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Herod Agrippa IJewish King, warrior class"Search deck for Gates of Jerusalem and put into play. Discard a disciple (limit once per game). Capture any N.T. hero. Can't be negated by a good character."Acts 12:1-3
Herod AntipasJewish King, warrior class"May band to Herodias. Negate all protect abilities. Discard John the Baptist. Search deck or discard pile for a gold, evil weapon and put on a warrior class evil character."Luke 3:19-20
Berniceroyalty, x=#of weapons in play."Discard xN.T. heros. May band to Herod Agrippa II. May play the first enhancement."Acts 25:23
HerodiasRoyalty"Search deck for a card that has "discard" or "capture" in it's special ability. Negate all special abilities on heros that are 5/5 or more."Mark 6: 24