Vain prophecies
Place in your territory. Whenever a deck or discard pile is searched for a card and no cards are targeted, the player of that pile must discard two cards from hand.
Place in an opponent's territory. Whenever that player discards a good enhancement or hero from hand, set aside a hero in that territory for 3 turns.
Each player searches own draw pile for a lost soul and puts it into their territory.
Remove this card from the game to shuffle X non lost soul cards in your territory into owner's deck. Draw X/2 rounded down.
Discard an evil dominant from hand to discard this card and add one active artifact in play to your artifact pile. You control that artifact until it is shuffled into owner's deck.
Babylonian Scavengers
3/3 Crimson
Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is evil or a lost soul, add it to hand, otherwise remove it from the game.
You may use this ability as many times as you want as long as it is your initiative.
The Flood
Genesis Blue enhancement
If used by noah, remove this card from the game to shuffle all cards in play except noah's family and animals. Cannot be negated. You may reveal dove from hand to draw 3 cards.
All shuffled cards and cards that will be shuffled instead go into a new, separate pile designated as the shuffled pile. During draw phase or when an ability targets a draw pile, the drawing player or ability owner may instead choose the shuffled pile.