Author Topic: The 2018 Community Created Card: Rapha of Gath + Promo Announcement  (Read 11379 times)

Offline goalieking87

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Re: The 2018 Community Created Card: Rapha of Gath + Promo Announcement
« Reply #50 on: March 16, 2018, 08:01:30 PM »
Can Rapha even be targeted directly by a negate like Three Woes, Image, Censor, or Moses?

According to the REG:
● Immune and protect effects keep cards from being affected by a specified set of cards or abilities.

The protection in and of itself (without CBN) appears to provide sufficient difficulties to be overcome.  I believe an “interrupt the battle” would be one of the only ways to get around this since it doesn’t directly target Rapha but would interrupt the protection so that you could do something about it. Regardless of protection would obviously work. Otherwise, maybe changing it to being protected from opponent’s cards so you could at least (potentially) use one of your opponent’s characters to target him.


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Re: The 2018 Community Created Card: Rapha of Gath + Promo Announcement
« Reply #51 on: March 16, 2018, 08:06:19 PM »
Negate targets abilities. So, you can negate protection.

Offline goalieking87

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Re: The 2018 Community Created Card: Rapha of Gath + Promo Announcement
« Reply #52 on: March 16, 2018, 08:22:19 PM »
I see, thanks. Makes sense based on the Clarification under Negate in the REG.

Offline goalieking87

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Re: The 2018 Community Created Card: Rapha of Gath + Promo Announcement
« Reply #53 on: March 16, 2018, 09:51:35 PM »
Just using a test deck without an opponent right now, but here are a couple of ideas for feedback so far:

I like the “protect other Phillies” ability paired with Outpost since you have to put them in territory. This gives some decent protection against grail especially where Armorbearer can be targeted before entering battle.

I like the idea of reserve access with Rapha, but don’t think that he will ever really be used for that because of his propensity to be negated.  While I don’t think CBN is the answer because of protection, would there be any issue with rewording it similarly to Gates of Jerusalem where if one of “them” (Philistines in territory) blocks, you get the reserve benefit.

I envision this like what Saul and David might have experienced when fighting the Philistines...they just keep coming. Block/topdeck, block/topdeck. Of course you would only have so many in your reserves anyway and you want to get to your good cards for winning battles, but I could see him getting play just to be able to get backup and some reserve access.

Also, regarding Rapha being able to be negated, there is some benefit to ha I gotta cards on the table that your opponent can and will want to negate, so you can use some of your other cards that they may not be paying as close of attention to.  For instance, you negate Rapha, so you can’t negate Outpost (with that same negate card).

EDIT I would also add that if Rapha remains the only way for Reserve access, he should at least be CBN by evil cards so you can follow up with whatever your opponent is going to play with Bringing Fear and not negate your own ability. I am still advocating for the Gates of Jerusalem type wording though.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2018, 10:40:31 PM by goalieking87 »

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Re: The 2018 Community Created Card: Rapha of Gath + Promo Announcement
« Reply #54 on: March 17, 2018, 01:22:06 AM »
This is really good feedback, and it's given me an idea that might work to address some of the concerns raised by you and others without deviating from our goals. I'm going to run it by the playtest team first and then present tomorrow.
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?


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Re: The 2018 Community Created Card: Rapha of Gath + Promo Announcement
« Reply #55 on: March 17, 2018, 12:30:25 PM »
What elements does a cbn Rapha have that oak, CoL, etc also have?

The common element is that you want to do something about your opponent's Gideon/CoL/Rapha, but you can't, because of CBN protection.  There's literally almost nothing you can do. 

lol yeah you can't use your op cards like grail, aocp, Jephthah etc.  ;) Creating territory protection that can be negated in the days of 3 woes, image of the beast, and burning censor, moses, etc is very mediocre and having him not protect himself would be the softest counter to territory destruction ever, because that very thing that the card is meant to counter, counters it. Play test away, but this is an average card right now that we didn't even vote on.

I couldn't agree more here. Against the match ups where it won't matter, it not being cbn won't hurt. In the match ups where it would matter most, it not being cbn hurts the worst ie against Moses Jephthah Ehud Dagger Edict Gideon Faith of Gideon.. Regardless of whether or not your opponent is playing those cards those cards being jam packed into one theme justifies at very least cbn tc protection on this evil character to be viable at mid to top tiers of competitive play.

Having at least 1 ec that provides some kind of staying power to the most angel vulnerable of themes with unity makes it viable otherwise you are still playing philistines getting wrecked on board before you even block.

Having an add to battle ability along with tc protection gives philistines  a gates of hell like ability which totally legitimizes philistines as a defense.

I have extensively play tested black and philistines for several years (generally finding it sub par, as tournament results prove) and I'm speaking not only from experience but what I would also love to see specifically for the philistine theme.. Having splashed Goliath in nearly everything.



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