New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
Syrian Snare1/1 Grey Evil Enhancement, TC"Capture a Human Hero. If used by a Syrian, you may capture or Discard an additional Hero."
Dance of Death0/0 Multicolor Evil Card, TC"If used by Salome, place on a Hero. If that Hero is Ignoring any Evil Brigades during battle, you may Discard this card to Capture John the Baptist. If he is not in play, you may Discard all Heroes in battle instead."
Judas Possessed0/0 Crimson/Orange Evil Enhancement, TC"Place your Demon on a Human. Character is Converted to a Crimson/Orange Evil Character until Demon is removed."
Or we could just have a completely new ability called "possession"!