Author Topic: New starter ideas & more!  (Read 2451 times)

Offline Master Q

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New starter ideas & more!
« on: June 10, 2019, 09:14:03 PM »
While purging some of my old files, I came across all this. These first few are ideas I had X months ago when I was thinking of cards that could go well in new (theoretical) starter decks. Obviously I didn't get far (most don't even have verses/artwork), and I haven't revisited or revised them since their inception. So, in glorious text form:

Banner of Loyalty

"Name a brigade. For one round, your humans in play, hand, deck, set aside, and Reserve gain that brigade. Those that do are protected from opponents' band and side battle abilities. Cannot be interrupted."

Conqueror's Covenant
2/5 Red/Gold Covenant
Identifiers: Token (3/3, brown, generic, genderless, human)

"Create a captured Evil Character token in a Land of Bondage. Protect tokens created by this card from opponents' cards."

Idols of the Ancient Tribe
Identifiers: Idol, Token (3/3, blue, generic, genderless, human)

"Create a captured Hero token in a Land of Bondage. Protect tokens created by this card from opponents' cards."

7/10 Black, Warrior Class Evil Character
Identifiers: Generic, Philistine

"Your evil cards are regardless of protect abilities. You may release a captured Evil Character: You may band to it. Or, you may return your set aside Evil Characters to territory. Cannot be interrupted."

9/8 Red, Warrior Class Hero
Identifiers: Generic

"Your good cards are regardless of protect abilities. You may release a captured Hero: You may band to it. Or, you may return your set aside Heroes to territory. Cannot be interrupted (except by a good card)."

-So far, these have been fairly straight forward. That's about as far as I got without going overboard with some of these next ones:

The Judge of Ages
10/10 Silver, Green, Gold, Warrior Class Hero
Identifiers: Token (8/8, generic human of a brigade of opponent's choice), Angel, Prophet, Judge

"If alone, you may reveal a card from a hand: If it is evil, create an Evil Character token in opponent's territory and choose it to block. If it is good, underdeck it and its owner draws 1. Cannot be interrupted."

Nimrod's Might
X/2 Pale green/Crimson Evil Enhancement
Identifiers: X = # of cards drawn and/or searched for by opponent this turn

"Negate a character, negate and discard an Enhancement, or take and play a City from a discard pile. Cannot be negated if used by Nimrod."

The Illusion of Wisdom
X/X Black, Grey, Pale green, Territory Class Evil Enhancement
Identifiers: X = # of draw and take abilities used by an opponent this turn

"Banish this card to choose X: Negate and discard an Enhancement, underdeck an Artifact, reserve an angel, ignore symbolic cards this round, capture an opposing human, or force each player to draw 2."

Verse: Col. 2:8

Also, these are kind of all over the place, but I also have a few random other older card pics that I'll upload -EDIT- here:

I made this first one over a year ago back when FoM was testing cities and unity:

City of the Lost
Spoiler (hover to show)

And this one I had done for awhile but thought it was too good (Idols of the Ancient Tribe probably spawned from this):

Idols of the Nations
Spoiler (hover to show)

This was my updated version of an old classic (before the Elijah reprint):

Spoiler (hover to show)

And this one is an early version I made of an existing card you'll probably recognize:

Lost Soul "Remnant"
Spoiler (hover to show)

**And, that's literally it! As far as I know, I have no more cards stashed away. Thanks for all the fun memories, new card ideas forums!
« Last Edit: June 10, 2019, 09:30:20 PM by Master Q »
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Re: New starter ideas & more!
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2019, 11:01:56 PM »
I really like that City of the Lost fortress ability.
Not sure I'd ever use the first part of Idols of the Nations' ability - trading two cards for one is pretty steep.
ANB is good. Change my mind.

Offline EmJayBee83

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Re: New starter ideas & more!
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2019, 10:44:18 AM »
Not sure I'd ever use the first part of Idols of the Nations' ability - trading two cards for one is pretty steep.
I you had a human EC with a super-powerful when played ability, Idols of the Nations would let you cycle him/her into play X times where X is the number of cards in your hand. That seems like it could be a good SA to me.


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