Back in the day, when my moniker was "Gideon," I made a lot of fun cards. These would be either over powered dominants or Redwall-based cards. I decided I wanted to get back into this fun subhobby of the game, and try my hand at FUNNY cards (but there will be serious ones, don't worry.) But first, I really want to thank the folks at Redemption Connect! for creating the card designer. Now my cards will look ten times better than they did when I made cards on MS Paint!
Here is the first batch:
Looking at the identifiers, you may be wondering, "What the heck is a gag?" Well, they work like this:
Characters with the "Gags X" identifier can have X number of gag cards on them. (These are placed on the character outside of battle.) Whenever the character enters battle, the effect triggers and then the card is discarded unless the card says otherwise.