Author Topic: In Response to Bacon  (Read 4966 times)

Offline Minister Polarius

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In Response to Bacon
« on: June 17, 2015, 04:04:06 PM »
Getting back into the game after a few years off has given me a chance to look at what is overpowered from a different perspective. TEC is an incredible expansion, and gives some great insight into what works for curbing OP cards. It also shows how difficult it can be to curb others without a ban. These cards are designed to be the kind of counters that work to what I perceive to be centralizing cards.

4/4 Gold/Clay or Crimson/Grey Character
-When put in play, chose to be good or evil. Generic. Heretic*.-
"Reveal opponent's hand and Discard a good Dominant (except Son of God). Remove New Jerusalem in opponent's discard pile to rescue a Lost Soul and protect an N.T. Lost Soul from rescue while you have not played Son of God.
~Luke 9:27
Spoiler (hover to show)

Great City
Evil Fortress
"Whenever a card is exchanged or underdecked, place the target here instead (unless it is a Lost Soul). Once per upkeep, you may remove a card here to search deck or discard pile for a card of matching type or a demon. Protected from Discard by evil cards. Cannot be Negated."
~Revelation 18:17-18
Spoiler (hover to show)

Lost Soul
"Protect all Lost Souls from New Jerusalem. Cannot be Negated."
~I Corinthians 6:9-11
Spoiler (hover to show)

1/4 Gold/Pale Green Evil Character, TC
-Egyptian. Magician.-
"Magicians may use O.T. Evil Enhancements of any brigade that has a non-Magician Evil Character in play. May band to a Magician."
~II Timothy 3:8
Spoiler (hover to show)

1/4 Gold/Pale Green Evil Character, TC
-Egyptian. Magician.-
"If Jannes, Pharaoh's Court, or Egyptian Magicians is in play, whenever opponent plays a Dominant (except Son of God), you may duplicate its effect with a new target."
~II Timothy 3:8
Spoiler (hover to show)

Twenty Pieces of Silver
-May be activated on a Son of Jacob (except Joseph and Benjamin), a Canaanite or an Egyptian-
"You may exchange this card with an opponent's artifact with a capture or discard ability to draw two cards. Protect Heroes with 2 or less defense from discard abilities."
~Genesis 37:26-27
Spoiler (hover to show)

Multicolor Evil Enhancement, TC
"Place on a human. Human is paralyzed. If opponent rescues more than one Lost Soul in a round, remove Human from the game to place this card on a new Human. Protect this card from opponents. Cannot be Negated."
Psalm 14:1
Spoiler (hover to show)

*Heretic is an evil-only identifier
« Last Edit: June 18, 2015, 02:14:41 AM by Minister Polarius »
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!


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Re: In Response to Bacon
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2015, 04:11:43 PM »
New Polarius cards!!


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Re: In Response to Bacon
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2015, 04:22:24 PM »
Getting back into the game after a few years off has given me a chance to look at what is overpowered from a different perspective. TEC is an incredible expansion, and gives some great insight into what works for curbing OP cards. It also shows how difficult it can be to curb others without a ban. These cards are designed to be the kind of counters that work to what I perceive to be centralizing cards.

4/4 Gold/Clay or Crimson/Grey Character
-When put in play, chose to be good or evil. Generic. Heretic*.-
"Reveal opponent's hand and Discard a good Dominant (except Son of God). Remove New Jerusalem in opponent's discard pile to rescue a Lost Soul and protect an N.T. Lost Soul from rescue while you have not played Son of God.
~Luke 9:27
This card is very broken. Instant rescuing three lost souls if you have Sog NJ  ???
Great City
Evil Fortress
"Whenever a card is exchanged, place the target here instead. Once per upkeep, you may remove a card here to search deck or discard pile for a card of matching type or a demon. Protected from Discard by evil cards. Cannot be Negated."
~Revelation 18:17-18
I like the Idea but this card makes exchanger soul hopper which is bad.
Lost Soul
"Protect all Lost Souls from New Jerusalem. Cannot be Negated."
~I Corinthians 6:9-11
Looks good on paper but too powerful irl because an early rescue of this lost soul pretty much insure you are up one lost soul.
1/4 Gold/Pale Green Evil Character, TC
-Egyptian. Magician.-
"Magicians may use O.T. Evil Enhancements of any brigade that has a non-Magician Evil Character in play. May band to a Magician."
~II Timothy 3:8
1/4 Gold/Pale Green Evil Character, TC
-Egyptian. Magician.-
"If Jannes, Pharaoh's Court, or Egyptian Magicians is in play, whenever opponent plays a Dominant (except Son of God), you may duplicate its effect with a new target."
~II Timothy 3:8
Should add NJ to the list of exceptions. Otherwise you just put this guy in kingdoms you either get a soul or stop them from playing NJ.
Twenty Pieces of Silver
-May be activated on a Son of Jacob (except Joseph and Benjamin), a Canaanite or an Egyptian-
"You may exchange this card with an opponent's artifact with a capture or discard ability to draw two cards. Protect Heroes with 2 or less defense from discard abilities."
~Genesis 37:26-27
I like it!
Multicolor Evil Enhancement, TC
"Place on a human. Human is paralyzed. If opponent rescues more than one Lost Soul in a round, remove Human from the game to place this card on a new Human. Protect this card from opponents. Cannot be Negated."
Psalm 14:1
Very Good!
*Heretic is an evil-only identifier

Offline Minister Polarius

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Re: In Response to Bacon
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2015, 07:47:08 PM »
It only instantly rescues a LS if your opponent takes the risk and goes with NJ. The idea is for NJ to not be an auto-include.

Good point, needs an "except Lost Souls."

I don't understand.


The whole point is for it to work with NJ. See the first one.


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Re: In Response to Bacon
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2015, 07:48:00 PM »
Cool ideas, some perhaps unbalanced, but all very good ideas!
To the Pain!



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Re: In Response to Bacon
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2015, 01:08:20 AM »
Since you've been away for a while, if you'd like to create your own images for these cards, I made a little program that does it for you:

Offline Minister Polarius

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Re: In Response to Bacon
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2015, 01:09:23 AM »
Added an "or underdecked" to Great City because Invoking Terror also seems to be pretty ubiquitous.

Where is the imbalance specifically? My goal is to have them be powerful enough to warrant wide use, but impossible to abuse based on your own deck rather than your opponent's deck.

I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!


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Re: In Response to Bacon
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2015, 01:14:28 AM »
An offline one at that! (you'll likely still need the internet for photos, but it's possible to use art on your computer)

Offline Minister Polarius

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Re: In Response to Bacon
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2015, 02:17:40 AM »
This is the best thing ever!!!!! I'm already watching months of my life disappear before my eyes.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!

Offline Josh

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Re: In Response to Bacon
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2015, 09:14:16 AM »
Great City is broken now, with the Underdeck portion added.  I can now play IT on my multicolor magician, place both IT and the targeted human hero in Great City, then remove their hero from the game to search deck or discard pile for a hero or demon, and use Shrine to Artemis to shuffle IT back in my deck.

Maybe the problem is Shrine to Artemis' interaction with Great City.

Also, what about using Gideon's Call or Fishers of Men on opponents deck?  I get to put all the cards in Great City instead of under their deck, and remove them from the game one at a time to search my deck/discard for a similar card?  That also seems broken  :D
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Re: In Response to Bacon
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2015, 09:29:46 AM »
I like the how the ability on Preterists adds tension to putting NJ in your deck. It would probably just be evil if we ever printed such a card. The ability doesn't feel heroic.

Great City is an epic counter to exchange and underdeck. It gets even better is you're playing demons. What do you mean by "remove a card here"? Are you giving it back? Are you removing it from the game? The former seems balanced. The later OP.

The Lost Soul is exactly what we talked about printing in the set we're releasing this year. We also talked about just adding "Protect Lost Souls from Dominants to multiple Lost Souls over the new few years. As a general rule we don't but CBX abilities on Lost Souls (although that may change). Without CBN it's too easy to negate souls so we didn't do it.

Clever idea for making Jannes use multiple brigades.

Jambres is awesome! I think people would find a way to include him in every deck. An additional cost might be warranted, like discarding a card from hand or something.

Twenty Pieces of Silver is a fun idea. It will be really good when it works but a dead card in some games.

Atheism seems very OP to me. If I understand it correctly, it's a TC card I can use in any deck as territory destruction against my opponent's Evil Characters? And I may get to use it more than once? It's probably OK if it is limited to just targeting Heroes.

Overall, a great round of Pol cards! Glad to have you back, inspiring the game again!
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?

Offline Minister Polarius

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Re: In Response to Bacon
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2015, 12:29:10 PM »
Rescuing a soul at high cost to good cards isn't unprecedented. If it were just an EC, it wouldn't be good enough to get played by a long shot, and without the soul protection there would be too little incentive to not run it alongside your own NJ. Also, thematically, many Christians today are still preterists and it seems wrong to make a call one way or the other on a card.

Remove from game was my intent, but I realize that's unnecessary for it to accomplish its goal now. I think it'd still be balanced because card that rely on your opponents' deck building choices are weaker by nature than they look on paper, and I took out the discard search, but if it needed it that'd be a fine nerf.

For Jambres, I just realized he is way too easy to pair with Judges. If I took out the Moses and Aaron portion, what would that do for balance?

Only a dead card if you build it into a deck with no initiative heroes!

Yes...ish. There are a lot of ways to protect Evil in territory from opponents (in fact, part of the point is to discourage splashy defenses), and Demons are great and unafraid of it. Plus, if you're using it on Evil, your opponent isn't using a tosser, Judges, Daniel/Isaiah or Cornelius and you're probably going to win anyway (intentionally does not help TGT at all unless your opponent lets it).
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Offline Redoubter

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Re: In Response to Bacon
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2015, 01:13:52 PM »
A character that discards a good dominant from hand and protects a Lost Soul from rescue should not be a Hero, as Gabe said.  Those are evil characteristics, and even if we have a debate about whether it exists today, I can't see that being printed on a Hero.  I'm also not a fan of non-doms getting a rescue, even if it relies on the opponent playing NJ previously, particularly if it were put on a Hero (3 soul swing to win before they block).

Right now, Great City also lets you get rid of their cards permanently by exchanging or underdecking them.  Stalks, Proselyte, Invoking Terror, these all let you permanently remove cards from your opponent's control.  It isn't based on your opponent's deck-building choices in that regard.

As Gabe said, there was talk of a similar type of Lost Soul.  I'd prefer that it not specify NJ, but rather rescue by dominants (or protect from rescue except by Heroes) without the CBN (which as Gabe says is currently avoided).  That forces you to use SoG on it instead of Female, NT, */4, or others that may get printed that dominants cannot rescue.  Limits options considerably, and makes even more fun tricks happen in T2.

I do like Jannes, though I think that thus far we've been trying (at least) to avoid pairing ongoing and instant abilities on TC characters where possible.

Not a fan of Jambres' ability, just because 'duplicating' a dominant is either not useful in some of the staples (Grapes, Mayhem) or it gets messy (how do I designate my copy of GoYS, for instance).  I also don't like the concept of copying a dominant (power) ability generally (particularly on a TC).

Twenty Pieces should probably not be activated on Reuben, either, and I'm not sure it should be activated on a Canaanite or Egyptian (the sons were the ones given the money, they should hold it).  The ability is very intriguing, though note for interactions that this can target any artifact that has a "discard to" ability on it, not just ones that discard something else.  It isn't OP since they could exchange back if you leave the new one up (which I think you'd have to at that point).

Agree that Atheism is OP.  Even without removing the character, paralyzing is destruction on its own since that character cannot enter battle, and by protecting it from opponents the only way to get rid of it is to remove the entire character.  With Gabe on this one.  For a TC paralyze, there needs to be some way to get rid of it first of all, and next we have to worry about how it works against evil.

I think there are some interesting ideas in there to work with.


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Re: In Response to Bacon
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2015, 01:28:31 PM »
awesome ideas man really glad to see you posting them love the joseph ducreux pic haha the others are sweet artwork too cool abilities great ideas

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Re: In Response to Bacon
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2015, 02:50:44 PM »
I'm worried that the concept of counters not being used unless they're useful on their own still has not stuck. Yes, great city is powerful. It's supposed to be. Yes, you can use it a few times regardless of what your opponent is playing. You're supposed to be able to. It's only over-powered if your opponent is using centralizing cards.

The point of the Lost Soul is to make NJ a choice, not just outright flimsily slow down dom rescues. (Again, without CBN no Soul like that will ever be used) I don't know why you have a thematic problem with a hero discarding a good dominant to potentially redeem a soul but not a lost soul that is so wicked the Son of God can't save it or even anyone else while it's around.

Oops, Jannes wasn't supposed to be TC.

Again, the entire point is to make NJ more of a choice. Place abilities don't work because there's nothing to place. Basically, he can dupe AotL, CM, NJ, DoN, Shipwreck, the search portion of GotL, FA and Vain Philosophy (and Mayhem just to redo the redraw). That is, all of the auto-includes except SoG. As to you not liking it, I don't like deck centralization, and the power level is more than appropriate for something with stringent development requirements and full reliance on the opponent playing the cards knowing they will be duped.

Good catch on Reuben. It was meant to also catch "discard to." The reason I have it able to activate on the Canaanites and Egyptians as well, other than to make it payable outside of a Blue offense, is because he was sold in a chain with multiple buyers. No, it wasn't the same silver every time, but thematically there was a lot of money changing a lot of hands.

I know what paralyze does. Atheism is supposed to be powerful. AutO is over-powered, Atheism is only over-powered if your opponent is using centralizing cards. I could see making it heroes only, but it seems odd that only heroes could be atheists.
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Re: In Response to Bacon
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2015, 03:14:34 PM »
Yes, you can use it a few times regardless of what your opponent is playing. You're supposed to be able to. It's only over-powered if your opponent is using centralizing cards.
Not true on both parts.  There are more than enough underdeck abilities you can use against your opponent.  This is OP just with Sorrow of Mary, Vain Philosophy, and Persistent Pestering, adding in to other hand control concepts that would be used in a deck with those cards.  That's in addition to the underdecks that target cards in play.  Your opponent could have zero exchange or underdeck cards in their deck and this card would be too strong.  Even if they did use exchange or underdeck, there are plenty of decks that use those abilities without them being "centralizing" cards that get splashed everywhere.

I don't know why you have a thematic problem with a hero discarding a good dominant to potentially redeem a soul but not a lost soul that is so wicked the Son of God can't save it or even anyone else while it's around.
Hence the lack of CBN.  SoG can still rescue it.

No, it wasn't the same silver every time, but thematically there was a lot of money changing a lot of hands.
I get that, but the identifier is already going to be too long as it is, and it may make more sense without with that in mind.

I know what paralyze does. Atheism is supposed to be powerful. AutO is over-powered, Atheism is only over-powered if your opponent is using centralizing cards. I could see making it heroes only, but it seems odd that only heroes could be atheists.
We were pointing out that it is destructive, and will be used for offense (probably by the decks that use the cards you are so against).  On AutO, we had interesting discussions on that while you were out, and I'm not convinced that it is as large of an issue as being perceived.

But again, as above, it is not just useful against 'centralizing' cards.  It knocks out characters as a TC ability that cannot be touched or negated, and that's not just something to counter the cards you dislike so much.

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Re: In Response to Bacon
« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2015, 05:37:31 PM »
Ahh, I realized my mistake. It was originally supposed to be the one doing the exchanging, not the target, and I never mentally updated the power shift. This would also stop it from being used with most of your own cards. The reason I changed it and it originally had "or discard" was because that would be way too weak. If it were the thing doing the exchanging or underdecking, and the "or discard" were returned, what then? Yes, Vain Philosophy would let you use another Evil dom twice, but I'm more than OK with that as you'd still be not getting to use VP and an extra falling away under complicated conditions also helps against the first turn speed of judges. I don't care if you feel AutO isn't a big problem, the numbers from the past *three* nationals prove you wrong. It's not me disliking something, it's statistically proven centralization.

I can see Atheism being hero-only for balance purposes.

Nobody will ever use a negatable dom guard LS. That's even the conclusion the playtest team came to.
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Offline Redoubter

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Re: In Response to Bacon
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2015, 08:30:47 PM »
I don't care if you feel AutO isn't a big problem, the numbers from the past *three* nationals prove you wrong. It's not me disliking something, it's statistically proven centralization.
I agree that it gets used in many decks, though it is important to note that it has never actually won T1-2P  We have lots of counters to AutO, as discussed in the linked thread.

As to this card, if it targets the card doing the effect instead, how do you see that playing out in actual games?  Curious about your take on what the true impact would be.

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Re: In Response to Bacon
« Reply #18 on: June 18, 2015, 11:37:52 PM »
By the way, I haven't mentioned that I love the thought process going into these new card ideas of yours.  Definitely a breath of fresh air on the new card ideas board  :D

I'm worried that the concept of counters not being used unless they're useful on their own still has not stuck. Yes, great city is powerful. It's supposed to be. Yes, you can use it a few times regardless of what your opponent is playing. You're supposed to be able to. It's only over-powered if your opponent is using centralizing cards.

One problem with Great City is that it is a CBN Instead.  So, for example, Overwhelming Presence becomes arguably the best battlewinner in the game when Great City is in play, and you don't need Michael/Angel's Sword to make it so.  And Gabriel can costlessly recur it each battle.

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Re: In Response to Bacon
« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2015, 12:43:38 AM »
I'm not so much concerned with it winning or not winning as it being in so many decks that place high. The problem of centralization isn't necessarily that it's going to win all the time, but that it's so good it's used to the point that it warps the meta. Whenever I am building a deck, my thought process is, not necessarily in order, "What are the win conditions for this deck? What counters to my win conditions do I need to account for? Is this deck fast enough to keep up with Judges, Prophets and Disciples/Clay? Can I come back from an early Mayhem? Can I come back from an early AutO/Isaiah? Does my defense include enough ways to block Gideon (and to a lesser extent King Hezekiah)? Does my defense include enough ways to block a FbtN Hero? Will my offense be able to get past an Invoking Terror or Persistent Pestering engine?"

This is not necessarily a problem on its own, but most of my best options to answer "yes" are to use those very cards myself. Further compounding the issue is Covenant with Death, which counters just about everything *except* Judges, Isaiah, and the salient parts of a Magicians defense or splash. The best anti-meta cards right now (Nazareth, Foreign Wives and CWD imo) are all great inclusions in the most common and consistently winning deck, as it is not hindered much if at all by them and all the other decks are. AutO by himself is not a huge problem. Having a lot of ways to get him very early, plus the fact that the best anti-meta cards do nothing or little, plus his utter lack of downsides, plus his synergy with decks that benefit from and are not hurt by anti-meta cards, plus the fact that his inherent speed makes getting counters before he's already gotten rolling improbable, plus the fact that his deck has been consistently top-table since his inception, plus the fact that his theme has one of the best answers to soul drought all scream "centralizing." I would like to win Booster Draft this year specifically so I can try to do something about his warping nature.

tl;dr, AutO by himself is an extremely powerful, but not broken card. The fact that he is not only not hurt by, but works great with cards that counter most other decks and adds huge tempo with no downside, as well as the fact that the best option to keep up with him is to use him yourself, makes him meta-warping (which shows in the hard numbers).

I should further amend Great City so that the exchange still happens (get rid of the instead element). Then how it would look is, you can still use your AutO to set up a bulletproof Gideon after GC is out, but only once. You can still underdeck a Hero with Invoking terror, but only once. You can still scout my hand and underdeck with Vain Philosophy, but I get to reuse an Evil Dom. You can still pester my hand, it just won't be persistent. Basically, it adds downsides to cards that currently have none and stops some too-easy-to-create infinite recursion engines. While I may seem defensive, I really value people telling me why my card ideas are OP when they can explain the reasoning because it helps me hone my ideas. Here's how it would read now:

"After a card exchanges or underdecks, place it here. Once per upkeep, you may remove a card here <remove meaning from the game> to search deck or discard pile for a card of matching type or a demon. Protected from Discard by evil cards. Cannot be Negated."

I think this keeps the power at around the same level (perhaps a bit weaker, would need a "may" if it's too weak now) while removing the big abuse potential. Did I miss anything else?

*EDIT* Can deep-six the Lost Soul exception now since it'd be entirely up to your opponent to give you one fewer soul by using exchanger.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2015, 01:06:44 AM by Minister Polarius »
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Re: In Response to Bacon
« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2015, 01:29:39 AM »
Thought of a way to get around the thematic messiness for Atheism. Adding a "unless your Human Hero is in battle" to the paralyze should do the trick.
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Re: In Response to Bacon
« Reply #21 on: June 19, 2015, 07:49:46 AM »
I should further amend Great City so that the exchange still happens (get rid of the instead element).

I should point out that I made an error in my last post - there was a ruling change a few months ago that cards causing special initiative grant SI before "Insteads" like Herod Agrippa II, Great City, etc. can kick in. 

So Herod's Treachery used while Herod Agrippa II is in battle is no longer a CBN battlewinner, unless HT is somehow CBN itself.  The hero gets a chance to interrupt or negate HT, and if they can't, then Herod's "Instead" captures the heroes.

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Re: In Response to Bacon
« Reply #22 on: June 19, 2015, 07:50:49 AM »
tl;dr, AutO by himself is an extremely powerful, but not broken card. The fact that he is not only not hurt by, but works great with cards that counter most other decks and adds huge tempo with no downside, as well as the fact that the best option to keep up with him is to use him yourself, makes him meta-warping (which shows in the hard numbers).

Except CwD stops you from being able to use the searching enhancements to get him quicker (or back from discard) and negates the Moses potential (which is one of the major cogs), Nazareth stops you from being able to get rolling faster, RBD makes that draw a burden, FW is a free block otherwise, and so on.  I'm not sure how the counters don't work against him, I can tell you firsthand they are definitely an issue.

On Great City, I'd still prefer if it could be discarded by an evil card, though that's a different discussion.

You'd also have to make sure it were worded in such a way that it is still an instead to some degree (otherwise a card placed underdeck itself or exchanged to deck is out of its reach and it becomes useless against them).  An instead that made it go there instead of wherever it were exchanged to (or ended up after underdecking itself) would work, otherwise it could not be targeted by the place.

Still would like the LS exception, as there may be more souls in the future with exchange abilities and we shouldn't leave a situation where (even optionally) souls go from play to removed from the game.

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Re: In Response to Bacon
« Reply #23 on: June 19, 2015, 08:09:44 AM »
Except CwD stops you from being able to use the searching enhancements to get him quicker (or back from discard) and negates the Moses potential (which is one of the major cogs), Nazareth stops you from being able to get rolling faster, RBD makes that draw a burden, FW is a free block otherwise, and so on.  I'm not sure how the counters don't work against him, I can tell you firsthand they are definitely an issue.

I have to disagree with this.  Judges and Prophets increase in power with the presence of CWD.  If AUTO is being used in a Simeon/Jacob/Moses/Captain bands deck, then yes, CWD hurts the deck.  It still doesn't hurt AUTO though.  And AUTO/Gideon is insanely powerful if CWD is up.  CWD is an auto-include for me when I play Judges or Prophets. 

Nazareth stops both decks from search though.  When it is added to decks, usually that deck won't have many search abilities; it still means that deck will take longer to get other counters to AUTO, etc.  And I like to include Naz in decks that have a lot of drawing, as it protect my hand from Mayhem and stops my opponent from searching at the same time.  Also, it must be drawn and played before AUTO hits the table.

RBD is brutal at the beginning of a game, but is very squishy.  Unless it's being held in a Damascus site so that DD or CWD can also be active (never gonna happen because of the Syrian requirement), it's just asking for Live Coal or Passover Hymn to bomb it.  And once again, it must be drawn and activated first before it can slow AUTO.

Foreign Wives is awesome, and can be tutored via Am Slave and recurred via Fortify Site.  But both Am Slave and Fortify Site are stopped by CWD.  And as above, it must be drawn first.


Consider this:  An AUTO-centralized deck with 50 cards, Hopper, and both of his normal tutors (WWaW, Guidance) has a 48% chance of drawing AUTO or an AUTO tutor in his opening 8 cards.  An AUTO-teching deck with 50 cards, Hopper, and all 4 cards you mention has a 59% chance of drawing a counter in his opening 8 cards.  So 31% of the time, you will draw one of your 4 counters before your opponent has drawn AUTO in the opening 8 card hands.  4 cards (granted, Foreign Wives should be in every deck) that will work as intended 31% of the time?  Not good.

And also consider this.  The rest of the "Anti-AUTO" deck must be built so that CWD and Naz do not harm it - and there aren't many decks that aren't harmed significantly by either of these cards.  In fact, using hard anti-meta cards like CWD and Naz is easiest to do in Judges/Prophets decks that have most of their TC GEs and searching cut from the deck for more "standard" offense and defense.
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Re: In Response to Bacon
« Reply #24 on: June 19, 2015, 11:24:04 AM »
Given that Tartaros works without "instead" language (and I think there are others similarly worded that escape me right now), GC should too. The targeting triggers when the card is in play. Then again, I've forgotten a lot of the master's-level Redemption legal framework so if it does need an instead, that can be slapped on NP at the cost only of elegance. If it could be Discarded by an evil card it would be far too weak to play. I maintain that there is no need for a LS exception, first because it'd be up to your opponent to give you such a large advantage, and second because the LS would almost never get removed as that would mean searching for a LS (would happen from time to time, but an odd enough occurrence not to warrant an exception), and third, the inhabitants of the Great City would all have worshiped the Beast and his image and their removal from the game would fit thematically.

You seem to be arguing that there are potential counters to AutO while I am arguing it is a meta-warping card. Basically, your argument is supporting my argument. JMHartz did an excellent job of refuting your rebut anyway, but I should also add that the draw on AutO is optional, so even RBD only stops one of his 3 abilities and Foreign Wives only works the first time if she comes from hand (and your opponent doesn't have U&T) and then becomes the same as RBD.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!


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