Author Topic: Noah Theme  (Read 2748 times)

Offline sepjazzwarrior

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Noah Theme
« on: July 08, 2012, 04:55:29 PM »
The idea behind this is to reprint Noah and a theme around him while trying to stay as accurate to the story as possible without being overpowering while still remaining competitive.  Thanks for reading!

The Flood
0/0 blue enhancement
If you have The Ark in play and it’s occupied, remove this card from the game to shuffle all cards in play, artifact pile, and set-aside, except The Ark and its contents, discard pile, and Land of Redemption, into owner’s decks, regardless of immunity, restriction, or protection. Cannot be negated. 
Genesis 6: 17

The Ark
Good fortress
When played, search deck for The Flood.  Protect this fortress and its contents from opponents.  If The Flood has been played this turn, set this fortress aside for 4 turns, then return contents to territory with the ability “May band to an Animals of the Ark”  Cannot be negated.
Identifiers:  Holds and number of Genesis 6-9 heroes or animals.  Fortress is “occupied” if it holds at least one male and one female Genesis 6-8 hero and an animal.
Genesis 6: 14-15

Noah’s Altar
At any time, discard a sacrificial animal negate and discard a curse or evil enhancement.   If The Ark is set-aside, protect all characters in holder's territory from opponents and holder's good cards cannot be prevented by opponents.
Genesis 8: 20-21

9/10 blue hero
Immune to human evil characters.  If The Ark is set-aside, search deck of discard for a blue Genesis 6-9 card.
Genesis 6: 9

Noah’s Wife
3/2 blue hero
May band to Noah to search deck for one of Noahs' Sons.  If The Ark is set-aside, holder may draw 1 card or search deck for a Genesis human.  Cannot be negated.
Genesis 6:6

7/6 blue hero
Protected from removal from the game.  May band to one of Noahs' Sons.  If Ham is captured, search deck for a fortress.
Identifiers: Noah's Son
Genesis 9:26

6/7 blue hero
Protected from removal from the game.  May band to one of Noahs' Sons.  If Ham is captured, search deck for a single-color site.
Identifiers: Noah's Son
Genesis 9:27

3/3 blue hero
Protected from removal from the game.  May band to one of Noahs' Sons.  If The Ark is set-aside and Noah is in play, capture Ham to opponent's land of bondage to increase all of Noahs' sons by 3/3 while captured.
Identifiers: Noah's Son
Genesis 9: 24-25

Mothers of Humanity
4/5 blue hero
May band to any number of Noahs' sons to draw an equal number of cards.  If The Ark is set-aside, search deck for a Genesis human.
Genesis 15-16

New card type: Animal
Animals have no brigade and are neutral.  They can’t rescue lost souls and can’t start battles.  They can be banded into battle by both heroes and evil characters and are still counted as characters in and out of battle. 

Animals of the Ark
7/7 Animal
Draw a card.  If The Ark is set-aside and your character is about to be discarded, you may discard this card instead.
Identifiers: Sacrificial animal, Male and Female
Genesis 7:2

Animals of the Ark
7/7 Animal
Draw a card.  If The Ark is set-aside, you may play a Genesis 6-9 enhancement.
Identifiers: Sacrificial animal, Male and Female
Genesis 7:3

Animals of the Ark
2/2 Animal
Draw a card.  If The Ark is set-aside, all abilities (*/*)  on enhancements holder uses in battle double.
Identifiers: Animal, Male and Female
Genesis 7:2

God speaks to Noah
0/0 blue territory enhancement
Search deck for The Ark and/or an Animals of the Ark.  Hero may band to all Animals of the Ark this turn.  Cannot be negated if used by a Genesis 6-9 hero.
Genesis 6:13

Dry Earth
X/X blue territory enhancement
If used by a Genesis 6-9 character, draw X cards.  In The Ark is set-aside, do this twice.
Identifiers: X=the number of your O.T. single-color sites.
Genesis 8: 17

Protection from Floodwaters
2/5 blue enhancement
If The Ark is set-aside, interrupt the battle and protect all good cards in battle from opponents.
Genesis 7: 6-7

Humanity Emerges
2/2 blue enhancement
All characters who were held in The Ark when holder played The Flood may be banded into battle.
Genesis 8:18-19

Man of the Soil
4/4 blue territory enhancement
All heroes in battle gain X/X until end of turn. If The Ark is set-aside, heroes in battle increase an additional X/X.  Cannot be negated if played on Noah.
Identifiers: X=the number of your O.T. single-color sites.
Genesis 9:20
« Last Edit: July 13, 2012, 09:13:42 AM by sepjazzwarrior »

Offline jbeers285

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Noah Theme
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2012, 06:12:55 PM »
Honestly I feel in general that most of these are OP but searching for a character and drawing 3 is a lot for one character with a band and the Flood should probably be an enhancement not a dominate.

Besides that searching for a Dom is big ability and ur combining it with protection

I like the idea of reprinting Noah and even additional cards but to me this group of cards is OP
« Last Edit: July 08, 2012, 06:16:07 PM by jbeers285 »
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Re: Noah Theme
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2012, 07:44:01 PM »
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Offline megamanlan

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Re: Noah Theme
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2012, 07:47:06 PM »
The Fortress isn't worded correctly, and we don't need a new ANB card.

With that said, they are really OP in general. I think the Flood should be an Enhancement (like how it already is) also its spelled Dominant.

The Ark - it should kick itself to set-aside naturally, and it should be more of an escape/Protect Fort, kinda like a Chamber-like Fort. Also it should protect contents from effects so then if you do play AnB it wouldn't affect them in the Fort either. Also, when does it Search? When it's played? When it goes to Set-Aside? Each Upkeep? When Occupied? As far as I can tell, it would Search each turn because it's not defined at all.

Noah's Altar - Nice thought but it is OP, because Protect can now be a battle-winner and this grants it for basically no cost, and the first part is the same as Cov. W/ Noah but barely better and for less cost.

Noah - He's basically a battle-winner in himself, If he is Immune to Humans, that means an Opponent can't play anything against him without interrupting or negating him first. Also, I think the Search is OP too, remember he has access to all the good battle-winners like Forgiveness of Joseph, RTC, Joe before Pharaoh, and all the other insane Blue cards that he could easily play.

Noah's Wife - This might be the only card that's UP. Because it has a forced draw that means that RbD would just make you D/C them instead, it should be 'you may Draw 3.'

Noah's Sons and Wives - I don't like when people are named specifically, (i.e. Shem, Ham, & Jaeppeth) that they are made into a generic characters especially when it can give more characters to a theme that needs it. Again, they're effect is OP because it makes it especially easy to spash into other Decks to make them even faster.

I'm not a big fan of making another type for Heroes especially since its already a bunch of Enhancements, and it makes the game more confusing then how it already is...

God Speaks to Noah - it might be an interesting card, but it has to say 'Hero may band to... This turn' because then if it is played in territory, it would still work for the banding.

Dry Earth - This is kindof OP, but still RbD would destroy this card, and the Search is almost a complete waste of time, and there is no card that can let me Draw a possible 8 cards without a massive cost.

Protection from Floodwaters - Besides not having a good name, I actually kinda like this card.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2012, 08:39:11 PM by megamanlan »
They seem pretty lame as fighters maybe we should challenge them to a dance off or a redemption game

Offline jbeers285

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Noah Theme
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2012, 07:51:48 PM »
Dominant lol typo on the dominate lol
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Offline sepjazzwarrior

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Re: Noah Theme
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2012, 10:45:54 PM »
I’ve made some changes to try and make this more balanced and The Flood less ANB-like.  The Ark now returns its contents after 4 turns instead on 1 to make it a greater cost to use it.  I’ve also smoothed out some of the wordings to make them work better.

Why shouldn’t The Flood be a dominant?  Its one of the biggest events in the O.T.

The Ark and The Flood are worded like they are so as to work off each other and limit the theme to keep it from being too powerful.  All the cards in the set only become powerful once The Flood has been played and The Ark is set-aside, which should take at leave half the game, if not more.  Even after The Ark is set-aside, there are no outright kill cards in the set and all of the abilities are fully negateable (except Noah’s Wife).  The only way this offence has to win is big banding plus negates.  Most the cards aren’t splash-able because The Ark has to be set-aside to use their good abilities or they can only be used with Genesis 6-9 cards. 

Noah’s Altar isn’t a battle winner because it only protect cards in territory, not battle

Noah is no more powerful than Thaddeus, plus he is fully-negateable and doesn’t really have any kill cards he can use like reach+AoCP and MLaMG

Noahs’ Sons and Wives has to have The Ark set-aside to search, so you can’t splash him.  I don’t really like just making these 6 people one card, I may try to make them into more cards later.

Dry Earth has to have The Ark set-aside to possibly draw 8, so unless you can get The Ark started on its 4 turn set-aside from the first few turn you probably won’t be able to draw that much because you’ll be out of a deck.  Also, it’s and enhancement, so if you opponent has up RBD, don’t use it and you won’t have to discard anything

The new card type is not a type of hero, they are completely neutral and can be used by both heroes and evil characters.  Yes it is a little confusing giving there are already 2 evil animals and 1 good enhancement based on animals, but this is nothing that can’t be gotten past with time, and it would open up a whole new area to make cards about while still remaining Biblically accurate to the position of animals and good vs. evil (that is, that animals are neither but can be used by either side to suite their purpose)

The cards may be powerful, but for the cost in time that it takes to set it all up they aren’t that powerful, and many of the cards have equals out there right now that are almost, if not just as, powerful.  If this helps make anti-meta that much more powerful, then I believe it will be good for the game

Offline jbeers285

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Noah Theme
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2012, 11:15:46 PM »
Its true these would stop the current meta bc no one would play the current meta bc they would all move on to noah and the ark with their flood dom.

Noah still searches for his wife who searches for Noah's kids plus a draw three  plus Noah's kids search for a fort, site or another hero not to mention all the drawing by banding to animals

Could u imagine that combo then add this Noah's kids search for auto to draw 2 and search for Sam to search for David or Saul and draw 2 more

Now 7 cards are drawn and 5 characters are searched out
 you get 12 cards without playing an enhancement

It's way to much speed by drawing Noah u can get 3 searches including one to get the ark which allows bigger bands to draw huge amounts of cards

Not to mention Noah recurs d/c hero's who search and draw

I appreciate the effort and can understand the frustration of putting a bunch of thought and time into card ideas just to have them shot down

By no means is that my goal, I'm just saying this needs to be tamed down. It still comes across as too powerful to me.

The idea of animals being a separate  class is very cool and goes along with past cards I've seen presented as neutral ideas for instance behemoth and such.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2012, 11:24:22 PM by jbeers285 »
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Re: Noah Theme
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2012, 12:05:29 AM »
Noah's search is broken. He can only search when the ark is set aside but the ark can only be set aside wile Noah is in it. He will never be able to search for a card.
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.

Offline sepjazzwarrior

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Re: Noah Theme
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2012, 12:18:38 AM »
I see your point, I don't really play Sam decks so I never thought of that drawing possibility, I had only thought of playing it pure Genesis 6-9.    I don't think it would be that bad because it takes at least 4 turns to use The Flood and get the Ark set-aside, and there are much faster ways to win rather than waiting 4 turns to your offense out, but ill try to tame some of the speed

I also don't think you quite see how all this works.  None of these searched add the characters to battle except for God speaks to Noah, so all these big banding chains you are mentioning don't really exist.  Sure there are a few big single use drawing chains you could use, but the only big reusable ones are Noah's Wife and banding all the animals together.  Yes you could get out 12 cards without using an enhancement, but that is over several turns, not 1 turn like you make it sound.  I would compare the drawing of this offence to the current Genesisgyptian decks out there now: lots of searching, but not a ton of actual drawing (Genesis 6-9 has more drawing, but there is also the cost of having to get The Ark set-aside to deal with before the drawing gets worse)

Noah's search isn't broken because he is returned to territory after 4 turns and The Ark is left in set-aside
« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 12:29:04 AM by sepjazzwarrior »

Offline megamanlan

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Re: Noah Theme
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2012, 03:56:01 AM »
My point is that the Ark should be a kind of Protection, like it was in the Bible. Its made fairly clear that it was for Protection, not much else.

And even though the Flood was a major event, Dominants aren't really of major events, they are for cards that are either A. Deserve to have a type that's better then the others (i.e. SoG, NJ, Glory, etc) or wouldn't fit elsewhere (Mayhem, Burial, etc.) or to keep the game from being too crazy (i.e. CM, AtoL, etc.) a lot of major events are covered by Enhancements (i.e. A Child is Born, Deluge of Rain, CotW, AnB, etc.) and The Flood would immediately be a really good Dom of the bat in just about any deck. One thing you have to think about when you make a Dominant is can it be misused? And this one can very easily be misused. It's a free Grapes + territory-killer and makes I Am Creator even better. I say it works better as an Enhancement (even if it's TC) because then only a Blue Hero can use it at least.

The Ark - As I said before, it still should a Protection Fort of some sort that Characters can escape to if they are dying. And for the gained ability it would be worded: 'Heroes return with the ability: "May band to Animals of the Ark" '

Noah's Altar - I would make this more... Useful, like 'Discard an Animal to Negate an Evil Card or Negate and Discard an Enhancement or Curse" because I'm still questioning why I should use it over Cov w/ Noah which I can recur w/ Asher.

Noah - Actually he's less powerful in the Protect/Immune sense, Thad can be a battle-winner easily, whereas Noah can't, but still how many battles will he win or end in stalemate because of that? A lot. Most Decks can't interrupt Characters endlessly. I do like the changing of Noah's Search, so now he's no longer a Battlewinner puller, but you don't have to say 'and add to hand' anymore because Search defaults to hand. Also, Noah will never get to play the first Enhancement because he is automatically winning.

Noah's Wife - Now I don't mind her, but if you do seperate Noah's Sons you may want to make that, "Search for a Son of Noah" also for the Draw, just say "You may Draw 1." (it's been like that because of FF2 and RoA2)

Noah's Sons and Wives - I can see someone using that in a bigger Deck, like a Samaria Deck where they can splash all 3 cards in, or maybe more in T2 but I don't like the near-free Hero/Site/Good Fort Search. I could foresee bad combos with those...

Animal - Ok, maybe its just that the initial explaination was bad, and I didn't get it at all...

Dry Land - I think this should be more of a Set-Aside, because of how Noah's Ark is, then have it be Upon Return.
They seem pretty lame as fighters maybe we should challenge them to a dance off or a redemption game

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Re: Noah Theme
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2012, 08:28:37 AM »
The idea of animals being a separate  class is very cool and goes along with past cards I've seen presented as neutral ideas for instance behemoth and such.

Yeah,  such as have animals from the Garden of Eden, animals for the Ark. Blanking, but are any animals mentioned in Parables?
To the Pain!


Offline sepjazzwarrior

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Re: Noah Theme
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2012, 08:51:00 AM »
The Ark is protection, it does protect itself and contents from opponents.  The rest of its ability is just for gameplay mechanics and to limit The Flood.  The Flood isn't splash-able because you need in at least a minimum of 4 other cards to make it work (The Ark and 3 Genesis 6-9 heroes or animals).  If you want to splash in those 5 cards total to use The Flood,  be my guest.  I will probably change it to a Enhancement that would be removed from the game after 1 use and it cannot be negated.

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Re: Noah Theme
« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2012, 11:18:48 AM »
There are a lot of animals, but most are referenced as Good or evil, not really neutral. Just a thought there.

Noah's Ark isn't a Protect like I'm talking about nor what the Bible puts it as, the Bible puts it as an escape from impending doom. The one you have, doesn't really do that.

The Flood as a Dominant is perfectly splash-able, I don't need any other cards to use it, sure it helps more to have the Ark and the other cards that rely on the Ark, but the Flood doesn't require them to be used at all. I would make it 'If used by a Genesis 6-9 Hero...' so then your not making a bunch of requirements on it either, but keep the Removal part.
They seem pretty lame as fighters maybe we should challenge them to a dance off or a redemption game

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Re: Noah Theme
« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2012, 09:40:26 PM »
The Floods ability only works if The Ark is in play and it has at least 3 Genesis 6-9 heroes in it.  it is impossible to splash it in because it takes 5 cards to use and all the cards have to be out at the same time

The Ark does let heroes escape impending doom, when The Flood is played, it protects the heroes from it and sets them aside to be protected from further harm.  Making it into another chamber of angels doesn't fit Biblically because the ark only saved people once and from one disaster, not every time someone from that time period was hurt

Offline sepjazzwarrior

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Re: Noah Theme
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2012, 07:30:07 PM »
Updated: made Noahs' Sons and Wives into 4 different cards and made a new enhancement
« Last Edit: July 10, 2012, 09:29:32 PM by sepjazzwarrior »


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