Author Topic: Some Reprints  (Read 1397 times)

Offline Minister Polarius

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Some Reprints
« on: August 18, 2016, 01:10:02 PM »
Jacob's Ladder
"When a player begins a Rescue Attempt, he selects a Lost Soul. Protect all other Lost Souls from rescue this turn. Protect characters at face value from characters who are increased. Cannot be Negated."

Sword against Sword
5/-1 Gold/Black Enhancement, WC
"Discard a card with a brigade that says 'Cannot be Negated.'"

Prince Jonathan
7/7 Purple Hero, WC TC
-Israelite Royalty-
"Negate draw, play and search abilities on O.T. cards. Protect David from harm. If you do not have King Saul in play, may band to David and this card Cannot be Interrupted by an Enhancement."

Pharaoh's Daughter
4/4 Purple Hero, TC
-Egyptian Royalty-
"When played, search deck or discard pile for Moses. All Moses in play become Prince Moses: 7/4 territory-class Purple Egyptian Royalty with Special Ability 'Lost Souls Cannot be Negated except by Son of God. If Goshen is not in play, Negate all O.T. evil cards.'"

New Jerusalem
Good Dominant
"Search deck for a Fortress, play it, and protect it from opponents while it remains in play and there are cards in your deck. When there are no cards in your deck, remove Fortress from the game to rescue a N.T. Lost Soul."

4/4 Brown Evil Character, WC
"Select a Lost Soul. Opponent selects an Evil Character. The player to your left selects one to protect from opponents and one to discard. Cannot be Interrupted if three or more players performed an action this turn."
« Last Edit: August 18, 2016, 01:13:46 PM by Minister Polarius »
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!

Offline ag4hosea

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Re: Some Reprints
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2016, 01:32:45 PM »
I just have one question about the wording of Sword against Sword:

Sword against Sword
5/-1 Gold/Black Enhancement, WC
"Discard a card with a brigade that says 'Cannot be Negated.'"

Here it is: How can a brigade say 'cannot be negated'. I'm a little confused about your intentions for this card.
Your Aussie brother in Christ, Andy :)

Offline Josh

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Re: Some Reprints
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2016, 01:37:41 PM »
I just have one question about the wording of Sword against Sword:

Sword against Sword
5/-1 Gold/Black Enhancement, WC
"Discard a card with a brigade that says 'Cannot be Negated.'"

Here it is: How can a brigade say 'cannot be negated'. I'm a little confused about your intentions for this card.

Fortresses, for example, don't have brigades.  Sword Against Sword would not be able to discard Coliseum, even though Coliseum says "Cannot be negated" in the ability.  (Actually, Coliseum would toss SAS anyways, but you get my point  ;) )
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If You gave Your life to love them so will I

Offline ag4hosea

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Re: Some Reprints
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2016, 01:59:51 PM »
I just have one question about the wording of Sword against Sword:

Sword against Sword
5/-1 Gold/Black Enhancement, WC
"Discard a card with a brigade that says 'Cannot be Negated.'"

Here it is: How can a brigade say 'cannot be negated'. I'm a little confused about your intentions for this card.

Fortresses, for example, don't have brigades.  Sword Against Sword would not be able to discard Coliseum, even though Coliseum says "Cannot be negated" in the ability.  (Actually, Coliseum would toss SAS anyways, but you get my point  ;) )

Ok, thanks for explaining, I get it now.
Your Aussie brother in Christ, Andy :)


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Re: Some Reprints
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2016, 02:02:24 AM »
Barabbas is odd but interesting. Seems combo-wombo and could either be terrible or amazing.

I think New Jerusalem should specify good Fortress but otherwise I think it's an interesting alternate to the current one.

Love the rest of them.


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