Allow me to introduce my latest project!
Version 1.0
--Download--WindowsMacIf your browser gives you some warning that "This file may harm your computer," that is because it is an application and browsers tend to do that by default. I promise this will not harm your computer in any way.
--Update Log--V1.0 - Program released.
--Installation--No installation required. Once you download the program for your OS, simply run it.
This was built in Flash, so if it does not work for some reason, check for any Flash updates.
--How to use--When you open the program, you will see a card on the left, and the interface on the right.
Text:To edit text fields on the card, just click on them and begin typing. You can edit:
*Icon numbers
*Special Ability
*Artist Credit
When you add your verse, the bottom line is supposed to be just above the book name. If your verse is less than four lines, put your cursor at the top and hit enter a few times to push it down to the bottom.
If your special ability is longer than four lines, you have two options:
1) Use shorter wording
2) Use a smaller verse and run the ability onto a fifth or sixth line.
Page 1 Icons:In the first menu panel, simply click on the box for the icons that you want.
When you are finished on this page, click on the large right arrow.
Page 2 Brigade:If your selected icon requires brigades, you can customize that here. First, select the number of brigades you wish to use.
NOTE: 3 and 4 brigades do not work well with curses and covenants.
Next, use the list of brigades below to fill in your brigades. Multicolor will only work with the single brigade option.
If you find the numbers in your icon box are difficult to read, you can use the White Text or Black Text boxes to change their color.
TIP: Dual brigade cards now split top and bottom by default. If you want to split left and right, use the four brigade option and match brigades 1 and 3, and 2 and 4.
Page 3 Frame and Image:The top options control the color of the card frame. You can either select a preset color (Or Ultra Rare), or use the sliders for a fully custom background color. Play around with it and see what you come up with!
Below that is the image controls. There are two ways you can use this:
1) If your image is online, simply copy the URL of the image file and paste it in the box, then click load image. It may take a few seconds to load depending on your internet speed.
2) If your image is on your computer, copy it into the same folder as the program and copy the file name. Be sure to include the file extension (.jpg, .png, .gif) or it will not load properly. So for example, if you had a file named image.jpg, simply move that file to wherever you saved the card builder, and paste image.jpg in the URL field.
Once your image is loaded you can use the + and - buttons to control the size of the image, and the arrow buttons to move it around. You will notice I left a bright blue background behind the image. This is a quick and easy way to tell if your image is not filling the box completely.
TIP: If your image is very small, then it will usually look bad when you scale it to fill the box. Try to find larger images.
Page 4 Review and Save:Just follow the instructions on this page. Be sure to click into the text field above the export button. If you do not do this, then your blinking text cursor will be saved as part of your card image.
Finally, click the big EXPORT! button. Pick where you want to save the file, and name it anything you want. Just be sure to include .jpg at the end. If you do not include this, the image will not save properly. Hopefully the big bold message on this screen will help you remember to do this every time.
Once your card image is saved, you will need to find a website to upload your images. Photobucket is a free service that works well for things like this.
And that's all there is to it! If you have any questions or suggestions, either post in this thread or send me a PM.
If you need more extreme card options, such as dual icon boxes, crazy backgrounds, etc... then feel free to post those ideas in my card request thread.