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Topic: Aftermath (Read 5082 times)
Minister Polarius
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May 20, 2008, 02:31:44 AM »
(From Polarius)
Chicago and New York were the first to go. Soon after, Tehran, Damascus, Riyadh, Istanbul, Mashhad, Aleppo, Dubai, and Kermanshah were buried under 400 megatons of mankind's most destructive creation. Or so we thought. In the aftermath of the nuclear holocaust, Russia seized her chance to conquer Israel once and for all without interference from the reeling America. No Russian alive now would have made that choice. Israel had entered into a secret alliance with China and South Korea as Christianity became the dominant cultural marker in the ancient kingdom. Israel had a new protector, and the slumbering giants of the east were awake.
China's 30,000,000 man army marched against the former Soviet Union unimpeded by the relatively small Russian army, and all believed the Kremlin would fall. Then President Molotov Stoevsky ordered the dropping of the 100 Megaton bomb on Seoul and Beijing. The untested monster failed to level the Korean capitol, but there was nothing left of the great capitol of China, and none will inhabit the ruins ever again. Nevertheless, Russia fell to the mammoth Chinese army in time, but not before its numbers had dwindled to the hundreds of thousands, victims of the vicious winter. America used the last of her strength to spare South Korea from annihilation by her northern neighbor.
For some years it seemed as though the fighting had ended. Europe reveled in its newfound superiority, since it was the only area of the globe not significantly affected. The Islamic Middle East was dominated by a newly strengthened Israel. Japan reached out to her one-time enemy and it seemed as though the healing process would complete. In a world without superpowers, there could not be super wars. We all believed this lie.
On the eve of a global summit of the western powers to discuss the future of the free world, IED's ripped through every single major western city. From Stockholm to Melbourne to Juno to Munich to Amsterdam, the remnants of the shattered Muslim world exacted their revenge on the "Great Satan." Quickly, the whole of the Middle-East was transformed into a parking lot by hasty Western leaders. Now a nuclear winter covers the globe, and survival for any of us looks doubtful. Islam has been wiped out as a major religion, but at what cost? Even as our atmosphere darkens, the last remaining forces of military power barricade their nations against a world ruled by strong-men and mutated beasts.
I am one of the remnant, Major Oliver Fate Ramstein, stationed at the Munich Survival Facility. Last night, a family of survivors just one mile out of the fortress was murdered by a rebel band suspected of over 20 murders in the past month alone. I am heading up a tactical team of our elite warriors to bring these men to justice. Heaven help us if this is the world we are to live in.
Last Edit: May 20, 2008, 02:36:52 AM by Minister Polarius
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!
Minister Polarius
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East Central Region
Re: Aftermath
Reply #1 on:
May 20, 2008, 02:34:52 AM »
(From Spy)
From the classified document of the American Citizen Analysis:
Character Dossier #015787
Full Name: Christopher James Mason.
Hair: Dark Brown.
Eyes: Dark Brown.
Age: 37.
Location: Northern California.
Last Reported: In the hospital where he was born 37 years ago.
Social Status: Hermit.
Military Status: Non-Civilian (Other).
Alliances: Unknown.
Notes: Do not approach until further data can be retrieved. Seems to have no political affiliations. Has been charged with stealing classified documents.
(If you are reading this, Chris, we will see to it that you will be silenced without delay.)
Chris chuckled, closed his laptop, and killed his generator. The government had no sense of humor! When would the state officials ever learn that he was unapproachable? He left his room and stared into the adjacent hallway which seemed to stretch like the barrel of a rifle in front of him as he surveyed each door along the corridor with practiced scrutiny. Not that Chris M. esteemed the government agents very highly, even before the world went nuts, but in his business a little caution went a long way. He strolled to the end of the hallway which emptied into a living room. He reached under the cushion of a rustic and worn sofa and casually retrieved a loaded magazine. Chris didn't like visitors. He strode to the corner of the room where there stood a ladder. He moved the ladder out of the way and opened a secret panel in his wall and retrieved his Sig Sauer. He heard footsteps approach his upper room. Most of the building in which he lived was one large basement, but there was a very small cabin aboveground, and someone was knocking on its door. Since he had no windows underground, he walked to the middle of his living room and stared at the hatch in the ceiling. There was a bulletproof window in the hatch, and from it, Chris could see his front door. From a chain around his neck, Chris produced a key and unlocked the hatch after setting yet another lock to a given combination. With ease, Chris climbed into his cabin and peered through a peep hole. There was a man on his porch who wore a trench coat. This could be an assignment or a search warrant.
"What do you want?"
A voice transformer emitted the question through a speaker box in the wall of the porch. The man replied gravely, "I am willing to pay you a good deal of money if you can take out my next target. I will leave his information under your welcome mat. There, you will find all that you need to know about the man I need dead.”
"I told you, I am not in the position to help anyone. Things have changed since we went to war. Find another hit man…"
"This assignment is different."
With that, the man walked away. Chris didn't realize until after the man had gone that his hands were sweating as they clamped his gun in a death grip. Business was booming these days. Everyone was at war, and there was always someone with an ex-wife or a political rival willing to pay a bounty hunter through the nose. Christopher used to be such a bounty hunter, but things had changed since the wars. For the first time in his life, he was more interested in allies. He kept in touch with paramilitary units all over the world, and he gave them advice on how to survive. The thought of being a military consultant would have seemed laughable just a few long years before. He opened his door after taking the time to undo the extravagant security contraptions. File in hand, he refastened the door and returned to his study. A message from a Major Oliver Fate Ramstein (funny how the world clung to old ranks and designations) was waiting on his top-of-the-line laptop. How interesting! That message could wait a few minutes. It felt wonderful to have so many eyes over the world and yet never have to leave the confines of his own little lair. Chris observed his muscular hands as they came to life and opened the file which the man in the trench coat gave to him. He winced when he read the name of his hired target. Another day, another politician who would see no more. Something tugged at Chris' brain. That face looked strangely familiar. Chris’s mind went back to before the bombs, and he remembered seeing this smug mug all over the television. Clyde Maverick, D, Cal. one year on the floor and already busy at work on the 2nd amendment. Apparently doomsday hadn’t dampened his enthusiasm for disarming the general populace; or perhaps it had increased his drive. Chris was no peacekeeper activist, but Mammon called and Senator Maverick would soon be out of Mr. Trenchcoat’s way.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!
Minister Polarius
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Re: Aftermath
Reply #2 on:
May 20, 2008, 11:31:07 PM »
(From RR)
Jarius Berfino spat onto the ground and watched the miniature icicles form almost instantly on the ground. His jaw seemed to be intent on dislocating the teeth he still had left in his mouth. This latest family of refugees wasn't even a challenge; two young boys who hadn’t had the chutzpa to pull the triggers, and a few women so emaciated he wasn’t sure there would be any meat left on them.
“Foolish Germans,” he thought as he watched his men comb the homestead for any valuables and supplies, “always so sure of their will-power.”
”Jarius!” Berfino turned to see Yuri Molotov, his second-in-command, toting a wooden crate filled with ammunition. “These people must have been a part of the Latter Days movement. There’re mountains of this stuff in their basement! We’re lucky the pestilence took their men before we got here.”
Jarius smiled. For most people this nuclear winter was a nightmare, but to him it was a paradise. Having grown up in Siberia’s unforgiving winters, Jarius had learned all he needed about survival as an early child and developed a taste for violence very early. He had naturally joined the Russian army in order to kill as many as he could, but after the fall of Russia (and most of the rest of the world) he left to find more…enjoyable prey in Europe. The snow whipped around him and his small band of "murderers" as the so called "law" liked to call them. Jarius shook his head. “There is no more law. Only strength.” He told his Wolf Pack to carry the goods and the bodies to camp.
As they reached the camp, a single scout came from behind them to report of an unusual movement at the Munich Survival Facility. Jarius shook his head and walked off.
"Another condemned attempt at finding us. The fools should know by now that the Hound of the Steppes is smarter than them."
He thought smugly about the many times that naïve Ramstein thought he had captured the Hound at last, only to see another of his soldiers incinerated, or mutilated, or (Jarius’s favorite) eaten alive in a matter of seconds by the Hound’s favorite pets.
He entered the main hall and shed his heavy winter coat. As odd as it seemed this place was completely self sufficient. One of the buildings had been entirely transformed into a greenhouse which grew food and other necessities. The water they needed was boiled snow from outside. Jarius sat down at the table and shouted for his men to come to the gathering area which was in the central building.
"Odin has favored us tonight!" Jarius shouted gleefully, “We’ve found a veritable arsenal, and even some fresh meat.” He then ordered all the goods from the raid brought to him to be added to the stockpiles. From the family they had slaughtered they had gotten a few fur coats, fruits, vegetables (all canned), and of course, “meat.”
“We shall feast on this tonight my Pack!" The Hound of the Steppes knew how to put on a good show. After the men had eaten and drunk their grisly fill, he lead them in the raucous howling of their war cry:
"Ooohhoooh! Raise'em in the air!
We'll knock you up and slap you down and never seem to care!
Ooohooohh another one for me
'cause we're the filthy, dirty vermin that will set you people free!
We're the filthy, dirty vermin that will set you people free!".
They carried on into the night singing, laughing, and enjoying the spoils of war, unaware that their glory might be short lived...."
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!
Minister Polarius
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East Central Region
Re: Aftermath
Reply #3 on:
May 24, 2008, 01:46:28 AM »
(From Polarius)
“I still don’t understand why we need to be wasting our time defending outposts on the other side of the world! We have enough problems here!”
The President of the Southern Alliance rubbed his eyes, and then studied the sad excuse for a man who had once again accosted him in his office. As usual, his over-slicked hair was threatening to solidify into a solid mass, and his pockmarks gave the impression of a man on the moon who’d had a poor nutritional diet. He’d have to remember to chew out security again for letting him through. Sean West was always complaining about something, and if there was nothing to complain about he complained about complacency. Why did I think that the end of the world would mean the end of bureaucrats?
Just a few months after the destruction of New York and Chicago, strong rebel elements in the south saw and seized their opportunity to win the Civil War. Texas was the first to re-establish itself as a sovereign nation, with Virginia and South Carolina quick on its heels. By the time the country recovered from the attacks, they realized that about half the military (and most of its commanders) as well as a good portion of the states were no longer a part of the country. There were scattered hostilities at first, but both sides realized that with such an even divide of power, the best course of action was an uneasy peace.
Soon after the peace was reached, tens of thousands of people had migrated in both directions. Why hadn’t Sean gone with them? For a few weeks everything was ideal. The Vice President (now President) had been a New Englander and remained with the United States. The Southern States quickly formed the “Southern Alliance” based on the US constitutions with a few minor revisions and rights. Things were running smoothly; the chaos had cleared a lot of the clutter out of politics. But cockroaches were hard to kill, and paper-pushing bean-counting ambitious unelected government officials were the worst kinds of cockroaches.
“If only we’d return all of our foreign forces, we’d be able to quell the food riots and make more headway on our public works projects! We could shore up our northern stockades and discourage those Yank marauders from venturing into our domain. We could…”
“And how do you propose we get them home, exactly?” President Lee Adams interjected. “You haven’t seen the reports. The nuclear fallout we experienced here was bad, but nothing like the cloud that’s floating over most of Europe and all of the Middle-East.” He conveniently left out the reports of clear skies over Israel. “Even if we had the resources to affect such a mass exodus, we’d never be able to find enough pilots who’d sooner defect or be executed than fly through that mass.”
“What about sea travel?” The craggy man countered. “Load them up on boats and ship them over!”
This guy just doesn’t get it. “Listen,” he said, more exasperated by the minute, “you don’t even have to be in the know to see the reports about what’s happening at sea. Without satellites or coast guards, piracy has made a big comeback. Like the marauders but in boats. And I’m sure you’ve heard the unconfirmed rumors of mutated sharks and whales. You think the ‘superbears’ are rough, wait until you find that you’re on the menu of a 10 ton Great White, and he doesn’t mind taking the vessel with you.” Adams shook his head, knowing that they weren’t just rumors. He continued, “And again, even if we had the resources and even if there are no leviathans, I doubt we’d find the men willing to brave the open seas right now.”
“Look, Mr. West,” he was at the end of his rope now, “I can’t fire you because you were appointed by some committee or another to be a thorn in my side. But next time, the thorn is going to have to ask for a meeting, and when he does, he’d better be prepared to offer some viable alternatives instead of just whining about whatever his puppet master has on his mind. Are we clear?”
A look of displeasure (well, even more than usual) filled Sean’s face. “Crystal,” he skulked, “but remember that you’re the president of the Alliance, not the dictator of the South. You know I represent the views of a good part of the country, and I won’t be put off that easily!”
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!
Minister Polarius
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East Central Region
Re: Aftermath
Reply #4 on:
May 24, 2008, 01:46:44 AM »
Adams watched the man ooze out of his office. The truth is, he’s right. The average Joe doesn’t understand the importance of our outlaying bases. Sure some of it has to do with protecting the local populace, but if it weren’t for those outposts who knows what some of the war leaders would get up to? Wasn’t Hitler just a radical who got popular and got powerful? He thought of the reports coming in daily about the various marauder leaders and their ever-growing following. America was a mess, but Europe had reverted to the Dark Ages where bands of armed men held sway over anyone weaker than them.
Just today he had received another report from Major Ramstein in Munich. Once again, the local warband had successfully raided an outlying farmstead and vanished right under the noses of his command. And as if that weren’t bad enough, they’d encountered evidence of a large number of large creatures in the area. “Superbears” and “Wargs” were bad enough wild, but once the strong men figured out how to domesticate them? He didn’t want to think about it now.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!
Minister Polarius
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Posts: 15920
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East Central Region
Re: Aftermath
Reply #5 on:
June 17, 2008, 12:02:26 AM »
(From Monk)
Yuri Molotov, right paw of the Hound, lay wide awake in bed. Civil war could destroy Jarius Berfino, but after tonight, he wasn’t sure creating one would be so easy. The way the men reacted to tonight’s victory was odd. Usually they liked a challenge—a good hard fight—but as of late, the Hound had stirred them to wild revelry over the most effortless triumphs.
Yet Yuri smiled to himself.
The Hound is a fool
, he thought, he’s strong, he underestimates everyone. The Latter Days movement is a constant threat, but Jarius doesn’t seem to care about them, or even Ramstein for that matter. Yuri Molotov isn't so stupid.
The Latter Days movement was nothing like the Hound; it focused only on survival. The Hounds are hell-bent on destroying all who stand between them and plunder, especially the new "Saints." This is what scares Yuri. The Hound of the Steppes destroys and plunders while the Saints store up strength and firepower.
They could be the end of us all
, he thought. A shiver ran down his spine.
Ramstein was another story. He was more than just a protector; he was a trained soldier who knew how to lead his men. But Yuri wasn’t as worried about him. Fool that the Hound of the Steppes was, his cleverness was almost enough to make up for it.
Still, am I overlooking Ramstein and Jarius just as Jarius is overlooking me?
The thought made him shudder.
Yuri stiffened as iron-shod feet approached. He stealthily made his way across the room to a hiding place he had devised. A shadowy figure entered the room, its features silhouetted by the night. Yuri held his breath, carefully stalking his prey. The dark form was now only inches away. He pounced. The man, not ready for the impending onslaught, had his back pressed against the cold floor almost as hard as the knife pressed against his neck. “It’s me!” The figure managed in a raspy whisper. Yuri peered at the figure through the darkness. It was Petro Gatam, an Italian who was in charge of espionage. Yuri let the man up. This was one of a few men who he had chosen to be a part of his rebellion. Petro recovered his nerve and gave his report: "Project Maw is ready for implementation, but we've had less than desirable results with some of the subjects."
Yuri stifled a chuckle as the Italian departed.
So here we are. It began as one war, and now three. A war of nations, of individuals, and of a new world. I plan to lead that world.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!
Minister Polarius
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Posts: 15920
Grand Minister of Music and Video Games
East Central Region
Re: Aftermath
Reply #6 on:
June 23, 2008, 05:10:21 AM »
(From Spy)
"So I guess that's it then?"
The Senator fidgeted with a folder under his arm. His day had run so smoothly, he almost forgot that he had enemies. He had walked obliviously into a trap that was once known as his office. Sitting in Maverick's big leather desk chair, an assassin had his back turned and the man spoke with great ease.
"Then I don't need to tell you that crying for help or running away is not going to do you a bit of good?"
"I am aware of that."
"Before I finish my job, I want to ask you a question."
"Am I in a position to refuse?"
"No, not really. You see, I am a professional assassin, and I never made mistakes." Here, the big armchair swiveled around. A single shaft of hesitant light set the defined features and deadened expression of a killer into relief against a backdrop of eternity. Christopher Mason held a small handgun with a silencer, but the Senator could not see much of it in the darkened room; only the eager muzzle that would soon usher him in to oblivion. The killer spoke in a stern and soulless voice. "Most of my assignments beg for their lives, while others ask why they were even hunted in the first place. You do not."
"How is that?"
"The first thing you said when you saw me in your chair was, 'So I guess that's it then.' Couldn't you be more dramatic? Why did you just cut to the chase without even asking why you were hated and who wanted you dead? That makes murdering you easier, yes, but it also has just earned you a few more seconds to live. But don't you want to know why I am going to kill you?"
"Not really. I have plenty of enemies, and it was only a matter of time before one of their lapdogs showed up."
"I admire your bravery, but I am obviously still going to kill you. Is there anything you want to say before I pull this trigger? Do you have any family members that you would like to contact?"
"I have no family, but I will say one thing: Let it be known that this fight is not over. My death does not mark the death of my beliefs or the destruction of what I stand for. I will gladly die as a martyr if my sacrifice can help bring about a United World."
"Saving the drama for the end, then? Consider it recorded. Goodbye Senator."
"If there is a Hell, I'll wait for you there."
"I look forward to it."
The muffled sound of a gun shot filled the room for a few seconds, and the lifeless body of the Senator slumped to the floor. Halfway across the country, his murderer imagined a security detail finally discovering the corpse.
Chris shut his eyes and exhumed the memories of all of the faces of his dead victims, one memory at a time. His eyes were shut for over an hour. Chris didn't actually love his job, but in all reality, it was the only sort of job that paid these days. The American economy was history, and every American had conformed to the gold standard once more. Because of this economic rehabilitation, tens of thousands of innocent people perished. The world became a dangerous place, and quite honestly, it only welcomed the dangerous people who lived in it. Chris was one of these men, without a shadow of doubt.
When Chris came back to reality, he remembered his backlog. He opened his laptop and checked his messages. Nine new messages; the first two from Major Ramstein, and others from this would be rebel lord or that. Chris' pupils dilated as he read the third message from someone by the name of Jarius Berfino. How interesting! Now Chris would be responsible for giving tactics and advice to two complete enemies! This all could end the wrong way. Here Chris was with his laptop, giving his opinions and advice to all who asked, but now he had to deal neutrally with two enemies. But how? Should he choose sides? Who could pay him more money in the end? Who had a better cause to fight for? Who cares. Should he advise them both? While Oliver Ramstein needed assistance, this Jarius person was looking for someone to help feed his bloodlust, but surely not from a double-dealer. Little did Jarius know that Chris was also helping Major Ramstein. Perhaps he should tell Oliver Ramstein and Jarius Berfino the truth and let them bid for his assistance. Christopher spent the rest of his plane trip in deep thought and he was hard pressed to reach any conclusion of any kind. And all throughout his memory dripped the blood of his victims.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!
Minister Polarius
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Posts: 15920
Grand Minister of Music and Video Games
East Central Region
Re: Aftermath
Reply #7 on:
July 09, 2008, 04:01:17 PM »
(From Josh)
Jarius paced his room furiously. He couldn't sleep due to this feeling of unrest. Jarius knew he wasn't the smartest man in the world but he always had a keen survival instinct. Thats how he had gained the nickname of "Hound" back in the army before he came here. That and his uncanny luck had saved his life many times or at least what he would call luck. Many times he had been shot in the limbs or had his cheeks and arms sliced. None of it had ever been lethal though. So he relied on it just the same. Jarius' brain was furiously running through all the things that could go wrong. He checked the .45 caliber magnum on his hip. It was loaded, cocked, and with the barrel clean it was ready to be fired at a seconds notice. It obviously was not the most silent weapon ever made but it has never let him down. Jarius sat on his bed, his laptop open. He was waiting for some tactical advice from this mysterious man who was rumored to be a great tactician. Jarius knew he had the funds to buy the man's services for a long time but he worried that this man was a fool or even worse a double dealer. The safty of never meeting face to face would easily allow that and if any one thing could be said about Jarius' morals it was that he HATED traitors. Jarius sighed and put his head in his hands. So much to do in such a ammount of little time. If his pack knew how low on food they were chances were they would fight amongst themselves for power and destroy everyone. Jarius jumped up from the bed in a fury. "They won't take what I have spent so much time creating!" he screamed and threw a kick right into the solid cement wall. The blow was so hard dust fell from the ceiling and slowly dirfted to the floor. Suddenly right as Jarius was about to kick the wall again there was a beep. The screen of his laptop flashed one new message. Jarius plopped down on his bed and opened it. It was from the nameless assassin; It read...
Last Edit: July 09, 2008, 04:20:00 PM by Minister Polarius
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!
Minister Polarius
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Posts: 15920
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East Central Region
Re: Aftermath
Reply #8 on:
July 21, 2008, 12:45:01 AM »
(From Spy)
Subject: Should you kill a Ramstein?
I give you greetings in this great hour of battle. I can see from my reconnaissance footage, that you have the upper hand in combating this puny facility. It appears to me that your objectives are not limited to mere violence and intimidation, but also through the plundering of riches. In my view, you already outnumber their gunmen 2-1, and your snipers have already sealed their fate. If this were a game of chess, then their King is already forfeit. What remains to be done? Demand payment from them. After all, the paramedics and civilians inside of the shelter could hardly be considered worthy of your crushing hand. As we speak, their supply chains have been delayed due to some unusual technical difficulties, but what they do have, you must take. Instead of killing them all, demand a fee for their survival. That way, when they receive their new supplies, they will have already lost all of their inventory and you can demand even more of them. After you are through, I suggest that you leave them alone to gather more supplies. When they have replenished enough, you can repeat this process until your stores of munitions will become the ultimate store of power. If you should consider this option, then read further. I have identified other facilities in your area should you wish to extract as much weaponry as humanly possible. You must do this swiftly. From the north, enemies to both you and me are approaching with unwanted authority. Train your sites on crushing them when the time comes. Don't waste your bullets on mere peasants; a new dog is entering the kennels.
James Emerald
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!
Minister Polarius
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Re: Aftermath
Reply #9 on:
October 07, 2008, 06:50:39 PM »
Bump. JSB is going to write this slot.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!
Minister Polarius
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East Central Region
Re: Aftermath
Reply #10 on:
February 16, 2010, 11:28:14 AM »
Bump. We need to get this rolling again.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!
Prof Underwood
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Re: Aftermath
Reply #11 on:
April 19, 2012, 04:00:05 PM »
Bump. It's been another couple years, and I suspect this project will never be completed. However I do think of it occasionally with interest. So just in case...
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