Author Topic: Seven Deadly Sins  (Read 1494 times)

Offline ChristianSoldier

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Seven Deadly Sins
« on: April 17, 2013, 02:22:52 AM »
A long time ago I had an idea for a Redemption set that I would love to see made if I ever had the chance. The idea was for a set based on Spiritual Warfare, and it would include Prayers and the Armor of God on the good side and sins on the evil side. Most of the cards would be place and/or set aside cards that help support the battle or work over the whole game rather than winning a single battle, much like how sins will break people slowly and prayers will strengthen the saints.

Then much more recently a friend of mine and I brought the idea a little more to life, and while I love the ideas, (although this is from a T2 player, I'm not sure how useful the strategies would be in T1) my biggest concern is Theological.

I wanted to use the Seven Deadly Sins as base for the sins on the evil side, since there are Seven Deadly Sins and Seven Evil Brigades, and since they are all sins that shouldn't be a problem, however when I had the idea of having cards reference those 7 cards (or sins) and no others, I came up with the identifier "Deadly Sin", here is where my theological concern comes in:

Since the Seven Deadly Sins are never mentioned in a single list in the Bible, would there be an issue with using a "Deadly Sin" identifier?

For reference the current version of the Seven Deadly Sins was made in AD 590 by Pope Gregory I and consists of Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Envy, Sloth, Wrath and Pride.
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Offline joel_f

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Re: Seven Deadly Sins
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2013, 06:25:38 AM »
Well, there is a reference to deadly vs. non-deadly sins in 1 John 5:16-17 so the distinction itself is Biblical therefore I don't see a problem with the identifier per se. Of course, identification of these as seven, and which particular seven is no where in the Bible (although it would neither be contrary to any Scripture either). Given that material that is not explicitly Scriptural, but neither contrary to Scripture (e.g. quotes from Josephus, characters from Angel Wars, etc.) has been used before, I would think there is precedent for doing something similar with the Seven Deadly Sins.

Offline Minion of Jesus

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Re: Seven Deadly Sins
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2013, 08:23:51 AM »
That sounds pretty cool. Each one would affect heroes a certain way.
To the Pain!


Offline Mr. Tumnus

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Re: Seven Deadly Sins
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2013, 10:19:38 AM »
You could go with Proverbs 6:16-19 for an alternate list of the seven.  Or you could go with Galatians 5 list of the acts of the sinful nature (opposite the fruit of the Spirit).  But you would have no problem finding scripture to reference the traditional 7 Deadly sins.

Offline ChristianSoldier

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Re: Seven Deadly Sins
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2013, 03:13:00 AM »
At the moment there are only 3 cards that refer to "Deadly Sins" in my set, and in principle one of them wouldn't change very much if I changed it for "Evil Placed Enhancement" (it would make is somewhat more powerful, but it might not be a bad idea) and one I'm sure I could rework without too much difficulty, so I could easily get away without the Identifier. The sins however are definitely sins and there should be no issue with the individual sins, and from a design standpoint, I think keeping the cycle of sins (I'm using an MtG term for a set of cards one for each color)

I may post a few of my ideas (unfortunately my ability to use programs for images is rather low so there probably won't be any cool images unless someone else wants to make them for me) and they aren't playtested and many of them were made during one night when a friend of mine was over and I didn't put a lot of effort to balance them, mostly I just typed up a bunch of the ideas.

Actually a quick preview:

Envy: Pale Green. 0/0 Territory Class:
Special Ability: Place on a hero: Negate this hero's special ability. During a battle you may force this hero into battle.

To clarify "you" refers to the player who played this card. I'm not sure if this card does justice to itself on its own. It does help gain initiative. However the real power of this ability comes from the fact that out of the Seven Deadly Sins, 5 of them are only active while the hero is in battle (and 4 of those also have an ability triggered upon entering battle).

I don't have a reference for it at the moment, although I could use the "Thou Shalt no Covet..."
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Offline Minion of Jesus

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Re: Seven Deadly Sins
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2013, 07:59:39 AM »
Let's see more. I'd like to know what you came up with.
To the Pain!



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