Author Topic: Caleb, son of Jephunneh  (Read 2147 times)

Offline Watchman

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Caleb, son of Jephunneh
« on: September 08, 2017, 11:58:18 PM »

I absolutely love the Joshua theme; however, I do not use either version of Caleb (Promo or FooF) as I really don't like the ability on either version and feel Caleb is in desperate need of an upgrade.  Therefore, I decided to come up with a Caleb I would use and would fit in nicely with the updated Joshua theme from CoW.

- Since there is more than one Caleb in the Bible, I decided to specify which one there is (although the one from Numbers and Joshua is the most common and popular); therefore, I made it similar to the updated Joshua by using Caleb's father's name.
- I lowered Caleb's strength by one and raised his toughness by one
- His ability is virtually the same as the FooF and Promo version, but with some nice added benefits.  I did not include the "use an opponent's unoccupied site" ability as I felt this is outdated and not really relevant since the new Rahab grants site access to Joshua heroes, cards like Ends of the Earth running around, and CoW Joshua being able to take an opponent's site.  He can still band to Men of Judah or Joshua, or even Army of Simeonites or any other red Judges hero or another Joshua hero.  And, in addition to being able to banish a giant, he has the choice of banishing a black Canaanite instead, making his targeting ability a bit broader.  I considered making it more restrictive to banishing a black warrior class Canaanite and not just any black Canaanite, but there's only a few WC black Canaanites within the limited black Canaanite theme, and it's more thematic that he's purging the land of Canaanites in general, not just their warriors.  Unlike the FooF version, the banishment ability is not a freebie; the condition is you must control another red OT warrior class hero for the banishment ability to work. This is in line with him being a part of an army that's taking over Canaan and banishing giants from the land.
- In true spirit with his taking over Canaan and razing certain places, I thought negating evil Fortresses was good but with the added benefit of discarding it as well if it's an OT fortress. 
- Unlike the FooF version, all of Caleb's ability is CBP.  I was debating whether to make it CBI so that if he banded to Captain the rest of Caleb's ability would still work, but I felt being able to get around Tower of Thebez and other cards that try to negate heroes was more thematic as there was nothing that could prevent the taking over of Canaan at this point in history.  But cards like Job's Wife and King of Tyrus could still balance out Caleb's ability by negating it on the back end.
- I changed the scripture reference but still left it from the book of Joshua, for obvious reasons.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2017, 12:18:12 AM by Watchman492 »
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