Actualy that is a really amazing soul chuck it in Perganum and you have the potential to lock out your opponent if they only have D Raid.
Has anyone actually used just DR for Site Access since Pergamum came out? Also, regardless of whether SoG can get it out of Perg or not, NJ certainly can.
Although a Lost Soul like this would certainly be interesting:
"When this Lost Soul is placed in a Site, protect all Lost Souls in play from rescue by dominants for two rounds."
I can't read the last sentence on Balaam. The Lost Soul is useless, though.
The ability on Balaam says (or should say): "Holder may search discard pile for a beast and put it in territory or battle, but then Balaam is converted to a Green Brigade hero. If Angel of the Lord is played, discard all cards in battle."
I wouldn't say he's useless. Biblically accurate? Perhaps not. But he can recur your Red Dragon, make your AotL a defensive strategy (basically a more powerful Grapes) and give you another Green prophet. So I would almost say he's OP'd as is.