Author Topic: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings  (Read 16824 times)

Offline crustpope

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A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« on: May 21, 2010, 01:06:28 PM »
I have a few suggestions for Redemption.

1. Redemption needs a Ruling Council (aka PTB).  These people need to be clearly identified (an given a formal and official position) and posted so that any ruling questions can be sent to them.  This committe should be small and consist of an odd number of members (5-7), so that rulings can be decisive (majority vote) and quick.  The procedeings should be in secred but can be revealed if all members of the Ruling council consent. This is to prevent players making judgements based on discussions/rulings on these boards they believe to be true only to find out that they are not at a later date.

2. Redemption needs to streamling its policy for making major rule changes.  Here are my suggestions:

a) All major ruling changes will be announced before Nationals and will take effect following nationals for the next tournament season.

b) Emergency Rulings can be used but they are reserved only for game breaking combinations that are a result of unanticipated card combinations that would most likely involve previously released cards as they are integrated with the newest set.  These Emergency rulings can be made before the start of MAJOR tournament season. (Major tournament season is defined as beginning with the first state tournement and ending at Nationals)

c) Decks during the Major tournament season can only be undone by a misunderstanding on the part of the deck owner of how the rules work.  No erattas should be made to change the way a card is played until after Nationals.

c) Anyone who quesitons the legality of their deck should submit it to the Ruling council for review before the major tournament season.  A ruling on the legality of the deck will be made at that time.  If a deck is played that hads not been submitted, and if this deck includes some form of "lock out" and or stalemate battle that involves an infinite loop, then the judges are free to ban it upon the spot and make a ruling on the particular cards at a later date after discussion with the other members of the ruling council.

If you agree with these guidelines, please post here below.  From time to time I will update this first post to update the list.  I am also open to any suggestions to these guidelines.  This may go down as an epic fail by me, but I feel strongly that some changes should be made. I know I have no power to make those changes on my own, but I hope that at least those who can make these changes would at least listen to my suggestions.

If you want your name added to the petition, please make that known in your post.  something to the effect of "Please add my name" would suffice.

Crustpope- Matthew Archibald

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« Last Edit: May 25, 2010, 08:15:49 AM by crustpope »
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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2010, 01:07:53 PM »
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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2010, 01:30:26 PM »
Matt, I don't know what good can come from this.  I think this petition should, at the most, be in Open Discussion. That way, guests and new members can't see the battle that is going on.  I know you're disappointed & frustrated, but I would encourage you to move this petition there.
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Offline crustpope

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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2010, 01:40:58 PM »
New members have just as much right as anyone else to call for change in the way things are done.  Like I said, I dont really expect anything to change, I just want my voice heard.  If others agree, then they are free to do so.  I dont believe that the PTB are afraid of a little conflict, and if they are they shouldn't be, besides, the other thread is public as well, why should this one be hidden?  These are suggestions designed only to be helpful.  There is no malice here. 
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Offline SomeKittens

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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2010, 02:05:38 PM »
I think that in this situation, a few standards would be a good idea.
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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2010, 02:19:35 PM »
Matt I appreciate your passion.  I will only speak for myself on this issue - the issue of the recent errata on Highway et. al.

My silence should not have been interpreted as consent for the simple reason that I was not aware that Highway was being recurred multiple times on a turn.  When I learned that some players thought you could use it this way, I saw the immediate need for the errata.  Other players apparently were under the impression that I knew this for months and months and did nothing about it.  On the contrary, I addressed it as soon as I learned of it.  Can anyone cite my participation is a discussion about recurring Highway before two days ago?  To let this combo continue all the way through nationals is more detrimental to the tournaments IMO.  We have had no regional tournaments yet and only a handful of state tournaments and most of the state events thus far have had fewer than 15 total players - yours being the exception so far with 26 players.  

I agree with you that major rule changes are best saved for after Nationals.  But, I question this being a major ruling.  Maybe I am wrong - how many players are playing this type of deck to recur Highway?  If that number is less than 10, can it truly be called a major ruling change?

No malice from me either and your voice is being heard.  
Rob Anderson
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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2010, 02:36:32 PM »
As to the specific matter of this thread, I agree that this would be a good idea. I don't particularly have any beef with the Highway ruling, and thank you Rob for clarifying your position, but I still think that this would be good moving forward. However, I'm not sure if we really need to petition, I think that using this thread as a springboard for discussion. I believe that there was another thread addressing such a ruling board though. But it might be a good idea to figure this out. Because no matter my feelings, many loyal players were negatively affected by the ruling, and such guidelines would prevent that from happening again.
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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2010, 03:11:03 PM »
I echo the comments of SS and "the other Prof".  This is a good idea, but putting it here as a petition is only going to foster dissension and come across as combative to the very people who have the power to make something like this a reality.  I repeat what I said in the previous thread that was along these lines, please let us handle this without doing it on a public thread like this one.  I will send you a PM.

Offline crustpope

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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2010, 03:11:57 PM »
I appreciate your response Rob.  

In many ways it seems that this is a huge misunderstanding.  People assuming one thing while reality is actually another.  I still feel that there needs to to be some sort of formal position for those who make the rules.  The members of the ruling council should be publicly known so that issues can be sent direclty to them so that insteadof relying on other peoples best judgement, players who want to reveal a combo for approval should know who to go to to get an offical answer.  

as far as when and what to eratta, I would be open to suggestions as to how that should proceede.

@ Professoralstad, if you have trouble with the "petition" title, then think of it as an "agreeing with the idea that some structure should be in place for when rulings are made" list.  the word Petition may have unecessary political connotations that I want to avoid, but if you agree with me that some sort of guidelines need to be in place for how and when changes are released then that is good enough for me.
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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2010, 03:51:34 PM »
Matt, I don't know what good can come from this.  I think this petition should, at the most, be in Open Discussion. That way, guests and new members can't see the battle that is going on.  I know you're disappointed & frustrated, but I would encourage you to move this petition there.
Alright, I have to know something: I've heard of Open Discussion many times, but I have no idea what anyone is talking about when they say it. Am I missing something?
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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2010, 04:14:09 PM »
I have a few suggestions for Redemption.

1. Redemption needs a Ruling Council (aka PTB).  These people need to be clearly identified (an given a formal and official position) and posted so that any ruling questions can be sent to them.  To often on these boards people make decisons based on ruling they believe to be true only to find out that they are not at a later date.
We do. Brian and Sir nobody and the play testers.

a) All major ruling changes will be announced before Nationals and will take effect following nationals for the next tournament season.
b) Emergency Rulings can be used but they are reserved only for game breaking combinations that are a result of unanticipated card combinations that would most likely involve previously released cards as they are integrated with the newest set.  These Emergency rulings can be made before the start of MAJOR tournament season. (Major tournament season is defined as beginning with the first state tournement and ending at Nationals)
c) Decks during the Major tournament season can only be undone by a misunderstanding on the part of the deck owner of how the rules work.  No erattas should be made to change the way a card is played until after Nationals.

I thought it was this way....
« Last Edit: May 21, 2010, 11:33:08 PM by Soundman2 »
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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2010, 04:29:49 PM »
Matt, I don't know what good can come from this.  I think this petition should, at the most, be in Open Discussion. That way, guests and new members can't see the battle that is going on.  I know you're disappointed & frustrated, but I would encourage you to move this petition there.
Alright, I have to know something: I've heard of Open Discussion many times, but I have no idea what anyone is talking about when they say it. Am I missing something?

open discussion is a private board for members of age. its usually for discussing material not best around younger audiences. that is also where you will find m-rated video game discussions. :) *shameless plug*

crustpope, i shall sign your petition! :)
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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2010, 04:31:06 PM »
How is "of age" defined? Also, is The_Warrior in there beings his profile says he is 9001?

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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2010, 04:37:21 PM »
i believe its for members 18 and older. and no, you dont get in automatically based on the age in your profile.
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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2010, 04:40:35 PM »
Sadface. They should lower it to 6.

Offline SomeKittens

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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2010, 04:41:40 PM »
How do you verify that?  I'm 19, and can't find it.
Mind not the ignorant fool on the other side of the screen!-BubbleBoy
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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #16 on: May 21, 2010, 04:45:40 PM »
i believe its for members 18 and older. and no, you dont get in automatically based on the age in your profile.
Oh yeah? Well, I started my own secret section of the boards only for cool people, and you're not invited! >:(
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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #17 on: May 21, 2010, 04:48:11 PM »
Although I understand and agree the age limit is a good thing, as it allows to have more mature conversations without attacking the little'uns....

8. There is to be no formation of groups or other clubs that will in any way exclude other members on this board.

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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #18 on: May 21, 2010, 04:58:55 PM »
How do you verify that?  I'm 19, and can't find it.

if you would like to gain access to the open discussion board, simply pm schaef and let him know you're of age and would like to be in open discussion.

Oh yeah? Well, I started my own secret section of the boards only for cool people, and you're not invited! >:(

secret sections on the boards are only cool if you get secret decoder rings. and we all have decoder rings.

Although I understand and agree the age limit is a good thing, as it allows to have more mature conversations without attacking the little'uns....

8. There is to be no formation of groups or other clubs that will in any way exclude other members on this board.

its not really trying to exclude anyone...just trying to give the more mature members an outlet to discuss generally more serious matters that wouldnt always be appropriate around younger people. its also kind of like how there is a secret playtester forum here on the board, but us regular members dont have access to it.
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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #19 on: May 21, 2010, 04:59:49 PM »
Wait, we haverules?!?!
Mind not the ignorant fool on the other side of the screen!-BubbleBoy
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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #20 on: May 21, 2010, 05:14:54 PM »
I understand that I am new, and I understand that I don't know all that much about Redemption.  However, IMO it's quite obvious to me what the difference between a card that has an issue that gives it the appearance of contradicting itself, and cards that are being used beyond their original design.  I am a big fan of strategy, but I am an opponent to finding questionable uses for cards and combos.  IMO this is like the guys who scour video games for glitches and take advantage of them instead of addressing the issue with the creators of the game.  I don't like card manipulation.  I may joke about about not revealing a secret, yet sketchy, combination because it will most likely be "fixed," but in truth, it's no fun when things are over-analyzed to the point where it seems people are 'taking advantage' of the game.  I know, you find something and technically it hasn't been mentioned as illegal, but when you look at the point of Redemption and then use a little bit of brain power, it's quite easy to see when something just isn't right. 

I encourage you guys to at least think about this if you haven't already.  I like the game of Redemption and I love the strategies that are possible, but I encourage you to take any discrepancy and report it ASAP and refrain from utilizing it until a ruling has been made.  IMO, it doesn't matter if it's changed 1 year, 3 months, 2 weeks, or 7 days from a tournament or tournament season, if it doesn't work the way it was originally intended, you shouldn't place it in your deck until it's been ruled upon.  I understand, some people don't have time to be building multiple decks and for some people it takes a long time, but from my own experiences, it only takes me about 2 hours to build a deck, and one night of playing with it to figure out how to improve it.  Once I learn more about the cards, I won't need even that much time, so I'm not sure why you guys need more than 2 weeks notice about an issue.  Again, this is all IMO and it doesn't matter to me if you agree or disagree, but I see no reason to be complaining.


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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #21 on: May 21, 2010, 05:32:16 PM »
Counter sniper, you are new here but I wont hold that against you  ;)

The problem is not trying to do anything illegal.  no one does anything illegal or unintended with the cards, it is just that most of these cards are designed by type 1 players without thinking about what a type 2 player can do with 5 copies of a single card.  For instance, the Sin in the Camp card had to be erataed because in Type 2 you can lock someone out easily and the cost to d/c all of those Sin in the Camp's would be too high to use.

Sin in the Camp is still a strong strategy even after the eratta, but at least now it is a bit easier to counter.  No one was doing anything wrong, they were simply playing the game the way the card was written.

This Current eratta I have NO problem with.  In fact it has come about 3 or more years too late.  No one is trying to do anything illegal, the problem is that it can start an endless loop that cannot (or at least it is very hard to stop) in which you can do a lot of damage to your opponent.

That is just the nature of type II.  Frankly I liked playing against Jonathans deck even though it d/ced my deck over a dozen times this year (and yes it is EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING) but it was fun to try and find counters to the deck.  after the first time I tweaked my deck to make it more resistant to Jonathans deck and had greater success, even beating it on a few occasions.  Personally I would rather there not be any erattas on cards because I dont mind the 20 minute stalemate battles.  I figure it is part of the risk of playing Type II.
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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #22 on: May 21, 2010, 06:02:08 PM »
How is "of age" defined? Also, is The_Warrior in there beings his profile says he is 9001?
i believe its for members 18 and older. and no, you dont get in automatically based on the age in your profile.
On the contrary, i heard u can get in to OD regardless of age, just based on the maturity level
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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #23 on: May 21, 2010, 07:14:33 PM »
How is "of age" defined? Also, is The_Warrior in there beings his profile says he is 9001?
i believe its for members 18 and older. and no, you dont get in automatically based on the age in your profile.
On the contrary, i heard u can get in to OD regardless of age, just based on the maturity level
Thats not good. If it is one's maturity level that allows entry to open discussion, I'm not going to get in for atleast 50 years.

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Re: A Petition: Reccomendations for Redemption Rulings
« Reply #24 on: May 21, 2010, 07:16:05 PM »
Wait, there's an Open Discussion board? Where?
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