Author Topic: Alternative win condition  (Read 1397 times)

Offline Xonathan

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Alternative win condition
« on: January 23, 2017, 06:02:08 PM »
Just a thought that came to mind but how about seven dominants that represent the seven seals in the book of Revelation. Each seal has to be played in order from one to seven and only one seal a turn and when the seventh is played the game is over. I was also thinking that each seal has its own unique ability that radically changes the game or creates a unique game rule when played. Idk. Just some thoughts.
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1 Chronicles 16:11


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Re: Alternative win condition
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2017, 06:48:30 PM »
Just a thought that came to mind but how about seven dominants that represent the seven seals in the book of Revelation. Each seal has to be played in order from one to seven and only one seal a turn and when the seventh is played the game is over. I was also thinking that each seal has its own unique ability that radically changes the game or creates a unique game rule when played. Idk. Just some thoughts.

no i really like this concept.. trying to make it work for t1 and t2 could be tricky but it could be balanced in t2 simply because you have a larger deck.

would be cool to try or see your ideas of the abilities of each! need more good doms!

would be cool too if they did things independently so you could play them one by one aside from trying to have an alt win condition (the alt win condition being a bonus and or entire deck kind)


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