Author Topic: Isaiah 40:31 - 3-card miniset  (Read 1214 times)


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Isaiah 40:31 - 3-card miniset
« on: September 17, 2013, 03:24:12 PM »

I had to remake the card as I accidentally closed the card maker and in my rush I forgot to delete the Identifiers text and re-add the Reference so apologies for those mistakes. :P

Not sure if I worded this card properly, I've never seen anything that didn't specifically refer to a certain special ability. For reference, "special ability type"s are abilities such as capture, convert, discard, decrease, underdeck, etc.

Walk and Not Weary
Rainbow GE | 0/0 | TC
"Place in territory: Your unique Heroes are not restricted from entering battle multiple times per turn. Cannot be negated during the battle phase."
~Isaiah 40:31

New Strength
Rainbow GE | 0/0 | TC
"Heal all Heroes with decreased abilities and place this in territory: Protect Heroes from decrease. Your Heroes ignore Evil Characters with increased abilities."
~Isaiah 40:31
« Last Edit: September 17, 2013, 03:35:29 PM by browarod »


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Re: Isaiah 40:31 - 3-card miniset
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2013, 12:00:03 PM »

I have a couple new idea types in the first 2 cards so I'm hoping for feedback on the wording (there's usually a better way to word things than I think from a technical standpoint, lol).

Also, I don't know if the ignore on New Strength is OP. People complain about pre-block ignore so I had to mull that over before deciding to include it.


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