Author Topic: Revelation Seven Churches Idea  (Read 14275 times)

Offline EdStarwind

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Revelation Seven Churches Idea
« on: July 12, 2022, 05:05:16 PM »
So, I have had this idea brewing, and this is my first foray into card creation.  I would be interested in seeing a them around the seven churches written to in Revelation.  My thought process started with the Angels of those churches.  This is still a rough draft, but maybe better minds can take it and run?

Angel of Ephesus               Silver/Clay
Angel, Seven Stars

While in battle:
Gain 1/0 for each Evil enhancement played
Gain 0/1 for each Good Enhancement played
Cannot be Prevented

I know your works, your labor, and your endurance, and that you cannot tolerate evil
                                                                                                    Rev. 2:2

I chose the Silver/Clay because they are angels, but they also represent the Early Churches.  Their score may be low for the Silver brigade, but it can add on Power well.  This ability was based on the letter in Revelation 2:1-7.  It speaks to the endurance of that church, and it's testing/overcoming of false prophets.

Thanks for reading!  I would love any comments/critiques/suggestions to go skydiving instead.  If something of substance is found here, I will probably be thinking about the other churches and some Fortresses (the Golden Lampstands come to mind)/Enhancements to go with it.


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