Author Topic: Revitalizing a Theme  (Read 1382 times)

Offline Red

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Revitalizing a Theme
« on: October 22, 2020, 07:38:33 AM »
High Priest's Maid
2/3 ~Black Evil Character~ X= Number of Evil High Priests in Play
Take an Evil High Priest From Deck. May band to a High Priest or Draw X

High Priest Annas
8/12 ~Black Evil Character~
Take a Sadducee or High Priest's Maid from Deck. May band to a NT. Black Evil Character or underdeck a Dominant from Opponent's hand. Cannot be Negated.

High Priest Caiaphas
12/5 ~Black Evil Character~ X= Number of Opponent's brigades.
Take X Sadducees from deck. Prevent Good Enhancements. Band to a Sadducee. Cannot Be Prevented.

The Temple Courtyard
Evil Fortress
If control 5 or more Sadducees, Restrict Opponents from playing good dominants. If a High Priest is blocking, take a NT Black Enhancement from reserve.

Den of Thieves
Clay/Purple/Silver Site
Take a Sadducee or Evil Fortress from Deck

Denying the Resurrection
0/6 ~Black Evil Enhancement~
Evil Character is protected from Silver Brigade Heroes. Cannot be Negated

Trickery of the Jews
2/2 ~Black Evil Enhancement~
Negate a good card or discard all cards in Battle. If you discard a Sadducee, underdeck an opponent's good dominant from hand.

Hypocrisy of the Scribes
0/4 ~Gray/Black Evil Enhancement~ TC
Underdeck 2 O.T. Enhancements from Discard Pile. Banish a Good Enhancement. CBN.

Ironman 2016 and 2018 Winner.
3rd T1-2P 2018, 3rd T2-2P 2019
I survived the Flood twice.


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