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Topic: Life of Christ Ideas (Read 9788 times)
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New Member
Posts: 39
Numbers 23:22;24:8, Job 39:9-10, Psalm 29:6; 92:10
North Central Region
Life of Christ Ideas
August 17, 2024, 03:06:19 PM »
Den of Thieves/My House
Good/Evil Fortress
Temple Good - Holds Temple Artifact, State Alignment on Activation; Evil - Holds up to 5 Evil Israelite Religious Leaders
- Protect Holder's Gospel Heroes from discard and banish in territory.
- Holders Pharisees, Sadducees and Evil High Priests may all band if at least 1 of each is here. If Flipping the Tables is played, discard all EC held here and convert to My House.
Verse: Mark 11:17
Flipping the Tables
Clay/Blue/Gold/Purple - 3/4 - Territory Class
Act of Christ, X is number of disciples in Holder's territory, Evangelism
Place in Territory: Den of Thieves cannot be activated until this card is removed. Holder's Heroes gain access to every Site, negate Sites and Lost Souls.
Equip to a Disciple: Site Access, protected from Banish, discard, Evil Withdraw. Discard this card and a Martyr to convert X Israelites or Romans to Clay Heroes.
Coliseum is negated while this card is in play, cannot be interrupted, prevented, redirected or negated.
Verse: Mark 11:15
Fishermen/Fishers of Men
Hero/Good Enhancement
Hero: 2/2 Red/Clay/Purple Territory Class
Enhancement: 0/1 Clay/Purple/Green Territory Class
Human, Generic, Fishermen, Israelite, Disciple, Must be drawn, Cannot be put in Reserve
: Search for a good ship fortress and activate. May band to one Gospel Hero, both gain 2/2 if losing battle. Defeated Human Evil Character converts to (NT) Clay Hero/(OT) Red Hero. Defeated Demons discarded, regardless of Tartaros.
: Place in Territory: Animals cannot block. Discard to convert blocking Evil Character to Clay Hero and withdraw all Characters.
In battle: Negate and discard an Evil Card (Except Human).
Verse: Luke 5:10
Fishermen/Tax Evaders
Evil Character/Hero/Evil Enhancement
Evil Character: 2/4 Black/Crimson Territory Class
Hero: 3/3 Clay Territory Class
Evil Enhancement: 1/4 Black/Crimson Territory Class
Human, Generic, Fishermen, Israelite, Cannot start as Hero, Must be drawn, Cannot be put in Reserve
Evil Character
: Protect from discard, withdraw, banish. May search draw or discard pile for an Evil ship fortress and activate. May band to 2 Generic Fishermen. If defeated by a disciple or Hero Fisherman, convert.
: May band to 2 Generic Fishermen or Disciples.
: Place in territory: Holder may place evil cards here. Protect from discard and banish. Up to 2 cards can be used in battle from this enhancement
In Battle: No Roman artifacts can be activated until Evil Character is discarded, converted or banished. Deactivate all Roman artifacts. No new artifact can be activated until next round.
Verse: Matthew 22:17; Luke 5:10
Crucifixion/It Is Finished!
Evil Enhancement/Good Dominant
Evil Enhancement: Gray/black Territory Class
Roman Action, Israel
Evil Enhancement
: Place in Territory: If holder's Roman Commander is losing the battle, discard 2 NT Heroes (except Disciples and any Mary) and 1 NT Non-Roman, Non-Priest Evil Character. Search all draw piles and discard Son of God. Can only be used once, then banish.
: Place in Territory: Search discard pile and Reserve for all OT Saints and Prophets and add to territory for 3 turns, then shuffle all back to their piles. Can only use once. Protect all Heroes in Field of Play from Banish. Discard and convert 1 Evil Character in each players territory to Clay Hero if He Is Risen! or Stone Rolled Away is played.
Verse: Matthew 27:38; John 19:30
He Is Risen!/Stone Rolled Away
Good Dominant/Good Enhancement
Good Enhancement: 1/1
Resurrection Event
: Search all discard piles for Son of God and New Jerusalem and shuffle into decks. All players reveal top 8 cards, Lost Souls put in play as 1/1 Rainbow Heroes must use before any other Hero in Rescue Attempts (Unsuccessful, become Lost Soul; successful, place both in Land of Redemption) Dominants, top decked in any order, underdeck the rest.
: Evil Generic Romans paralyzed and Roman Fortresses negated this turn. Search Reserve for a Mary and put in territory. Cannot be negated.
Verse: Matthew 28:2; Mark 16:9
Last Edit: August 19, 2024, 05:19:20 PM by beefstew1
Trade Count:
New Member
Posts: 39
Numbers 23:22;24:8, Job 39:9-10, Psalm 29:6; 92:10
North Central Region
Re: Life of Christ Ideas
Reply #1 on:
August 17, 2024, 07:42:08 PM »
More card ideas for this theme
Denied Thrice/Cock Crow
Evil Enhancement
Denied Thrice: Crimson/Black - Non-Territory Class
Cock Crow: Rainbow - Territory Class
Prophecy, Denial, Animal
Denied Thrice: Set Peter variant aside 3 turns, if no convert enhancements played, underdeck. Holder may search draw pile for Damsel Outside Palace, Maid on the Porch or Man in the Crowd and put in territory. Cannot be negated. If brought from discard, cannot search.
Cock Crow: Territory: Select Evil Brigade, play on that brigade Evil Character.
In Battle: Peter withdraws from rescue, cannot enter until Jesus' Forgiveness/Casting Lots is played as Jesus' Forgiveness. If not banded in, rescuer must present new Hero or block successful.
May be used three times, cannot be used as same card all three times, then banish.
Verse: Mat 26:75; Mark 14:72
Damsel Outside Palace
Evil Character
3/6 Black/Gray - Territory Class
Israelite, Human, Generic
Territory: If Peter is not in play or Set aside, search draw, discard or Reserve for Denied Thrice/Cock Crow and opponents draw pile for Peter and may put in territory.
In Battle: Denied Thrice/Cock Crow must be activated as Denied Thrice on this character in battle. If was blocking Peter, Rescue ends unless 3 or more disciples are in play. One of them must block and cannot band. Cannot be negated. If defeated by a disciple, banish.
Verse: Mark 14:66
Maid on the Porch
Evil Character
4/4 Crimson - Territory Class
Israelite, Human, Generic
Territory: Negate opponents good search abilities.
In Battle: Cannot block any disciple other than Peter. No banding, return banded Hero to territory. Jerusalem Tower has no effect. If not in play search opponents draw pile for Peter, withdraw non-disciple Hero, Peter enters battle and is reduced 5/5 until discarded or healed. If already in play, cannot swap rescue Heroes.
Verse: Luke 22:58
Man in the Crowd
Evil Character
5/6 Crimson/Gray/Black - Territory Class
Israelite, Human, Generic
Territory: If put in play by Denied Thrice/Cock Crow, cannot enter battle until next rescue.
In Battle: Withdraw non-disciple, search for Peter. Peter must block regardless of search or in territory. Search draw, discard or Reserve for Denied Thrice/Cock Crow and activate as Denied Thrice.
Verse: Matthew 26:73
Jesus' Forgiveness/Casting Lots
Good/Evil Dominant
Prophecy Fulfillment
Good: Heal all Heroes in play and return all captured and set aside Heroes to owners territories. Convert 1 Roman Warrior Class Evil Character to a Red Brigade Hero. Banish after use.
Evil: Discard 3 human characters, except disciples. Search draw, discard or Reserve for Darkness after Christ and add to hand. Banish after use.
Both: Cannot be discarded from draw pile or hand by ability without use, must shuffle back into deck if selected. If random discard ability is activated, must wait for resolution to use.
Verse: Luke 23:34
Trade Count:
New Member
Posts: 39
Numbers 23:22;24:8, Job 39:9-10, Psalm 29:6; 92:10
North Central Region
Re: Life of Christ Ideas
Reply #2 on:
August 18, 2024, 11:29:46 AM »
More Ideas
Man Possessed by Legion/Gadarene Witness
Evil Character/Hero
Evil Character: 12/12 Black/Orange/Crimson
Hero: 6/12 Clay/Blue/Purple
Gadarene, Possessed, Evangelist, Convert, Human, Only 2 Legion permitted in deck with this character, Must start as man Possessed by Legion
Man Possessed by Legion: Humans withdraw, except disciples. If Sail Across the Sea is active and at least 4 disciples are in play, search draw, discard and/or reserve for Healing the Gadarene. May band to Legion and negate and discard Chains that Bind. Any convert enhancement played, automatic conversion to Gadarene Witness.
Gadarene Witness: Immune to capture, discard, banish abilities. Following successful rescue, convert Human Evil Character that blocked to Clay Hero, not limited. Following unsuccessful rescue by numbers, return to territory, reduce 0/6 and gain immune to all demons, animals and beasts, may only be used once. Site access. Sail Across the Sea cannot be negated or discarded while this card is in play.
Mark 5:8-9
Sail Across the Sea
Good Enhancement
2/2 Rainbow - Territory Class
Fishing boat, Sailing boat
Territory: Place in territory. Good conversion enhancements cannot be negated or discarded without use. Holds 2 convert enhancements from any player. Stormy Seas/Faithless is negated, discarded and cannot be played unless 4 disciples are in play.
In battle: If played against a demon, return demon to territory, no demon can block this rescue.
Luke 8:22
Chains that Bind
Evil Enhancement
Black/Crimson - Territory Class
Holds Legion Captive
Territory: Activate in territory. Man Possessed by Legion and Legion cannot enter battle unless Sail Across the Sea is active. Protected from discard, banish, capture.
In Battle: Cannot be played on Man Possessed by Legion. Capture opponents non-disciple and treat as Lost Soul. May take one demon from opponent and band into battle if no demon is in battle. Negate non-disciples.
Verse: Mark 5:3
Stormy Seas/Faithless
Evil Enhancement
Stormy Seas: Crimson/Black 2/2
Faithless: Pale Green 1/5
Fear, Little faith, cannot be used on Man Possessed by Legion
Stormy Seas: Negate Sail Across the Sea. Search draw pile or reserve for Decapolis and activate as Lost Soul site.
Faithless: Disciples cannot enter battle, withdraw all in battle. New blocker must be presented or block successful.
Verse: Mark 4:37, 40
Lost Soul Site/Good Fortress
Lost Soul Site: Purple/Clay/Silver
Lost Soul Site: Only disciples, major apostles and Gadarene Witness have access. If Man Possessed by Legion/Gadarene Witness is in play as Man Possessed by Legion, rescue from only this site is possible and he must block. Cannot be negated. Protect site and contents from discard.
Fortress: Holds one disciple or Gadarene Hero. Every turn Hero is present, all disciples and Gadarenes are immune to capture, discard, banish, evil withdraw, evil battle immediately ends. Opponents Heroes have access to all except Silver sites. Cannot be activated if Man Possessed by Legion/Gadarene Witness is in play as Man Possessed by Legion.
Verse: Mark 5:20
Trade Count:
New Member
Posts: 39
Numbers 23:22;24:8, Job 39:9-10, Psalm 29:6; 92:10
North Central Region
Re: Life of Christ Ideas
Reply #3 on:
August 18, 2024, 07:37:24 PM »
More Ideas
Darkness After Christ
2/2 Pale Green/Gray
Mourning for Creator, Darkness
Curse: Following a successful block with a disciple, no player may draw more than one card for the next 3 turns. Negate all search and draw abilities. Negate and discard if He Is Risen!/Stone Rolled Away is played.
Enhancement: All Heroes in play decrease 2/2 but none are discarded if */0 or less, capture to owner's Land of Bondage. Ability cannot be used if John, the Beloved is in battle or a Mary is in opponent's territory.
verse: Matthew 27:45
The Last Supper/My Body, My Blood
Final meal, Disciples, Jesus, Salvation
Dominant: Place in territory. All Gospel Heroes protected from discard and capture abilities and Lost Souls removed from all sites for 2 turns. On turn 3, discard. Disciples protected from conversion for remainder of game, except Judas Iscariot.
Artifact: Defeated Human Evil Characters converted to Clay Hero. May be used twice.
Verse: Matthew 26:26, 28
Judas Iscariot
Hero/Evil Character
Hero: 3/3 Purple/Blue
Evil Character: 6/6 Crimson
Disciple, Gospel Hero, Gospel Evil Character
Hero: Search draw or Reserve for Sermon on the mount. Add to hand. Protected from discard, banish and capture abilities. If defeated, returns to territory as Evil Character. Cannot be interrupted, negated, prevented or redirected.
Evil Character: Search draw or Reserve for Thirty Pieces of Silver/I Have Sinned/Blood Money, add to hand. Cannot block a disciple. Protected from withdraw from battle.
Verse: Luke 6:16
I will be adding to this as time goes on.
Digging through the gospels to put everything together is a challenge and going to avoid contradiction.
Yes, I know every iteration of Judas Iscariot has been an evil card. The reason he is a Hero on here first is due to the fact he was a loyal follower of Christ until he no longer was. I get the scripture says in all 4 gospels that he was the one to betray Christ but at the time he was selected by Christ, none of the disciples knew then that he was to be a traitor later on. It's only mentioned because each book is an eyewitness account of the events and it was a detail they all included after the fact of all that happened.
Last Edit: August 19, 2024, 03:04:00 PM by beefstew1
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