Author Topic: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings  (Read 16835 times)

Offline SomeKittens

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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #50 on: May 22, 2010, 09:55:23 AM »
Really, I think it's the Lost Souls that are the problem.  We should get rid of those.
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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #51 on: May 22, 2010, 10:37:05 AM »
My silence should not have been interpreted as consent for the simple reason that I was not aware that Highway was being recurred multiple times on a turn.  When I learned that some players thought you could use it this way, I saw the immediate need for the errata.  Other players apparently were under the impression that I knew this for months and months and did nothing about it.  On the contrary, I addressed it as soon as I learned of it.  

Rob, we were specifically told that you had addressed this issue. In this thread, we were told...

Quote from: The Schaef
Quote from: Prof Underwood
Bottom line.  In playing this game and participating on this message board for many years, I have NEVER seen any ruling that Bryon and Schaef agreed on overturned.  Now that this has happened, any further discussion of allowing Highway / Stillness / Momentum Change cards being allowed to stack is guaranteed to be useless and will only lead to greater frustration.

I think this post is premature.  Rob has ruled this deck legal, and it sounds like other "elders" have done the same in the tournament year.  This is also a ruling that affects current decks, and we're into state-level tournament season now.  I am offering my opinion on what I feel the rule SHOULD be, but I am not in a position to just overturn that or make different rules for "my" tournament based on that.

What I expect will happen is that the current ruling will remain intact at least through the current tournament season.  I plan to take it up with "the elders" and IF the consensus is there's an issue and IF we feel the rule can be applied consistently (this may indeed be a loophole as some have said), only then will a full change be made.  Until then, just take this for what it is: my feeling that this isn't following the spirit of the other ruling.

This entire thread is more than a year old. It was started by Matt Archibald seeking clarification on precisely the same deck, and he was expressly told that "Yes the combo was legal" and that the ruling wouldn't change because we were already in State tournament season. In other words the current change contradicts precisely what Matt what told that all of the PTB, including Rob, had decided.

At minimum I hope providing some context to this discussion helps explain why CrustPope is taking this so hard. To be told to man up against a deck last April because we are in the major tournament season and your hands are tied and then to have your similar deck invalidated the next year--when we are in the major tournament season--would have to be very frustrating.

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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #52 on: May 22, 2010, 11:44:32 AM »
Rob, we were specifically told that you had addressed this issue. In this thread, we were told...
Quote from: The Schaef
...Rob has ruled this deck legal, and it sounds like other "elders" have done the same in the tournament year.

I'm a little concerned that you consider repeating hearsay as being specifically told.  The reason I said that is because I was specifically told...

I can tell you that a Highway getting back Highway combo was legal last year prior to Nats, I used it at Nats with high level judges looking on, and there was no complaint on legality.
... and...
Here is my answer, YMT. The general issue about decks like these has already been ruled on by Rob.

You also seem to have discarded all of the significant context to my post while quoting it.  I said that I would not arbitrarily overturn a significant ruling during a tournament season.  I also said that I did not expect the rule to change.  Saying that I'm not going to go off and do my own thing, and that I don't think it will be addressed at large, is not some kind of unilateral commandment that Thou Shalt Not Change Thy Rulings Against My Expectations.

It seems the harder I work to qualify a statement, the more eager you are to pin me down with it.  The irony is that you're doing the exact same thing now that you did in that thread.  Back then, you claimed I was contradicting myself by saying two different things for Mo Change and Highway, just because I was repeating what someone else had said.  The most significant piece of context missing from that discussion is that I had supposed BACK THEN that this combo should probably be illegal, but that events had transpired without my knowledge and I was not in a position to contest it AT THAT TIME.  In short, I was TAKING MATT'S SIDE in that discussion, but was deliberate in NOT issuing some unilateral fiat.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 12:05:08 PM by The Schaef »

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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #53 on: May 22, 2010, 12:40:05 PM »
The only person I know who are in this group for a fact are Rob, Bryon and Mike


Pfft, Schaef you don't count. You're just ruling the boards with an iron fist! ;)
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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #54 on: May 22, 2010, 12:41:35 PM »
I can name about 4 more :) But I never heard that Schaef was..... Is this a recent addition?


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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #55 on: May 22, 2010, 01:04:01 PM »
@ schaef.  The only playtest game I ever played in was with you anr Brian Ried.  I will let you guess which one is still around...

I had forgotten about that thread.  It is over a year ago.
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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #56 on: May 22, 2010, 01:54:38 PM »
Hey! I was in that thread! Does that make me important?

Is there really an Open Discussion board or is this just some sick joke?
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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #57 on: May 22, 2010, 02:00:53 PM »
i dont think Reyzen would lie.. he told me.... u could get in by maturity
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The Schaef

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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #58 on: May 22, 2010, 02:11:31 PM »
@ schaef.  The only playtest game I ever played in was with you anr Brian Ried.  I will let you guess which one is still around...

Don't you think that comment is a little insensitive?

Brian was never a playtester, he simply had access to the cards in development.  I don't remember exactly who brought him in on it, maybe Mike or Bany.  So when I am aware of who has an official part of the playtest staff off and on for the last six years, and I hear you say that one of them has died, and I don't know that information, you don't think I'm going to be a little curious about that?

Tom and I have both been on the staff for years, and we've had some minor discussions about several of the sets that have been wrapped and on their way to the printer, so I also think it's reasonable to think it strange that after all that, Mike Bryon and Rob are still the only ones that spring to your mind.

Offline crustpope

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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #59 on: May 22, 2010, 02:42:46 PM »
Didnt mean to be insensittive.  and this only points to the bigger problem  no one know exactly who id "in" and who is "out"  Brian had playtest cards, how was I to know how he got them and that he wasn't "In".  And from many of your posts you seem to give the impression that you arent always in the "know" about reent rulings so that lead me to believe that there was even a hierarchy among those who are on the inside.  sort of like a "big three" with Bryon, Rob and Mike and then a bunch of other people on the second ring that know "alot" but not "everything"

There is no "offical" group and there is no list of who would even be considered to be "official" and this is one of the problems that this thread is trying to address.  I am trying to get Redemption to see these things as worthy of official notice.  there needs to be a Ruling council, these people should be known to everyone and their word should be final.  I dont care about whether they clue us in on thier discussion regarding rulings (although that would be good)  But I am tired of having one person say one thing and another say another.

In that very thread you even admitted that there was no consensus regarding the Highway ruling at that time.  How is that anyway to run the way rulings are made?  It only breeds confusion and hurt feelings in the end.
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Offline EmJayBee83

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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #60 on: May 22, 2010, 02:43:35 PM »
Here is Rob on this general topic in January of 2009...
There is one combo that I think has been abused for a while.

The combo starts off with Choose the Blocker where you pick your own character to block that would grant you initiative (like Red Dragon).  Then you play some cards that allow you to draw cards and discard cards from your opponent, then play a Withdraw card and keep it going...  

[further discussion of possible options deleted...]

Note:  whatever we decide would likely happen soon (before state and regional events, rather than after nationals).
Many posts later...

Here is my read on it at this point:  Most people don't want to see any of the options I listed become a rule.  However, if forced to choose they pick their least objectionable option. Given the lack of consensus here and among the playtesters, I have decided to leave things alone for the remainder of this tournament season.  We have some new cards coming in the next set that will affect this type of combo and it's not a piece of cake to pull off at any rate.  We can revisit the issue if needed after Nationals and after the new cards make their way into decks.
Given this (and especially the parenthetical remark in the first post), it appeared that the default PTB position was to not make major ruling changes--even ones to tamp down solitaire decks--once the major tournament season commenced. I am not sure what changed about the combo decks in the year and a third since then that forced a re-evaluation of this position, but apparently it has. Even if you disagree with the contention that such ruling instability is unfair to the players, I think everyone can agree that Matt Archibald's frustration is not out of place here, especially when last year at this time his concerns about the exact same deck were treated rather disparagingly.
I can tell you that a Highway getting back Highway combo was legal last year prior to Nats, I used it at Nats with high level judges looking on, and there was no complaint on legality.
This was true.

Here is my answer, YMT. The general issue about decks like these has already been ruled on by Rob.
This is correct if you are speaking about combo decks in general, which is quite clear from context (i.e.,YMT's "word games that lead to 'awesome combos,'", my "decks likes these") that both YMT and I were. I have quoted the sections from Rob's posts up above that make it clear that was I was saying was a fair assessment of the situation as it stood in April of last year.

Rob, we were specifically told that you had addressed this issue. In this thread, we were told...
Quote from: The Schaef
...Rob has ruled this deck legal, and it sounds like other "elders" have done the same in the tournament year.

I'm a little concerned that you consider repeating hearsay as being specifically told.  The reason I said that is because I was specifically told...
My bad. In the passage I quoted (the entire post) I assumed that you were talking about the deck under discussion (which implied the Highway recurring Highway combo) specifically--especially given that you were responding to Prof Underwood's post which was quite focused on that point. I didn't realize you were relying on a misreading of what I wrote when you made your original claim. Nor having quotes scattered over four pages previous was it particularly obvious you were doing so. I apologize for my misinterpretation.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 02:49:20 PM by EmJayBee83 »

Offline crustpope

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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #61 on: May 22, 2010, 02:49:58 PM »
The current errata has sealed its fate until there is a way to add a hero to battle after another one has been withdrawn ( ie like an unknown nation for the good guys)  Even if one highway didnt recur another it would not be a problem because battle prayer could easily get it out of the discard pile, you just have to band a non-gold hero into battle to make sure that the Highway got d/ced.  The real key was having another hero in battle in order to continue the loop.

I would rather they have limited the battles to 10 minutes.  That because then you could still d/c their deck over two or three turns, giving them a fighting chance but still keeping the combo.
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The Schaef

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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #62 on: May 22, 2010, 03:07:08 PM »
And from many of your posts you seem to give the impression that you arent always in the "know" about reent rulings so that lead me to believe that there was even a hierarchy among those who are on the inside.

I don't think there's any single person that's aware of every single ruling made at any given time.  For many, the role is a part-time one when they're not bogged down with other things, so not everybody gets in on every discussion.  In particular, I was out in the main hall of the hotel managing the tournament when the 2008 discussion was taking place among the judges inside, so obviously I was out of the loop at that time.  I consider that a very good visual example of how this kind of thing can happen at times.

In that very thread you even admitted that there was no consensus regarding the Highway ruling at that time.  How is that anyway to run the way rulings are made?  It only breeds confusion and hurt feelings in the end.

You think there's anyone in this room that's more frustrated with that situation than I?

Quote from: MJB appeared that the default PTB position was to not make major ruling changes--even ones to tamp down solitaire decks--once the major tournament season commenced. I am not sure what changed about the combo decks in the year and a third since then that forced a re-evaluation of this position, but apparently it has. Even if you disagree with the contention that such ruling instability is unfair to the players...

And why would I disagree with that contention?  Especially when I made the effort to explain to you in the other thread that I specifically would not do that myself and would not expect the others to do it?

To make one last point, the thrust of my various posts through that discussion was to the prevailing logic that if Mo Change was ruled in order to prevent infinite looping turns, then other combos should probably be ruled based on that same logic.  An argument to prevailing logic is an argument to a general issue, just as you and YMT were discussing, even if it is directed at a specific instance as with Mark's post.


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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #63 on: May 22, 2010, 03:13:43 PM »
I don't think there's any single person that's aware of every single ruling made at any given time.

Is there any way we could attempt to fix this? Would it be possible to make a stickied thread in the Rulings forum that has either a brief description from Rob, or a link to any thread that involves a rule change? It'd be nice to have EVERY ruling that has been made on the forums in ONE list.

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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #64 on: May 22, 2010, 03:15:04 PM »
There is the eratta list and it is already stickied.  I don't knwo what other rulings you would want to include on that.
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The Schaef

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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #65 on: May 22, 2010, 03:15:19 PM »
Given the number of threads in the Ruling Section, I think you can understand the weight of what you're asking.


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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #66 on: May 22, 2010, 03:18:41 PM »
I didn't mean the answer to EVERY thread, but rather a list of every CHANGE to rulings or cards. Most of the threads in that forum are just asking how a situation plays out, a simple explanation is given, and thats the end of it.

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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #67 on: May 22, 2010, 03:20:36 PM »
Stickie every thread that changes anything?  :o
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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #68 on: May 22, 2010, 03:20:58 PM »
Matt himself referred to the errata thread.


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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #69 on: May 22, 2010, 03:24:16 PM »
Matt himself referred to the errata thread.

So... where is there any mention of that one discussion that took place, regarding the long day combos? I'm pretty sure it was ruled that characters can only enter battle once per turn, but its not in either of those two threads.

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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #70 on: May 22, 2010, 03:36:06 PM »
I'm pretty sure that's been a rule for years.  Isn't it in the withdraw section of the older REG?

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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #71 on: May 22, 2010, 03:45:34 PM »
Didnt mean to be insensittive.  and this only points to the bigger problem  no one know exactly who id "in" and who is "out"

If you're having problems remembering who is an official playtester, check your rulebook.  The list is there, although Justin might be too new to the team to be listed in most editions.
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The Schaef

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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #72 on: May 22, 2010, 03:48:31 PM »
Normally I would agree, and there's still some 70% accuracy to that list, but it's six years old.  Not a reliable resource in this case.

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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #73 on: May 22, 2010, 08:55:41 PM »
Brian was never a playtester, he simply had access to the cards in development.  I don't remember exactly who brought him in on it, maybe Mike or Bany.
If memory serves me, he was brought into the card development loop by Will Kludy.

As far as a list of playtesters, I think that Rob, Bryon, Mike B., Justin A., Eric "playtester" Largent, Schaef, RedemptionTom, Kludy, Kevin Shride, Chris Bany, and most recently Tim Maly are all in that group.

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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #74 on: May 22, 2010, 08:59:19 PM »
Don't forget John Michasomeatorother, And I guess technically we should add Schaef to the list :) Not sure if Roy is officially a playtester or not, but he's in the loop for sure.


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