Author Topic: Revelation Ideas - The Beast of the Sea and Earth and more Demon Cards!  (Read 1081 times)

Offline megamanlan

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Beast of the Sea
9/10 Orange/Pale Green Evil Character
Rev. 13:1, Demon, Depicts Antichrist, Dark Trinity
While Red Dragon is in play, Discard the top X cards of opponents deck. If they are Evil Humans or Lost Souls put them in play instead. May band to a Human. If this card is being Discarded reveal a Evil Dominant to heal it.

Demonic Healing
0/0 Multi Evil Enhancement
Rev. 13:3, Healing
If a Demon is in play, Heal an Evil Character in play. You may add another Brigade to that Character.

Worshipping Demons
2/2 Orange Evil Enhancement
Rev. 13:4, Band, X = The Number of Revelation Demons in Battle.
Band all Evil Humans into Battle. If a Gentile King is banded into Battle, Reveal an Evil Card in Hand to Force X Good Humans to Retreat, and Discard a WC Hero.

Blasphemous Mouth
0/0 Orange Evil Territory Class Enhancement
Rev. 13:5, Place
Place on a Revelation Demon to Discard a Artifact. While this Card is in play, Holder may not be Ignored and may play an Enhancement. Each time an Artifact is activated, Take control of a Site, Fortress, or Face-down Artifact. Your Opponent may Discard 2 Human Heroes instead. Cannot be Negated.

Blaspheming against God
4/4 Orange/Black Evil Enhancement
Rev. 13:6
Ignore all Angels and Disciples. Discard a Good Fortress in play or Set-Aside. If it was a Temple or Chamber of Angels Negate all Characters that the Discarded Fortress would affect. Cannot be Negated.

Attacking the Saints
2/5 Orange Evil Enhancement
Rev. 13:7
If a Revelation Demon is in Battle, Discard all NT Heroes who's X/* are less then all Evil Characters in Battle. If used by Beast of the Sea, Beast of the Earth, or Red Dragon cannot be Negated.

Worshipping the Antichrist
2/2 Multi Evil Territory Class Enhancement
Rev. 13:8, Place
Place in Territory. If a Human enters Battle, may band to a Demon depicting Satan or the Antichrist. This Banding cannot be Negated.

Antichrist Worshippers
4/5 Pale Green Evil Character
Rev. 13:8, Generic, Human, X = The Number of Demons in play.
While a character depicting Antichrist is in play, Evil Enhancements cannot be negated by humans. If a Demon enters Battle Draw X or play an Enhancement. May use Orange Enhancements.

Beast of the Earth
8/8 Orange/Gray Evil Character
Rev 13:11, Demon, High Priest, Depicts The False Prophet, Dark Trinity
Negate all Temples and Good Priests effects while this Card is in play. You may search Deck for a 'Worshipper', Evil Priest, or a Orange Enhancement and add it to hand. May band to a Evil Priest or a Demon.

Worshipping the Beast
2/2 Orange Evil Enhancement
Rev. 13:12, Demonic Practice
Convert a Human Hero into an Evil Character with a Brigade of your choice except Orange. All players with Demons may Draw 1

Great Signs
4/3 Orange Evil Enhancement
Rev. 13:13, Demonic Practice
Interrupt the Battle and Band a Human into battle. Humans are protected from opponents cards this turn. Discard an Enhancement in Battle.

Demonic Fire
1/2 Orange Evil Enhancement
Rev. 13:13, Demonic Practice, X = The Number of Demons in Battle.
If used by a Demon or a Demon worshiper, Withdraw all Sites in Battle and Discard X Cards (Max 2) to place an equal amount of Lost Souls under Deck.

Image of the Beast
Rev. 13:14, Idol, Depicts Antichrist
Revelation Demons are protected from Discard. Every time a Demon defeats a Human Hero in Battle, you may convert one of your Human Heroes to a Evil Brigade of your choice, or Draw 1.

Breathing Life
2/2 Orange/Pale Green Evil Enhancement
Rev. 13:15, Demonic Practice
Discard an Artifact to search Deck for a Demon and add it to hand or Battle. Negate all Good Enhancements of 1/* or less.

Image of the Beast
10/5 Orange Evil Character
Rev. 13:15, Demon, Idol, Depicts Antichrist
May Band to a Human to play an Enhancement. Discard a Hero in all players territory. Cannot be Negated.
Negate all effects that target Demons.

Mark of the Beast
2/2 Multi Evil Enhancement
Rev. 13:16, Demonic Practice, Place
Place in Territory. That players' Human Evil Characters cannot fight each other, or be Converted. Each time a Human Evil Character enters Battle, Interrupt the Battle, and band a Demon into Battle.

Controlling Commerce
2/2 Orange Curse
Rev. 13:17
Prevent all Drawing Abilities.  Prevent all Evil Enhancements (except when played on Demons) unless Mark of the Beast is in play. If you control a Character that Depicts Antichrist, Draw 1 and all other players Discard 1.

The Number of Man
6/6 Multi Evil Territory Class Enhancement
Rev. 13:18, Demonic Practice
Place in Territory to convert a Hero into a Pale Green Evil Character, take control of that Character. Prevent Drawing Abilities played by Opponents. Evil Characters are protected from Conversion. If your Revelation Evil Character is in Battle, Play an Enhancement
They seem pretty lame as fighters maybe we should challenge them to a dance off or a redemption game


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