New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
Most of the sons of Jessie are way over powered, especially when added to the Sam banding chain. Angel under the Oak --> Samuel --> Armor-bearer -->Asahel --> Ismaiah --> Shimea --> Eliab --> King Hiram Draw 2 Draw 2 Draw 3 Draw 3 Draw 1 Draw 1 Total of 12 drawn cards.
The idea would work better for a "David's Mighty Men" theme
-Also, why are you posting the same cards on the new submissions thread? I thought the idea of a new thread would be new cards, not ones that are on the Jan one. -
Elhanan is crazy strong, your talking about giving an ability that could be discarding 5+ cards in a single ra. It would be better if it said something like place X beneath deck. You could even mimic the water jars ability but that would be very strong as well.Ittai banded to King David is almost an auto rescue. I would change the ability to discard a human in territory. His banding ability is already awsome so as he is now he is OP.King Cyrus is good and balanced but wouldn't see play because OT purple already has several fortress search abilities and they can use Throne of David, Cyrus can't...
Ittai's banding ability is already an awesome bonus to several FBTN banding chains and again Ittai Banding to King David is practically SoG.