The new cards contain Keywards.
Artifact, Depicts and Idol
Sacrifice. Upon activation remove this card from the game to underdeck x heroes, x is the number of token on this card.
Sacrifce means that you can at anytime discard a human evil character from hand to add a token to this card.
King Shishak
Gold, Royalty Eygptian
Emargo If block is successful remove this evil character from the game.
Embargo means that that if there is more than one hero in battle opponent are restricted from playing enhancements that battle.
Sodomite Mob
Black Gibeonite
May band to a male Gibeonite. Cannot be negated if opponent controls an angel.
Jaels Nail
Discard all blocking Gibeonites. If Sisera is discarded discard this card.
Temple Prositute
Brown 3/3 generic
Capture this character to opponent's land of bondage to capture a hero in a territory
Silver Site
Each time you play a canaanite discard X heroes
X is the number of Brigades opponent has over 3.
Alexander the Coopersmith
Spite means If rescue attempt is successful you may discard x cards from hand to make opponent discard x cards.
X is the number of evil brigades you have in play
Emperor Nero
Gray Emperor
If blocking a lone hero discard all weapons in play to search discard pile for Heavy Taxes.
Protection on Angels
Silver 0/6
territory class
Protect human heroes in you territory from opponents cards.
More cards to come.