good stuff left. Jonathan Sanchez puts in some good starts though he is unreliable. Point being they may be poor offensively but they are still doing well due to pitching and been almost impossible to beat at home (40-20 is top 5 in the MLB).
I'm talking about the Cy Young. Not play offs.

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Re: All About Baseball!
« Reply #149 on: August 26, 2009, 09:53:33 PM »
I don't really get what you are say he is deserving (IMO hands down) and I say he is bring up their poor offense as if that is hurting him which obviously its not because he is 12-4. What is your point with Lincecum? Or are you arguing for the sake of arguing?  :P
Eric J. Berkenpas


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