
What should Rapha, Father of Giants have for stats?

Strength: 8
3 (3%)
Strength: 9
2 (2%)
Strength: 10
8 (8%)
Strength: 11
9 (9%)
Strength: 12
28 (28%)
Toughness: 8
1 (1%)
Toughness: 9
2 (2%)
Toughness: 10
2 (2%)
Toughness: 11
9 (9%)
Toughness: 12
36 (36%)

Total Members Voted: 48

Voting closed: February 01, 2018, 04:25:47 PM

Author Topic: The 2018 Community Created Card: Stats voting and Special ability suggestions  (Read 15246 times)

Offline The Guardian

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I'm all for changing his name. I was under the impression that he would be a Philistine when I voted.

Thank you for the feedback.

This actually illustrates an important point that we all need to remember: with the number of people who have participated thus far (which has been awesome), we are all going to "assume" things about ANY card that might have been picked. While there are some things that are pretty safe assumptions (in this case that he would be black brigade), other things are not so clear even if people thought they were (such as the Philistine identifier).

In this particular case, some people read "Father of Giants" as the literal father of the 5 giants Jesse mentioned. Others interpreted "Father of Giants" as meaning a past ancestor of those giants and others among the races of giants. Neither position can be faulted or is in the wrong--the use of the name/term "Rapha" is simply one area where Scripture is not explicitly clear to those of us with limited understanding.

In the end, the card is not going to end up exactly like everyone thought--because that is quite literally impossible. Frankly, it's much better if everyone brings different ideas to the table otherwise it would be a pretty boring process, but with that in mind everyone needs to understand that their idea may not necessarily be used.

The community created card process is still new and far from perfect. I have tried my best to be open to suggestions and tweaks to the process without making it seem like I'm just making it up as I go along because that simply isn't a good design process, which is part of why we (as a playtest team) wanted to start doing this--to give everyone a glimpse of how we go through the design process. Granted we don't often use voting, but that's simply the result of having 50+ people involved in the project.

Thanks to everyone for your contributions thus far, and I look forward to making another great community created card.  8)
« Last Edit: February 01, 2018, 11:14:23 AM by The Guardian »
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

Offline EmJayBee83

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Hey Justin,

Just a note that I feel you are doing a really good job navigating the rocky shoals of running a community through an undefined (poorly defined??) process.


P.S. This originally was a draft PM, but wanted to publicly acknowledge The Guardian.

Offline The Guardian

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Thanks Matt--it's definitely a process in which we are learning, but one that is totally worthwhile to struggle through IMO.  8)
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

Offline Watchman

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Also, there isn’t really a debate about the name in this thread...

Apparently you must have missed all of the posts by others on wanting the name to be changed...

...besides poor arguments from Watchman.


Right, dude.   :thumbup:
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Offline Watchman

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Thanks Matt--it's definitely a process in which we are learning, but one that is totally worthwhile to struggle through IMO.  8)

Thanks for being willing to be flexible and listening to the input/concerns/debates from the community, Justin. It goes a long way and fosters creative ideas within the community, instead of just shutting down legitimate suggestions/debates, which would have the opposite desired effect of what we want the community created card to be.  :thumbup: :thumbup:
Overcome satan by the blood of the Lamb, your testimony, and don't love your life to the death!

Offline Gabe

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While I've talked to Justin privately, since my fault was done publicly I wanted to also make a public apology to him for this post.

I thought the matter was pretty cut and dry, but even so, Justin has taken on this project and I should have gone to him to let him determine if a correction was necessary. Instead, I've poked a hornets nest and left him with a mess to deal with.

I'm sorry, Justin. I trust you fully to run this and do it amazingly well. Thanks for overseeing it this year!
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?

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Yes, thank you Gabe, Justin, the other elders, and Rob not only for all you do for the game and the community, but also for letting us have a voice. Thanks for this community card project and thank you guys for doing a fantastic job. We are grateful for you!
Love is the flame of God, Who is love and an all-consuming fire!- Song. 8:6-7, 1 Jn. 4:8, Deut. 4:24

Offline The Guardian

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Well the stats are officially 12/12 for our character.  8) Over the weekend I will be going over the submissions for the special ability and doing my best to present 4-5 options by early next week based on the ideas everyone had.

I will also continue to ponder the discussions regarding the Philistine identifier and possible name change. I will post more about that later.  :)

Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

Offline NathanW

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Do you think it would be a good idea at this point to put up the name/identifier to a vote?
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(='.'=) I know it's cute.


Offline The Guardian

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Do you think it would be a good idea at this point to put up the name/identifier to a vote?

I have a potential solution that I will present soon. I am hopeful that it will receive sufficient support that a vote would be unnecessary.  8)
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

Offline The Guardian

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Please read my post here regarding the name.
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?


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