Author Topic: David Cards  (Read 1426 times)

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David Cards
« on: February 15, 2010, 03:15:15 AM »
David is one of the most pivotal figures in the Bible, yet his current incarnations are as a mediocre Prophet, a bad WC Red Hero, and a pretty good Purple Hero. I think it would be cool to build a deck around just David and the people he chilled with. I already have one, but these cards would make it easier:

Surrounded by Enemies
0/4 Red Good Enhancement
"If you control no Heroes other than David, his Mighty Men, Samuel, and Jonathan, Interrupt the Battle and Shuffle all Evil Characters in play."

Man after God's Heart
3/3 Red/Green/Purple Enhancement
"If used by David, search deck for a Good Dominant to give David Immunity to the Evil Brigade of your choice."

3/1 Red Good Enhancement, WC
"You may Discard this card at any time this battle to Interrupt the Battle and play an O.T. Good Enhancement or Withdraw from battle. If used by David, return a card from opponent's hand to his deck and Discard the top two cards from deck."

Samuel Anoints David
1/1 Good Teal/Green Good Enhancement, TC
"Search deck for David and place in territory. Place this card on David. While this remains, David Ignores Evil Characters holding weapons and is Protected from Conversion and Removal."

Loyalty of Jonathan
2/2 Purple Good Enhancement
"Interrupt the Battle and band David into battle. David is Protected from Discard this turn. If used by Jonathan, David is also protected from return and capture."

Arrow of Deliverance
3/1 Purple Good Enhancement, WC
"Your O.T. Heroes are Protected from abilities that Cannot be Interrupted except this one. If David is in play, Cannot be Negated."

7/6 Purple Hero
-Israelite Royalty-
"May search deck or discard pile for David and band to him to Protect David from all evil cards while Jonathan remains in battle."
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!

Offline BubbleBoy

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Re: David Cards
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2010, 08:10:37 AM »
3/1 Red Good Enhancement, WC
"You may Discard this card at any time this battle to Interrupt the Battle and play an O.T. Good Enhancement or Withdraw from battle. If used by David, return a card from opponent's hand to his deck and Discard the top two cards from deck."
Unless you mean "...return a card at random..." this card is a little OP. It's fabulous without the second ability.

7/6 Purple Hero
-Israelite Royalty-
"May search deck or discard pile for David and band to him to Protect David from all evil cards while Jonathan remains in battle."
This seems like a little too much to me. First off, you can get David without cost from the deck or d/c, next you can band to him, and finally, you make him invincible. I would take off either the first or the last of those three abilities (probably the last if you look at my next comment).

Loyalty of Jonathan
2/2 Purple Good Enhancement
"Interrupt the Battle and band David into battle. David is Protected from Discard this turn. If used by Jonathan, David is also protected from return and capture."
I'm alright with this being an enhancement as long as you dim down Jonathan a bit. However, as it is, it pretty much does the exact same thing as the hero.

Samuel Anoints David
1/1 Good Teal/Green Good Enhancement, TC
"Search deck for David and place in territory. Place this card on David. While this remains, David Ignores Evil Characters holding weapons and is Protected from Conversion and Removal."
Great, more pre-block ignore and David protection. I'm sure this is what everyone wants.

In general, these cards seem a little OP. I know that Red is almost irrefutably the weakest brigade by far, but I would still avoid going overboard. But I suppose if you keep in mind that the other cards in the set will be almost as powerful, maybe these are okay.
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Re: David Cards
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2010, 10:03:07 AM »
I don't think a pre-block ignore vs. characters with weapons is really that bad, all it really does is boost TToD and stop Horses+End Battle type blocks.

Overall I like them, but I would agree that a few are OP'd. If I had more time, I could comment further.
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Re: David Cards
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2010, 10:33:59 AM »
Surrounded by Enemies
0/4 Red Good Enhancement
"If you control no Heroes other than David, his Mighty Men, Samuel, and Jonathan, Interrupt the Battle and Shuffle all Evil Characters in play."

LOVE IT. I would add and no good NT forts, just to be on the safe side.

Man after God's Heart
3/3 Red/Green/Purple Enhancement
"If used by David, search deck for a Good Dominant to give David Immunity to the Evil Brigade of your choice."

I'm a bit iffy on this one. Search+this= Sog Nj GG. Maybe search deck for goys or glory?

3/1 Red Good Enhancement, WC
"You may Discard this card at any time this battle to Interrupt the Battle and play an O.T. Good Enhancement or Withdraw from battle. If used by David, return a card from opponent's hand to his deck and Discard the top two cards from deck."

Agreed, that needs to say at random and it needs to say "instead" I'd hate to get hit by a horses/seemingly insignificant in one play.

Samuel Anoints David
1/1 Good Teal/Green Good Enhancement, TC
"Search deck for David and place in territory. Place this card on David. While this remains, David Ignores Evil Characters holding weapons and is Protected from Conversion and Removal."

I like, I like.

Loyalty of Jonathan
2/2 Purple Good Enhancement
"Interrupt the Battle and band David into battle. David is Protected from Discard this turn. If used by Jonathan, David is also protected from return and capture."

I like, interesting. So he can still be removed?

Arrow of Deliverance
3/1 Purple Good Enhancement, WC
"Your O.T. Heroes are Protected from abilities that Cannot be Interrupted except this one. If David is in play, Cannot be Negated."

Did you mean Can not be negated?

7/6 Purple Hero
-Israelite Royalty-
"May search deck or discard pile for David and band to him to Protect David from all evil cards while Jonathan remains in battle."

While I don't mind him banding to david, nor searching for him. This does a BETTER version than the enhancement. Why would I waste an enhancement slot when I can use him?
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