Author Topic: New Idea and a new Keyward!  (Read 1092 times)


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New Idea and a new Keyward!
« on: August 23, 2015, 01:49:25 PM »
Green Prophet 7/5
x= # of Prophets in Play
Territory class
Once per game set Jonah aside for three turns. On return reveal the top X card of an opponents deck. Convert all evil characters revealed.

Territory Class
Morning Star: New Keyword. Whenever an angel is removed from play discard an evil character regardless of protection.
Each time Lucifer is targeted by a special ability you may reveal an angel from your hand and redirect ability to that  angel instead. Cannot be negated.

Territory class
Deceit (new keyword if a demon is removed from play under deck it instead) Play with bottom card of deck revealed. If all your characters in play are none human restrict opponent from playing cards with draw, search, or ignore abilities. Cannot be negated.


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Re: New Idea and a new Keyward!
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2015, 11:46:53 AM »
I like the idea of Jonah, though you can't technically convert cards in deck as they would immediately reset to face value. Also it doesn't specify what the characters are converted to. Heroes? Other brigades? Chickens?

Regarding the characters that I assume are demons, I don't know that either really needs a keyword. Keywords are generally to save space for abilities used on multiples of cards (aside from unique, thematic keywords like the "Empty!" identifier on TGT that don't inherently require extra explanation). I think each character could just have the keyword's ability as their ability. I think Satan has too much going on, though. The deceit effect is interesting, but I think it's too much with the bottom-card-revealed-and-something-else rest of it. Lucifer is certainly interesting.


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