Author Topic: New Card Ideas Restoration  (Read 1430 times)


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New Card Ideas Restoration
« on: July 21, 2009, 08:00:40 PM »
I'm going to restore everything I can from before the purge.

Quote from: Minister Polarius
Infiltration of Jericho
0/0 Red Good Enhancement
"Place a Hero from your hand or territory on an opponent's Site to give your Heroes of matching Brigade access to that Site. If a Lost Soul is Rescued out of that Site, you may place Hero on a different Site or return to your territory."

Standing Army
4/4 Red Good Enhancement
"Every Site located in Palestine in battle becomes a 4/4 Hero that is Protected from Evil Special Abilities. No Enhancements may be played on these Heroes."

Jacob's Wells
3/3 Blue Good Enhancement
"You may exchange a Site in your territory with a Site in an opponent's territory."

0/0 Purple Enhancement
"For every unoccupied single-color Site in your territory, you may search Deck for a Hero of matching Brigade. If played on a King, you may add as many Heroes as you wish from hand to battle."

Saul's Vulnerability
0/0 Brown Evil Enhancement
"Turn one of your unoccupied Sites face-down and place any card from your Hand on it face-down. If your Evil Character is Discarded in battle, you may turn Site up and reveal placed card. Special Ability on card activates, then Remove card from the Game."

Saul's Cave
Purple Site
"When a Lost Soul is placed in this Site, you may place an Evil King face-down on this Site. You may add King to a Rescue Attempt at this Site at any time."

Returning Exiles
4/4 Red Heroes, WC
"Search any Discard Pile for a Site and add to your territory. Protect your Fortresses from Discard."

A card based on the Israelite's battle with the Amalikites.

Raised Hands
Gold Brigade Enhancement
Holder may set three Heros aside from the game. Holder may play the first enhancement for each of their rescue attempts that their heros are in the set aside area.
Exodus 17:16
I think that there should be a character (or characters) that have a special ability similar to this one:
"Prevent opponent from playing cards that cannot be negated"
or maybe
"Protect all of holders cards from abilities that cannot be negated."
I don't know what they would be named, but there should be at least one hero and one EC that can do this. Or maybe a WC enhancement. Something. Ideas for names?

The Land of the Dead
Evil Fortress
-Holds any number of Human Evil Characters-
"Set this Fortress aside. When your Human Evil Character is Discarded, place here. Treat Evil Character as Discarded."
Jonah 2:6

The Roots of the Mountains
"When your Demon blocks a Rescue Attempt, release an Evil Character from your The Land of the Dead to your territory."
Jonah 2:6

Hand of bribes Gold/Grey enh
Give opp one card from hand to convert one hero to a gold evil  brigade character for three turns.
psalm 12:10

Blue enh Testing of the Lord x/x (x=number of ecs in play)
Set hero aside for X turns on return hero cannot be converted,captured, and enh played on him cannot be prevented.
psalm 12:3

Love for the house of the lord Purple enh 0/0
Inturupt the battle and search deck for tabernacle or solomon's temple. Put it into play. Holder may activate an artifact in temple
psalm 12:6-8

(Continued on Next Page)


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Re: New Card Ideas Restoration
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2009, 08:06:36 PM »
Quote from: Minister Polarius
7/4 Gold Hero, WC
"Once per game you may Discard the top card from your Deck to Discard up to two Evil Characters in a territory. If a Lost Soul was Discarded in this way, place it beneath Deck. May band with Jephthah's Raiders."
Judges 11:1

Sons of Gilead
5/5 Brown Evil Character
"Return Jephthah to owner's territory. You may Discard the top card from your Deck to return an Evil Character from Discard Pile to Deck."
Judges 11:2

Jephthah's Raiders
12/12 Gold Hero, WC
"When this Hero is targeted for Discard, instead reduce by 3/3 permanently."
Judges 11:3

The Land of Tob
Gold Site
"If a Rescue Attempt at this Site is successful, Discard all Heroes who are not Judges that were involved in the Rescue."
Judges 11:3

The Children of Ammon
9/7 Grey Evil Character, WC
-Army, Syrian-
"May use and hold Weapons of any Evil Brigade. Weapons used by this Evil Character Cannot be Prevented. Cannot be Negated."
Judges 11:4

0/0 Gold Good Enhancement
"Enhancements used by Judges Cannot be Negated."
Judges 11:11

Possession of Land
0/0 Gold Good/Grey Evil Enhancement
"Take one Site from an opponent and add to your territory. Cannot be Interrupted if used by a Warrior Class Character."
Judges 11:24

10/12 Orange Evil Character
-Syrian God-
"You may Discard a Character in a set-aside area to place a Grey Evil Enhancement from Discard Pile on your Syrian Evil Character. Enhancement activates when Evil Character enters battle."
Judges 11:24

From Aroer to Minnith
5/2 Gold Good Enhancement
"If Battle is successful, Discard up to two Sites from play. If used by a Judge, you may also Discard an Evil Fortress."
Judges 11:33

Gold already has Vengeance of Eternal Fire, so I think that the Site Destruction theme is justified.

These cards are meant to make the opponent think twice about targeting your cards.

Life for a Life
Black Enhancement
"Place this card in your territory.  If an opponent would discard your Evil Character you may remove this card from the game to interrupt all protection on opponent's cards and discard one Evil Character from opponent's territory."

Eye for an Eye
Gray Enhancement
"Place this card in your territory.  If an opponent would discard a card from your hand this phase you may remove this card from the game to discard equal number of cards at random from opponent's hand."

Tooth for Tooth
Gold Enhancement
"Place this card in your territory.  If opponent would discard your Evil Character you may remove this card from the game to interrupt Jerusalem Tower and discard X cards from the top of opponent's deck."
X is equal to half the Evil Character's toughness rounded up

Hand for Hand
Orange Enhancement
"Place this card in your territory.  If an opponent would draw a card this phase(except during draw phase) you may remove this card from the game to take equal number of cards from the bottom of your deck into your hand."

Foot for Foot
Pale Green Enhancement
"Place this card in your territory.  If opponent would discard your Artifact you may remove this card from the game to search opponent's Artifact pile and discard one Artifact."

Burn for Burn
Crimson Enhancement
"Place this card in your territory.  If an opponent would discard your Fortress you may remove this card from the game to discard any Fortress in opponent's territory."

Wound for Wound
Brown Enhancement
"Place this card in your territory.  If opponent reduces the toughness of your character you may remove this card from the game to reduce the toughness of opponent's character by equal amount for remainder of game."

Bruise for Bruise
Multicolor Evil Enhancement
"Place this card in your territory.  If opponent targets one of your cards you may remove this card from the game to target one of opponent's cards in the same way."


His old card was a 10/4 pale green "Emperor Caius Caligula"  Discard antipas and herodias

This was my idea for a new one

11/8 grey evil char (Joshephus (historian)
"discard any char in a territory, If he wins a battle decrease defence by -1 and increase attack by 1 until he becomes 18/1 May band with emperor nero"

I cant think of any enhancements becuase none would have a biblical refrence so... if anyone wants to come up with some

Thats right, this is my idea:

Type: Artifact
Name:Mark of the Beast
SA: After your N.T. evil character blocks a rescue attempt, shuffle all evil characters in your discard pile back into your draw pile. Cannot be negated or discarded.  May be used twice.

What do you think? I personally think it is about time this came around.

(Continued on Next Page)


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Re: New Card Ideas Restoration
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2009, 08:09:01 PM »
Under construction.


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Re: New Card Ideas Restoration
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2009, 08:10:44 PM »
Under construction.


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