Author Topic: A Redemption Milestone  (Read 2975 times)

Offline golgotha

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A Redemption Milestone
« on: November 18, 2014, 12:37:23 AM »
So in 2015, Redemption will be turning 20 if I am not to mistaken. The game started shipping, I'd imagine with the A+B Starters and perhaps the Limited/Unlimited Edition back in 1995. I don't work for Cactus or anything, just a collector and occasional player, but I was wondering 2 things. First, what would you like to see done to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of this great game. Like promo cards, a new set, new starters, massive tournament, whatever you would like to be done to celebrate. Second, I am sure everyone has fond memories over the 20 years of various things. Tournaments, good/bad plays, fellowship times, etc. I wouldn't mind hearing some of your stories/memories.

I'll start. First, I'd like to see some cards released, preferably in a set or starter. Nothing new or fancy but like 100-of the best/most used cards/fan favorite cards. Maybe slightly re-worded to keep up with the current game, but no changes in the numbers or abilities or art....Including the Lost Souls card.  Perhaps throw in some cards that were previously only available as promos.
As far as memories go, It would be a tie. Redemption is going to Nationals in KC in 2007. Most people played to win, but I played to lose. I think I went 0-15. I did get a pack of the new set, FooF, for my efforts. The other one would be a year later, going to Missouri State and a Demon Hunter concert in KC...mainly cause of the concert though.

Anyone else have any thoughts/comments?
Good Ole Golgotha


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Re: A Redemption Milestone
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2014, 02:25:34 AM »
2002: Learned the game (this may have happened in 2003, but I don't remember) in November (I think) under the amazing direction of Wild Bill Voigt. He and my dad went to school together and I was excited to learn the game. I also, of course, met Hobbit that year.
2003: Lost a lot to my sister.  Played a modified starter deck most of the year.
2004: Took 10th at my first big tournament, NC Regionals, losing in the final round to Mike Turnidge, who took third or fourth.  I believe I was playing White/Silver/Crimson.
2005: My first nationals. I pretty much played it safe and hung out with my playgroup and a bit of Hobbit as well.  Did fairly mediocre to bad.
2006: Went to NY and didn't even sight see. Met a lot of really cool people (Roy, Kirk, The Karazy People, Ben Campbell), and learned that I wasn't the best of posters on the EZ Boards.  Took a gigantic 250 card deck to T2 multiplayer.  Did fairly mediocre to bad.  Did REALLY bad at a late night Settlers of Catan game.  I challenged a few people who I thought were bad in Ironman, like Chad Soderstrom (who won that year) and Ben Shadrick. Oops.  I'm also pretty sure I won Iowa State this year. I remember playing Tim Maly and him saying "I just hope somebody beats Gabe" and I was like "Gabe Isbell? I beat him. You lost to him? He's a Nobody...". Played last round against Hobbit, but though I lost 4-5, I still won the tournament.
2007: I think this was the year I won Warrior's Booster Draft, after a stellar game against Hobbit and Guardian, where Guardian rescues against me with Ira, I drop Zeresh and Haman's Plot. He rescues against Nathan the next turn and he drops Zeresh and Haman's Plot.  Holy Grail was sooo good.  KC nationals. Went down with some people from my playgroup and got fifth in T2 Multiplayer, seeing my friend Hobbit win the event.  I played T2 instead of T1 this year, but got destroyed by Speed Camp.  I don't remember which deck I played.
Also the first year I played Halo. and who will ever forget...SHE'S MY/CHERRY PIE.
2008: Ahh, Columbus. Sitting outside for 2 hours in downtown Minneapolis while Wild Bill entertained some kids, and MJB got everybody chanting MEGABUS! MEGABUS! MEGABUS! That thing was so late.  Tournament reunited me with cool people like Kirk and DaClock.  Played a LOT of games at Nationals, most notably late night Cutthroat Caverns.  I played a Site Deck, a completely untested "speed" deck (it was awful), and an FBTN deck.  Forced Brandon Abbott into a tie with his Deacons deck and my Site Lock deck.  First year I met Martin.
2009: Random stuff about West Minnesota.  Took a year off for the most part.


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Re: A Redemption Milestone
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2014, 02:28:02 AM »
2010: Ahh, Boston Nationals.  Chris Ericson stole Martin's complete collection of Disciples.  Also met Olijar for the first time, I think.  Took Sauce's TGT deck to Nationals and got to table 1, where I lost to some bad kid named Martin Miller who ran really hot and is really bad. Then lost to a mirror TGT game because I didn't draw SoG/NJ. Then I lost to Gabe Isbell in a game I will never forget (but don't really remember the order of everything).  It's like, 4-1.  I half rescue the doubler.  He rescues, I play SoG defensively on Shuffler 4-2.  I think I generate a soul and rescue here, 4-3.  He rescues, I play Plot.  I rescue, 4-4.  I draw First Round Only. He battle challenges with Susanna and grabs 2 Liner for the win.   I half rescue it again, play a useless NJ, and shake his hand. Also the year of COMBO COMBO COMBO COMBO CONGOOOOOOOOO, or Martin and my team's deck COMBO COMBO COMBO COMBO AFRICA, which I truly believe could have won had we built them better.  5-0'd Rob's daughters. That'll teach him to ban my OTK combo deck.
2011: Over the next year, Olijar and I had worked on an A-Bomb deck.  He liked Herod's in the deck, whereas I played Brown/Orange/Black/Pale Green (the PG mixed with the other colors nicely though). 70 card deck. Took it to third place, being Matt Townsend's only loss.  In the final game, I had to decide between my Disciples deck or my A-Bomb deck, as I knew I was playing RDT. Olijar told me not to flip a coin for the last game.  I played really bad against RDT (like I always do) and lose like a noob.  Sauce and I yelled at each other throughout the entirety of the Teams tournament, and took second place (and third in RNRS).  I also took second in booster draft with a sick deck, and could have won iF SCOTT REUTER HAD JUST DONE THE SMART PLAY.  Also the year of Isabelle Reuter, the girl who was asked whether she wanted to play Type A, even though just had RNRS points, and ended up taking 10th or something.  Warrior's Booster Draft between MKC, Sauce, Olijar, and Myself. Met Skittens.
2012:  Well, this nationals was the year of The Deck. Although I convinced everybody I could to play the deck, I ended up doing a rather mediocre 6-4, with all 4 losses being 4-5 and none of them did I play SoG/NJ.  Also other things that I was really salty about, but won't mention here. Not a good year. Except for the Goat threads. That was glorious.  Also met Thomas Hunter that year.
2013:  NY Nationals was tiny. Top Cut happened. Redemption MetaGaming happened.  Decided if I played Tim I'd take a loss, and played Tim in top cut. Oops. Also played really bad against RDT. Again.  My last year with Redemption. It was fun guys.
2014: Stuck around on the forums because habit. Pretended to play Redemption. Played a lot of Hearthstone and Pokemon. RIP.

Things that don't fall into timelines:
I think I may won Warrior's Booster twice. I believe it happened 4 years, and I wasn't there the first year, but Justin won the 1 and 3 year, I think I won the 2 and 4(?) year.  It was a long time ago though.  I still have the Uncut sheet that I won one year.  I don't remember the other prize, so maybe I didn't.
Booster Draft where False Prophet was converted 3 times by I am Patience due to Paul's Girdle and Cage.
Booster Draft where I made a battle challenge with Jepthah and Gabe Franta throws down Athaliah and Haman's Plot, yells "YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT" and shreds his Plot. On a BC.

So many awesome people I've met over the years.  If I didn't give you a shoutout, I'm sorry, I forgot you, but I still love you.

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Re: A Redemption Milestone
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2014, 08:19:15 AM »
I wouldn't mind seeing a special boxed set to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the game. :)
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Re: A Redemption Milestone
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2014, 09:01:53 AM »
I'm just starting year 5 playing Redemption, but it's been fun. I have many memories in just a few years already, most notable was Nationals here in Knoxville and helping Crashfach with it. That was a crazy weekend...The Deck was everywhere & I played okay for it only being my 2nd year in the game. I also got to play Rob & Gabe...that was cool.
For the 20th Anniversary I'd imagine Rob will put out a box of some sort. I'd love it to be retired cards & older promos. This is of course a selfish desire since these are the cards that I lack for my collection.
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Re: A Redemption Milestone
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2014, 01:58:06 PM »
Reserving a post for this because revisiting my 18+ years of playing this game (my goodness) is always a good time.


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Re: A Redemption Milestone
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2014, 04:37:27 PM »
Maybe cactus will do the same thing like they did for the 10th anniversary...

Offline DrowningFish

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Re: A Redemption Milestone
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2014, 06:09:51 PM »
I wanna see some time for 20th anniversary. And a new national promo
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Re: A Redemption Milestone
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2014, 07:31:17 PM »
Um, so I think while technically 2015 would be the 20th year, the whole Glory of the Lord thing was the 20th Anniversary National Tournament promo, so I'm not sure if we just forgot how to count and GotL should have been released next year, but I feel like I'd heard an explanation but I don't remember what it was.

Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: A Redemption Milestone
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2014, 09:00:56 PM »
Call me when Redemption turns 21. Maybe.


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Re: A Redemption Milestone
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2014, 12:42:08 AM »
Call me when Redemption turns 21. Maybe.
Redemption Shot Glasses?


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