Author Topic: The Thirty: Some New Ideas for Red  (Read 1752 times)

Offline Asahel24601

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The Thirty: Some New Ideas for Red
« on: August 02, 2017, 01:36:09 AM »
Hello All! It's been a while since I actually made cards I was proud of. Now that I'm back in the game and have a little more experience with the current meta, here's a few ideas I had for Red brigade. The idea is the Thirty: David's finest warriors, and some of the most legendary in the bible. Plus, most of them haven't been printed since Kings. It seems like they could use an upgrade.

As a note: I hate half the art on some of these, but there's only so many images of these guys that aren't too grainy to be any good in the card editor.

First, their commander:
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Abishai, as a son of Zeuriah, was David's nephew and one of his commanders. In Redemption, his two brothers, Joab and Asahel, support the theme of banding chains, which makes sense as they served as army commanders. His protect ability only triggers if there's at least one warrior before him, as he is almost never seen alone, and when he is mentioned alone, he's stopping someone from killing David or preforming acts of heroism. Speaking of saving David:

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One of Abishai's great moments was killing Ishbibenob, saving David's life. However, as a consequence of this, David was asked by his men to no longer fight alongside them, so he wouldn't be killed. Because of this, the card interrupts the battle and discards an evil card (preferably a Giant. That probably should say Evil character.) and can be shuffled into your deck at the cost of your purple King. While it may not go well in Throne decks, that's okay. Throne's not the idea here.

Onto the big Three:
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Probably more powerful than he should be, but ah, well. Discarding an Army is decently strong, but he'd be a dead card against some defenses, so I added the second half. He's stopped by any protect fortress, but without one, he can really hurt. His CBN status if David is in play is worded as is mostly because it's a thing. I'm tempted to remove it altogether.

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Eleazar held off an entire Philistine army on his own (Or maybe with David's help, translations and books vary), and fought so long his hand clung to the sword. Thus, his weapons are protected from discard. He forces your opponent to face him in battle, assuming he is alone. No Martyrs or Writs for him.

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The last of the Three, Shammah cannot be touched by Warriors, and if he stands alone, his enhancments rip through protect abilities like wet tissue paper. Beware the Three!

Then, there's another member of the Thirty. After all, there are thirty of them. May as well start their updates now.
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Zalmon still shuts down evil weapons, but now he also gives you the tools to fight the enemy as well. He may not be the strongest, but he can give you plenty of tools to work with.

Finally, the site of probably David's most famous story in the Bible:
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Here in the valley, your opponent is forced to let you take a shot at his evil character, or force the battle from growing to more than a fight of champions. Watch out, however, as the enemy may be able to kill you before you can do anything.

The idea is to create a theme where Red can stand alone, with searching out heroes and their own powerful

Offline The Guardian

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Re: The Thirty: Some New Ideas for Red
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2017, 02:27:13 AM »
Very cool ideas. One small thing that caught my eye was that we (the playtest team) are not going to make any more "depicts a weapon" cards. It is a difficult identifier to keep up to date in the REG and it's much simpler to just say "good weapon" or "evil weapon" which refers to weapon class enhancements (like on Second Seal/War).

I would probably make that ability "You may search deck or Reserve for a good weapon of any brigade except Silver."  8)

Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

Offline Ironisaac

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Re: The Thirty: Some New Ideas for Red
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2017, 07:59:56 AM »
Love these cards! Glad that you made eleazar, that guy needs a reprint so badly!
Some call me "Goofus"


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Re: The Thirty: Some New Ideas for Red
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2017, 09:12:53 AM »
Awesome ideas but generally speaking red needs to be nurtured with speed to become competitive again imo

the cool thing about ot red is that it has the thematic aspects of being a warrior along with banding and powerful battle winners. David the shepherd rightfully helps ot red with speed through searching. I encourage more search/band/draw and other clever ways of gaining speed. Mustering for war could have a draw and search component for example

Ftr I am definitely in favor of giving ot red more juice to at least put it on par with judges for search/speed. It's got great battle winners and characters but typically is overshadowed by throne

overall these cards seem to have abilities adding even more power, where power does not currently lack. Cool ideas though! Hoping my input is encouraging! Seems like you've got room to add abilities on what you've got


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