Author Topic: Herod Reprints  (Read 2572 times)

Offline Arrthoa

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Herod Reprints
« on: June 16, 2013, 11:36:23 AM »
Gold 5/5
May search deck for Herod Antipas or Salome. If a Herod is in play, draw 1 card or have a male Hero withdraw from battle. Cannot be prevented.

Herod Antipas
Gold 7/6
WC, Herod, Royalty
Search deck for Herod's Dungeon and place in territory. May band to Herodias to topdeck a Mark 6 card from deck or discard pile. Cannot be Prevented.

Dance of Death
Gold 2/2
May discard a male human Hero in play or set-aside to draw 2. Cannot be negated if used by a N.T. female Evil Character.

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« Last Edit: June 17, 2013, 07:03:55 PM by Arrthoa »

Offline Arrthoa

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Re: Herod Reprints
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2013, 09:56:02 AM »
Herod Agrippa I
Gold 8/6
WC, Royalty
If multiple Heroes are in battle, capture one to opponent's Land of Bondage regardless of protection. Opponent may discard 2 good cards from hand instead. Cannot be Prevented.
Acts 12:1-3

Herod the Great
Gold 9/8
WC, Royalty
Search deck for a N.T. Evil Fortress, Temple, or Site. Negate all good band abilities, Set-Aside all but one Hero in battle until end of battle. Cannot be Prevented.
Matthew 2:3-4

Gold 6/6
Royalty, X = Number of Heroes in Battle
May band to Herodias or a Herod. May discard the top X (Max. 3) cards of opponent's deck. Lost Souls go in play. You may draw a card for each Good card discard this way. Cannot be negated.
Mark 6:25

Massacre of Innocents
Gold 2/2
Discard all male Heroes in play. A player may discard the top 3 cards of their deck to protect their Heroes from this card. Put Lost Souls in play instead. Cannot be negated if used by a Herod or Pharaoh
Matthew 2:16
« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 11:43:42 PM by Arrthoa »

Offline Professoralstad

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Re: Herod Reprints
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2013, 10:56:20 AM »
Herodias--Not very useful apart from the search, as ignore abilities on Evil cards are rarely helpful. Although Herodias wouldn't necessarily need to be too useful, as she is best used to clear out Dungeon and to be banded in by Salome CBN.

Herod Antipas--I like this one a lot. Herods often live or die by Dungeon, but they don't have a reliable way to fetch it.

Dance of Death--I like this one too, as it gives Herods their own Stone of Thebez essentially, as well as a bit of speed that they generally lack. I would probably specify NT female though, so that it isn't abused with Foreign Wives. It's powerful enough to make up for the fact that it will only ever be used by two different ECs. 

Herod Agrippa I--Very powerful, but maybe not OP. I think of all the cards that have an instead option, this should be one of them.

Herod the Great--Not sure what X is, but overall this would be worse than the current one. The only Fortress that he'd probably ever want to search for apart from Herod's Temple is High Priest's Palace for a Herod/Sadducee (maybe Gates of Hell, but only in defensive-heavy decks that would use both Herods and demons). Giving your opponent an instead option weakens him considerably.

Salome--Again, not as good as the current one. I have used Salome's discard from top of deck ability far more often than her discard a captured a Hero ability, and the underdecking top of deck ability I don't see as useful at all, except in rare circumstances.

Massacre of Innocents--I think it needs to be reworded to make it work as you suggest, but I'm not sure exactly how. Basically, you need a way to have each player discard 3 to save his own Heroes, and I'm not sure if the current wording does so.

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Offline Arrthoa

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Re: Herod Reprints
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2013, 11:17:31 AM »
Changed a majority of them like you suggested. Reason why Herod the Great can search for any N.T is cause I'm planning on making one or two that could benefit them.


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Re: Herod Reprints
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2013, 11:50:54 AM »
Maybe this wording for Massacre:

"Discard all male Heroes in play. A player may discard the top 3 cards of their deck to protect their Heroes from this card. Put Lost Souls in play instead. Cannot be negated if used by a Herod or Pharaoh."

Offline Josh

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Re: Herod Reprints
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2013, 12:57:47 PM »
Herod the Great- The only Fortress that he'd probably ever want to search for apart from Herod's Temple is High Priest's Palace for a Herod/Sadducee (maybe Gates of Hell, but only in defensive-heavy decks that would use both Herods and demons).

Now he tutors TGT!  Staple for sure.

Also, I'm saddened by the cards that make Herodias an evil character, when a study of the Biblical text shows her to be a girl, probably 8 or 10 years old, and that her "dance" was not lascivious in any way, shape, or form.  It probably would have been something like a school play.  She was young, and Salome, being the evil person she was, took advantage of her and made her ask for John's head.  Herodias probably didn't even know what she was asking.
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Re: Herod Reprints
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2013, 01:03:15 PM »
Herod the Great- The only Fortress that he'd probably ever want to search for apart from Herod's Temple is High Priest's Palace for a Herod/Sadducee (maybe Gates of Hell, but only in defensive-heavy decks that would use both Herods and demons).

Now he tutors TGT!  Staple for sure.

Also, I'm saddened by the cards that make Herodias an evil character, when a study of the Biblical text shows her to be a girl, probably 8 or 10 years old, and that her "dance" was not lascivious in any way, shape, or form.  It probably would have been something like a school play.  She was young, and Salome, being the evil person she was, took advantage of her and made her ask for John's head.  Herodias probably didn't even know what she was asking.

You have the two ladies confused, but otherwise I kind of agree. However, there are really only two options for characters, and it would be hard to justify Salome as a Hero. So since she did aid (willingly or not) Herodias in her plot against John, there is at least some justification for her being evil (or at least being supportive of evil).
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Offline Arrthoa

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Re: Herod Reprints
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2013, 01:09:04 PM »
Now he can't get TGT

Offline Josh

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Re: Herod Reprints
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2013, 06:26:54 PM »
I'd change Dance of Death to "If used by a NT female...  ...Cannot be negated."  Otherwise it will be splashed in with Am Slave and Gold KoT and Egyptian Magicians as a way to discard an opponent's hero AND draw 2. 
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Offline Arrthoa

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Re: Herod Reprints
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2013, 07:02:50 PM »
Gold KoT would negate it due to it gaining the CBN only if it was played on a NT Female EC. It is easily negateable when played on any character besides Salome and Herodias or any converted NT Female Hero.

Offline Josh

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Re: Herod Reprints
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2013, 08:59:20 PM »
Gold KoT would negate it due to it gaining the CBN only if it was played on a NT Female EC. It is easily negateable when played on any character besides Salome and Herodias or any converted NT Female Hero.

My bad, I thought it was TC.
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Offline Arrthoa

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Re: Herod Reprints
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2013, 11:41:40 AM »
Herod Philip II
Gold 8/8
WC, Royalty, X= # of cards in opponent's hand
You may exchange this card with a Herod in your hand or deck. If another Herod is in play, force all Heroes of X/* or less in battle to withdraw to Owner's territory. Cannot be Prevented.
Luke 3:1

Gold 7/8
WC, Royalty, Herod
If multiple Heroes are in battle, discard 1. Opponent may set-aside two of them for 2 turns instead. Cannot be Prevented.
Matthew 2:22

Gold 4/5
May band to a Herod or shuffle a N.T. Evil Enhancement from you discard pile into deck to have each player draw 2. Cannot be Interrupted.
Matthew 22:16

Gold 2/2
If used by a Herod, interrupt all Fortresses. All Heroes in set aside areas, hands, and battle must be placed in their Owner's territory. A player may reveal a Good Dominant and shuffle it to prevent this, otherwise Cannot be Negated.


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