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Chamber of AngelsGood FortressRev. 4:2,4, Plays to Set-Aside, holds any # of Angels. X = # of Angels here.If your Angel is Discarded or Banished (except by its own effect), you may place it here instead. Each Upkeep, you may release an Angel here or Topdeck contents (Min 1) to Protect X cards from Evil Dominants this turn.
Guiding Angel3/3 Silver Territory Class HeroRev. 22:6, ProphetProtect Set-Aside from Opponents. If Opponent plays a Territory Class card: You can shuffle an Angel in Territory or Set-Aside to Search Reserve for a good card. Cannot be negated if John is in play.
Angel with the Rod5/5 Silver Warrior/Territory Class HeroRev. 21:15, X = # of cards in a Site or Fortess in play or Set-Aside.When played, Search Deck, Discard Pile or Reserve for a Revelation Site or Fortress. If a card is placed in a Site or Fortress: Shuffle X cards (except Dominants) from Discard Pile into Reserve. When this card enters battle: Draw 1 from Reserve.
Is there are reason for "min 1" on chamber?