New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
Babylonian TempleEvil FortressHolds one stolen artifactYour Babylonians cannot be negated. Once per game, if a Babylonian king is in play, you may take an OT artifact from opponent’s fortress or artifact pile and activate it here.2 Chronicles 36:7
Anoint with OilGood Multicolor EnhancementTerritory ClassPlace on a good king, prophet, or high priest: Hero becomes 1/1, may use enhancements regardless of brigade, and is protected from conversion and removal from the game.Exodus 29:7
CrucifixionGood Multicolor EnhancementTerritory classSet aside a good Dominant from hand for 3 turns. On return, place this in your territory: All captured and converted Heroes are returned owners’ hands and all cards in the game are protected from evil Dominants for the rest of the game.John 19:19
Baal WorshipEvil Brown/Orange EnhancementFalse religious practice, Depicts an idolSet your demon aside. Each turn, set a human aside. Characters return when demon leaves set-aside or a good Judge enters play.Judges 2:13
Jonathan Arms DavidGood Red/Purple EnhancementTerritory Class, Depicts a weaponTake a weapon from hand, deck, play, or a discard pile and place it on your warrior class Hero without a weapon. Enhancement is converted to Hero’s brigade. Cannot be negated.1 Samuel 18:4
Moses’ PrayerGood Gold EnhancementSearch deck for a healing card. Reveal a good Dominant from hand to protect your OT Heroes from evil enhancements this turn. Cannot be prevented.Numbers 21:7
David’s SlingGood Multicolor EnhancementWeapon classGood cards with "negate" in the special ability are protected from cards that cannot be negated.1 Samuel 17:40
QuoteCrucifixionGood Multicolor EnhancementTerritory classSet aside a good Dominant from hand for 3 turns. On return, place this in your territory: All captured and converted Heroes are returned owners’ hands and all cards in the game are protected from evil Dominants for the rest of the game.John 19:19I know that the Crucifixion of Christ was a good thing in the grand scheme, but there is no way it should be a Good card in Redemption. I find it a little UP considering the cost and wait to basically get LotS, stop CM, and reset captured and converted Heroes. But UP niche is better than OP.
Now and at the beginning of each upkeep phase, set your demon aside to set a human Hero aside. Characters return when first demon leaves set-aside or a good Judge enters play.
I really like a few of these cards but I'm skeptical overall. I have images picked out for each of these, but before making actual cards I'd like to make these a little more balanced, interesting, and theme-oriented if possible. Thanks in advance for your input.Babylonian TempleEvil FortressHolds one artifact taken from opponentThe special abilities of your Babylonian kings cannot be negated. Once per game, if a Babylonian king is in play, you may search opponent’s artifact pile and fortresses for an OT artifact and place it here.2 Chronicles 36:7Anoint with OilGood Teal EnhancementTerritory classPlace on a good king, prophet, or high priest: Hero becomes 1/1, gains one brigade of your choice, and is protected from conversion and removal from the game.Exodus 29:7Sacrifice of ChristGood Multicolor EnhancementSet aside a good Dominant from hand for 3 turns. On return, place this in your territory: All captured and converted Heroes are returned owners’ hands and all cards are protected from evil Dominants for the rest of the game.John 19:19Baal WorshipEvil Brown/Orange EnhancementFalse religious practice, Depicts an idolNow and at the beginning of each upkeep phase, set your demon aside to set a human Hero aside. Characters return when first demon leaves set-aside or a good Judge enters play.Judges 2:13Jonathan Arms DavidGood Red/Purple EnhancementTerritory class, Depicts a weaponSearch hand, deck, play, and discard pile for a non-silver weapon and place it on your OT human Hero without a weapon. Convert weapon to Hero’s brigade(s).1 Samuel 18:4Moses’ PrayerGood 2/5 Gold EnhancementTerritory classSearch deck for a healing card. Reveal a good Dominant from hand to protect your OT Heroes from evil enhancements this turn. Cannot be prevented.Numbers 21:7David’s SlingGood 3/2 Red/Green EnhancementWeapon classGood cards with "negate" in the special ability are protected from cards that cannot be negated.1 Samuel 17:40
The image for Sacrifice of Christ is way too pristine for my tastes. Very rose-colored glasses.