Author Topic: NT Red  (Read 1425 times)

Offline Josh

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NT Red
« on: February 11, 2013, 01:01:11 PM »
To accompany the Centurions and Soldier of God...

Cornelius (same verse)
7/6 Red WC hero
"Negate protect abilities on evil and neutral cards.  Search deck for Peter.  If blocked by a NT human, you may play a NT Red enhancement."

Devout Soldier (Acts 10:7)
2/4 Red WC hero (generic)
"May band to a NT warrior-class hero."

The Might of Faith (Philippians 4:13)
7/0 Red enhancement
"First strike.  If used by a NT hero, negate evil characters and protect NT heroes from the next evil enhancement played.  Cannot be negated."

A Roman Soldier's Faith (same verse)
3/3 TC Red enhancement
"If used by a NT warrior-class hero, heal a hero to draw 2, or convert a warrior-class evil character to a Red hero."
If creation sings Your praises so will I
If You gave Your life to love them so will I


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