Author Topic: New Starter Deck Idea  (Read 3674 times)

Offline Arch Angel

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New Starter Deck Idea
« on: July 02, 2011, 03:07:51 AM »
So, this has been a large undertaking as I did most of these by myself (assistance on certain cards from Smokey and Lambo). There's 86 80 (I forgot that I didn't make any new Dominants, either) new and reprinted card ideas (no new lost souls. I couldn't decide how many souls to give SAs so it just fell to the sidelines.)

All of the cards are from either Acts or Judges.

The first deck is a Blue Missionaries (pseudo-new theme) and NT Prophets Offense, with a Black Canaanites and a Pale Green Midianites (new theme) defense.

The second deck is a Gold Judges and Red Armies (pseudo-new theme) offense, with a Crimson Heretics and Brown Mobs (pseudo-new theme) defense.

Feed back or people to actually test these cards would be great. I know there are specific ones that are over powered, and certain ones that a kinda fluffy, but I'd like to get them all to be useful cards (and eventually add in some lost soul abilities).

The below link should work to download the excel document. (There are two worksheets in the document)
Version 1
Version 2
Version 3
« Last Edit: July 07, 2011, 11:30:08 PM by Arch Angel »

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Re: New Starter Deck Idea
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2011, 09:17:18 AM »
I like it!
I haven't actually read all of 'em yet, but its fun!
I particularly like the red armies.
Now I have to agree that some are Op'd (like Jepthah's Covenant) but it'll still be fun playing these w\ my bros.
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Re: New Starter Deck Idea
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2011, 09:33:22 AM »
In the first one the # are higher which would kinda give that deck an advantage

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Re: New Starter Deck Idea
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2011, 09:39:23 AM »
I downloaded it,but can't find it on my computer:(  Where would it be?
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Re: New Starter Deck Idea
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2011, 09:40:55 AM »
It was in Microsoft Excel for me

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Re: New Starter Deck Idea
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2011, 09:44:47 AM »
I downloaded it,but can't find it on my computer:(  Where would it be?

Depending on your OS and the option you chose it is probably in your Documents folder or your Downloads folder. There's a chance it went to a temporary folder in which case you might as well just download it again.
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Re: New Starter Deck Idea
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2011, 01:41:17 PM »
Are they printable? If not we should make it that way.(Lambo? Daniel?)
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Re: New Starter Deck Idea
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2011, 01:53:13 PM »
If people put together card art and there is enough interest it would not be hard for someone to make this an RTS expansion.
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?


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Re: New Starter Deck Idea
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2011, 02:00:48 PM »
I'd be happy to help with art/card images for this. They look pretty good.

Offline Arch Angel

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Re: New Starter Deck Idea
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2011, 05:57:28 PM »
That'd be great! I'm glad you all like the set. Does any body have any specific requests for editing any of the cards?

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Re: New Starter Deck Idea
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2011, 01:03:46 PM »
Hrmm looking over the list, I am not a fan of apollos.  I don't like the wording/idea of preventing Cannot be negated stuff.  Also Great Joy might be a touch OP.  I am looking over the evil cards now, but I really like some of the ideas you all have come up with.  Especially Lucius of Cyrene, he looks like he could be fun in multiplayer.

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Re: New Starter Deck Idea
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2011, 03:22:20 PM »
Gaza can just say "is discarded." That's standard wording for instead. Also, delete the "them"

Barnabas' Land doesn't need the identifier. It basically silver-bullets Abom for no cost, so I'd make it :
"Any time your special ability would have you draw, you may place a counter here instead. During upkeep phase you may remove 3 counters to convert an evil character, regardless of protection."

Ship's Pieces is OP. If you make it removal from game instead of Discard or add a cost it would be good.

Gideon's Ephod is a cool card, but should be worded thus:
"Place this card on a hero: prevent enhancements used by Hero. An opponent may Capture his Hero to Discard this card. Cannot be negated."

Jotham's Curse is fun, but curses usually have numbers. Also:
-X=Number of Human Evil Characters discarded during battle phase-
"After battle, defender Discards up to X characters."

On Appolo, you can't regardless CBN. Make it protect all Evil Characters from banding abilities.

Priscilla can just be "from opponents."

Simeon needs to lose the parenthetical name and is OP.

Lucius should be:
"Once per game, you may cause each player to draw one. Repeat until a Lost Soul is drawn. Protect Lost Souls drawn by this ability from opponents."

"Look at opponent's hand and select an Evil card. Opponent is restricted from playing that card this turn. Cannot be negated."

Great Joy:
"Once per game, set your N.T. Human Heroes aside for one turn. Upon return, reveal X cards from the top of your deck, take one into hand, and discard all evil enhancements in play."

Prayer and Fasting doesn't need TC, but it's very OP.

Raising of Eutychus doesn't need "for rest of game," increases are permanent unless otherwise specified.

King Zalmunna needs to specify that the new Hero must come from territory, otherwise any generic Hero that gets bounced can just come back in since it reset in hand.

Samson's Riddle doesn't make much sense.

I don't quite get Seven New Bowstrings. Why would the opponent want to Discard more than one?

Overall I like them, especially the GE's. Very on-theme.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!

Offline Arch Angel

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Re: New Starter Deck Idea
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2011, 08:47:08 PM »
Hrmm looking over the list, I am not a fan of apollos.  I don't like the wording/idea of preventing Cannot be negated stuff.  Also Great Joy might be a touch OP.  I am looking over the evil cards now, but I really like some of the ideas you all have come up with.  Especially Lucius of Cyrene, he looks like he could be fun in multiplayer.
Hum, I'll make Apollos protect, then. I was just trying to be a bit more inventive with the abilities, but that's essentially all it is anyways. As for great joy, it's limited to once per game, so it's less OP than Eve which can be used as many times as she doesn't die.
Gaza can just say "is discarded." That's standard wording for instead. Also, delete the "them"
Barnabas' Land doesn't need the identifier. It basically silver-bullets Abom for no cost, so I'd make it :
"Any time your special ability would have you draw, you may place a counter here instead. During upkeep phase you may remove 3 counters to convert an evil character, regardless of protection."
Edited a bit, but I think the identifier is useful, especially to avoid confusion about it.
Ship's Pieces is OP. If you make it removal from game instead of Discard or add a cost it would be good.
Added a cost.
Gideon's Ephod is a cool card, but should be worded thus:
"Place this card on a hero: prevent enhancements used by Hero. An opponent may Capture his Hero to Discard this card. Cannot be negated."
Originally it was worded the way it is to stop an opponent from removing it from someone else's hero. I guess that's not that big of a deal, though, so I'll edit.
Jotham's Curse is fun, but curses usually have numbers. Also:
-X=Number of Human Evil Characters discarded during battle phase-
"After battle, defender Discards up to X characters."
On Appolo, you can't regardless CBN. Make it protect all Evil Characters from banding abilities.
-points above- Already done.
Priscilla can just be "from opponents."
Simeon needs to lose the parenthetical name and is OP.
Why? Edited to only protect from opponent's humans, but i don't see why the name needs to be changed? I don't want him to be confused with the other green brigade Simeon.
Lucius should be:
"Once per game, you may cause each player to draw one. Repeat until a Lost Soul is drawn. Protect Lost Souls drawn by this ability from opponents."
That is less tricky wording. Edited.
"Look at opponent's hand and select an Evil card. Opponent is restricted from playing that card this turn. Cannot be negated."
Great Joy:
"Once per game, set your N.T. Human Heroes aside for one turn. Upon return, reveal X cards from the top of your deck, take one into hand, and discard all evil enhancements in play."
Edited a bit. but I like keeping with the green brigade's "remove to do X random thing" cards.
Prayer and Fasting doesn't need TC, but it's very OP.
How would you suggest changing it?
Raising of Eutychus doesn't need "for rest of game," increases are permanent unless otherwise specified.
Wasn't aware of that rule change. Edited.
King Zalmunna needs to specify that the new Hero must come from territory, otherwise any generic Hero that gets bounced can just come back in since it reset in hand.
Good point. Updated.
Samson's Riddle doesn't make much sense.
Clarified the wording a bit. Make any sense now?
I don't quite get Seven New Bowstrings. Why would the opponent want to Discard more than one?
It's supposed to be that, say Samson was the target, I could continue to discard enhancements until I discarded 13 or more strength. I tweaked the wording to see if that makes it more clear.
Overall I like them, especially the GE's. Very on-theme.
Awesome :D I'm glad.

Thanks for the suggestions, everyone :) Does anyone have suggestions for the Judges/Mobs deck, though? It's the other worksheet in the file. Also, I uploaded all the updates (there's a few others in there that weren't suggested, too, like making Zebah and Zalmunna's Taunt only work on a human, to avoid KoT spam.)

Here's the new link:

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Re: New Starter Deck Idea
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2011, 10:14:10 PM »
Haha, I never use excel. It took me a bit to find the other deck even when I knew what I was looking for.

Damascus has the same problem as Barnabas' fact, aren't they the same place? Maybe make one of them Tarsus?

Love Amphitheater, but it should be:
"When you have initiative, you may place your Mob from battle here to place a Hero in battle here. Any opponent may return contents to owners' territories during his upkeep."

Jephthah's Covenant is OP, especially in T2.

Jephthah is pushing it with his long list of abilities and dual-coloring. Not quite OP, but OP for a starter deck.

Why aren't Gideon, Othniel, or Deborah Red while Jephthah is? I'd make all of them or none of them dual.

Also, all instances of "General" should be "Commander."

The Three Hundred needs "while it remains in play," otherwise the protection will only happen during the battle it actually hits 3/3.

I'd make Trumpets and Pitchers either Discard itself to gain the Ignore (fits with the story) or only count WC EC's. It's a bit OP as-is.

I assume in Spoils of Midian you meant the owner of the EC discarded's discard pile? In that case, just make it "opponent" since it will almost always mean the same thing and is a lot more clear.

Raised Up:
"Search deck for a Judge and place this card on him: Protected from Capture and Conversion."

On Supposed Dead, did you mean protect from Special Abilities? Otherwise it's a guaranteed stalemate.

I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!

Offline Arch Angel

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Re: New Starter Deck Idea
« Reply #14 on: July 07, 2011, 11:28:29 PM »
Damascus has the same problem as Barnabas' fact, aren't they the same place? Maybe make one of them Tarsus?
Huh? I don't see why they're the same place? I thought part of the purpose of Fortresses were that they were specific things within a region/city. Though I did just realize that the majority of the drawing abilities i'd included on the Missionary cards ended up disappearing. I should fix that. Without them this card is useless in the deck.
Love Amphitheater, but it should be:
"When you have initiative, you may place your Mob from battle here to place a Hero in battle here. Any opponent may return contents to owners' territories during his upkeep."
Jephthah's Covenant is OP, especially in T2.
How would you suggest tweaking it, be cause I still like the basic idea (it goes with the story pretty well in my opinion)
Jephthah is pushing it with his long list of abilities and dual-coloring. Not quite OP, but OP for a starter deck.
Dropped the "regardless of protection" clause. Better?
Why aren't Gideon, Othniel, or Deborah Red while Jephthah is? I'd make all of them or none of them dual.
Jepthah is red because he was a warrior first, then a Judge due to his victory. Othniel could be argued to be the same way, but he was less renowned/recorded for his exploits.
Also, all instances of "General" should be "Commander."
Haha, I had actually written it that way first, but then it seemed fudgy to me so I changed it. Fixed.
The Three Hundred needs "while it remains in play," otherwise the protection will only happen during the battle it actually hits 3/3.
Good point. Also made it so that the decrease stop at 3/3, so it doesn't decrease itself to oblivion.
I'd make Trumpets and Pitchers either Discard itself to gain the Ignore (fits with the story) or only count WC EC's. It's a bit OP as-is.
Good idea. Discard clause added.
I assume in Spoils of Midian you meant the owner of the EC discarded's discard pile? In that case, just make it "opponent" since it will almost always mean the same thing and is a lot more clear.
Yes, that's what I meant. I actually want it to stay as is, though, because it can be used to target your own WC character and thus recur your own enhancement if you wanted to. This works really well with the banding abilities found in Red brigade.
Raised Up:
"Search deck for a Judge and place this card on him: Protected from Capture and Conversion."
On Supposed Dead, did you mean protect from Special Abilities? Otherwise it's a guaranteed stalemate.
Originally that was the idea, because all of the good end-the-battle abilities end in stalemate, but I tweaked it to be special abilities.

Version 3 Link

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Re: New Starter Deck Idea
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2011, 02:43:32 PM »
Lucius is OP because once you know all their LS are in play or rescued you can use him to clean out literally everything in your opponents territory with Abom.
I'd suggest putting a cap on it (like 3).
« Last Edit: July 08, 2011, 07:57:43 PM by Smokey »

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Re: New Starter Deck Idea
« Reply #16 on: July 08, 2011, 05:30:27 PM »
In regards to all the "X card is OP" comments, please give me some way to tweak it, or at least explain /why/ you think it's OP. I can't really do much with just the surface observation that they "are OP" as that's a rather subjective term.


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Re: New Starter Deck Idea
« Reply #17 on: July 09, 2011, 04:01:41 PM »
I'll work on some images. Is there a specific icon that goes on each of the decks?

Offline Arch Angel

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Re: New Starter Deck Idea
« Reply #18 on: July 09, 2011, 10:06:27 PM »
Huh. Never really thought about that. Uhm... anyone have a suggestion?

Also, I just realized I missed responding to this...
In the first one the # are higher which would kinda give that deck an advantage
The numbers may need tweaking, I'm not really sure. They're set so that it's the Blue/Green offense against the Brown/Crimson defense, and the Gold/Red offense against the PG/Black defense, though. So it's not just one deck be3ing stronger than the other that really matters in the long run.


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