Author Topic: Vanity  (Read 3517 times)

Offline Minister Polarius

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« on: September 10, 2012, 12:13:53 AM »
3/3 Brown Curse
"If a card (except a Lost Soul or card from hand) would be shuffled into deck, remove it from the game instead. Restrict opponent from choosing this card as a target if Solomon is in play."
~Ecclesiastes 1:2

This would trigger any time a card is moved from anywhere else to the deck resulting in a shuffle. It triggers off the shuffle itself, so things like Angel under the Oak would still get to work, they'd just be removed from the game afterward. Based on the fact that "Vanity" in Ecclesiastes can be translated "Temporary," and is probably a better translation in current English.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2012, 12:04:51 PM by Minister Polarius »
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Re: Vanity
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2012, 12:17:21 AM »

3 Words: Death of Unrighteous.


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Re: Vanity
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2012, 12:24:38 AM »
How about:

If a card would be exchanged into the deck, remove it from the game instead. Restrict opponent from targeting this card if Solomon is in play.

Offline Minister Polarius

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Re: Vanity
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2012, 12:26:12 AM »
I didn't intend it just to be an Oak counter. The first thing that I thought of was stopping Chariot of Fire. I'd rather just slap an "except Lost Souls" on it. What then?
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!


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Re: Vanity
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2012, 01:07:19 AM »
I didn't intend it just to be an Oak counter. The first thing that I thought of was stopping Chariot of Fire. I'd rather just slap an "except Lost Souls" on it. What then?

It'd still be OP beyond belief.

Prophet shuffle offense + that = remove every EC in the game.

How about this:

"When a player uses an ability to shuffle one of their cards, remove that card instead."

Now it only triggers when a player shuffles their own cards, preventing you from abusing it yourself.

Offline Minister Polarius

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Re: Vanity
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2012, 10:11:22 AM »
What's a Prophet shuffle offense? Unless you're talking about T2, which idk about, the "beyond belief" ironically strains credulity. Two Bears and Habakkuk Stands Watch are the only two shuffles I can think of.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!

Offline Professoralstad

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Re: Vanity
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2012, 10:16:53 AM »
It would certainly make ANB a different kind of card...

Aside from that, it essentially makes Holy Unto the Lord a better version of AoCP that can be played via Hidden Treasures. It may make Syrian defenses usable though...

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Re: Vanity
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2012, 10:52:01 AM »
It would certainly make ANB a different kind of card...

Aside from that, it essentially makes Holy Unto the Lord a better version of AoCP that can be played via Hidden Treasures. It may make Syrian defenses usable though...

Yeah, these were the two main cards I was thinking of.

Also included:

Angelic Advice
David's Music
Grapes of Wrath
Love at First Sight
Thrown Into the Sea

Offline Minister Polarius

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Re: Vanity
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2012, 12:04:16 PM »
How are you going to play Holy unto the Lord with Hidden Treasures and Vanity up at the same time? ANB would not be an issue because by the time Vanity would be kicking in it'd be a new turn and Vanity would no longer be in play or active.

To address the others:
-Terrible card in a horrible Brigade for it. High-risk high-reward combos are fine in my book.
-Shuffles Demons, yeah? Extremely limited scope, again no biggie.
-Totally ok with this. The things that would be hit hardest would be banding chains, who have Foreign Sword anyway and besides it all just won Natz.
- - -Yep, needs a hand exception.
-Don't really have any idea what this card is.

After the hand exception is added, can you see anywhere else it would be too powerful?
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!

Offline Professoralstad

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Re: Vanity
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2012, 12:30:45 PM »
You could put Vanity on Chorazin. But otherwise you raise a good point. I guess I'm not sure exactly why ANB wouldn't work as I suggested, my understanding is that the shuffle is insteaded before the battle ends.

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Offline Redoubter

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Re: Vanity
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2012, 06:09:31 PM »
Start by saying I really like the concept.  However:

ANB would actually result in all of the cards shuffled being removed from the game.  Nothing would have negated Vanity, and the instead happens instead of the shuffle still.  It does not wait for the ability to complete, it happens at that moment, and again, was not negated by anything.

Grapes is also a major issue, considering what it is capable of on offense and defense.

Also, the Prophets deck would actually be better than you give credit for.  I would use this card with a Prophets-Royalty deck, using Solomon to restrict my opponent from getting rid of Vanity, Isaiah to protect Solomon and the other Royalty I used, Nathan to shuffle, Two Bears to shuffle, Habakkuk Stands Watch to shuffle, Plague of Frogs (minor issue) to shuffle, Micah to recur all (turning off Vanity first, of course), and eventually bleed my opponent out of EC.

What has not been mentioned: Captured Ark (and another card not to be named) remove artifacts from the game, making them much more powerful than intended or expected.  And as mentioned, there are indeed ways to have two curses active at the same time. 

I will of course grant you that many of these issues (excluding ANB and Grapes, those are problems) require planning and card space (plus some luck), but that's the point of these threads, to point out the potential issues ;)

I'd also like to say that your post seemed to imply that T2 concerns aren't valid, but we must introduce cards with all types in mind, not just T1-2P.


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Re: Vanity
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2012, 06:13:57 PM »
What has not been mentioned: Captured Ark (and another card not to be named) remove artifacts from the game, making them much more powerful than intended or expected.  And as mentioned, there are indeed ways to have two curses active at the same time. 

I already listed Angelic Advice... which does what Split Altar was SUPPOSED to do.

Angelic Advice (Pa)

Type: Hero Enh. • Brigade: Silver • Ability: None • Class: None • Special Ability: Shuffle all Artifact piles in play back into each players' draw pile. Active artifacts are shuffled but not negated. • Play As: Shuffle [return] all Artifact piles into owner's deck. Active artifacts are not negated. • Identifiers: None • Verse: Judges 2:1-2 • Availability: Patriarchs booster packs (Common)

Offline ChristianSoldier

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Re: Vanity
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2012, 01:35:30 AM »
Actually, unless someone is actually running a brown defense this card really isn't an issue for 2 Bears, because Two Bears would very likely have to hit Vanity (being a brown brigade card) and then remove itself from the game.

I'm personally not a big fan of this card, I don't see it as being too powerful or really that useful, aside from countering a few cards and slightly boosting prophets decks (incidentally this would have humorous results with Obadiah's Caves,prophet gets removed -> placed in Caves -> Shuffled insteaded to remove insteaded to placed in Caves and so on.)
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Offline Minister Polarius

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Re: Vanity
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2012, 02:32:48 PM »
ANB would not. It would suffer the same fizzle effect that happens when multiple people are banded into battle at the same time, but somewhere before one activates an End the Battle ability takes place.

I just disagree about Grapes. It's a perfectly equal check on the card, because while Vanity is up, Grapes cuts both ways. In addition, it is much more damaging to good, which is runaway powerful and could use a threat with some teeth.

In order to use Captured Ark with it, you'd have to also have Chozarin at the same time, your opponent would need to lack Nazareth, and you'd only get to remove one Artifact. Making Captured Ark better when a certain combo is in place does not even put a card closer to being broken.

I did not mean to imply that T2 doesn't matter, only that I don't have enough experience with T2 to know whether or not a card would do something extra there. So far nobody has pointed out any T2-specific concerns, so as far as I know it doesn't.

Unless someone wants to keep insisting that it works with ANB, it seems the card is exactly what I think new cards should be. Potentially very powerful, but situationally so, very good in some decks, but not all, and broad enough in scope to be useful against most decks, but limited enough to not be an auto-include.

@Christian Soldier: It actually wouldn't. Caves would cause a shuffle, which would be insteaded to a remove, which would be insteaded to a place, not a shuffle. The net effect would be sticking the Prophet there until Vanity were deactivated, not a loop. Also, good point on Vanity. Two Bears is NBD unless you're using Brown for your defense, locking you into a Green/Purple/Brown deck, which is terrible, if you were to want to build a whole deck around this one curse.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!

Offline Redoubter

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Re: Vanity
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2012, 06:51:30 PM »
ANB would not. It would suffer the same fizzle effect that happens when multiple people are banded into battle at the same time, but somewhere before one activates an End the Battle ability takes place.
Unless someone wants to keep insisting that it works with ANB, it seems the card is exactly what I think new cards should be. Potentially very powerful, but situationally so, very good in some decks, but not all, and broad enough in scope to be useful against most decks, but limited enough to not be an auto-include.

That it would not work as I described is just not true.  The instead insteads the shuffle, which happens before ending the battle at the point of the shuffle in the ability.  Insteading an ability does not wait for the entire card to complete, it does insert itself immediately into the ability.  Your argument goes against rulings for instead and triggers that have been established.  You would argue that if you had Obi-Wan's cave out, I played Arrogance, removed your prophet from the game and played an end-the battle off of it, the instead wouldn't kick in and send him there?  Or that if I started a block with Archers, sniped your angel in territory, banded to a character with horses and played an end-the-battle card, the angel would go to discard instead of Chamber?  Both wrong, and the same exact concept.

In short, ANB would remove everything from the game that it shuffled, unless they were protected.

I just disagree about Grapes. It's a perfectly equal check on the card, because while Vanity is up, Grapes cuts both ways. In addition, it is much more damaging to good, which is runaway powerful and could use a threat with some teeth.

Actually, it's not a check at all, and does not cut both ways.  You mean I can CBN remove all heroes in battle from the game by blocking with any old EC and playing Grapes?  Makes an already powerful card overly so.

I did not mean to imply that T2 doesn't matter, only that I don't have enough experience with T2 to know whether or not a card would do something extra there. So far nobody has pointed out any T2-specific concerns, so as far as I know it doesn't.

You seemed to suggest that Prophets shuffle has no play in T1, so if you still believe that, then I addressed your entire point there in my original post.  Note also the ability to have 4 of each shuffling card and 3 of Vanity makes it fun fun.

Also, good point on Vanity. Two Bears is NBD unless you're using Brown for your defense, locking you into a Green/Purple/Brown deck, which is terrible, if you were to want to build a whole deck around this one curse.

The deck I proposed (Prophets-Royalty) would definitely use Brown.  Not only is it good and meshes well with the offense, but more use out of Amazing (diversifying combos ftw).  And in T2, it would not only be viable, it would be terrifying (and yes, Green/Purple is actually a common offense in T2).

Offline ChristianSoldier

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Re: Vanity
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2012, 07:03:01 PM »
@Christian Soldier: It actually wouldn't. Caves would cause a shuffle, which would be insteaded to a remove, which would be insteaded to a place, not a shuffle. The net effect would be sticking the Prophet there until Vanity were deactivated, not a loop. Also, good point on Vanity. Two Bears is NBD unless you're using Brown for your defense, locking you into a Green/Purple/Brown deck, which is terrible, if you were to want to build a whole deck around this one curse.

That's actually what I was saying, I wasn't saying it would go infinite (although I do get why you thought that) I just thought it was funny that they would place themselves in caves every turn without going anywhere.
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Re: Vanity
« Reply #16 on: September 12, 2012, 01:03:00 PM »
No it wouldn't. I'm done arguing with you about it here.

Actually, it's not a check at all, and does not cut both ways.  You mean I can CBN remove all heroes in battle from the game by blocking with any old EC and playing Grapes?
Yes it is, and yes it does. You put up Vanity and attack, guess who gets to do the exact same thing if he so choses? Furthermore, it weakens Grapes simultaneously because if you want to use it on offense (the way it's used 90% of the time among top players), you have to say goodbye to your initial attacker forever. You could attack weak, and risk your opponent being able to block a suboptimal attack, but that's just the fun of it!
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!

Offline Redoubter

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Re: Vanity
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2012, 08:39:13 PM »
No it wouldn't. I'm done arguing with you about it here.

Considering that AN ELDER also disagreed with your assertion, that is unhelpful.  You did not address my examples, and no one else has backed you whatsoever.  Therefore, you must defend your position if you feel that the ruling should be that way (and as it applies to other cases as I pointed out, it isn't just a theoretical).


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