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Redemption® Collectible Trading Card Game HQ => Redemption® Resources and Thinktank => New Card Ideas => Topic started by: Arrthoa on April 09, 2012, 09:33:40 AM

Title: Ahbraham Cards
Post by: Arrthoa on April 09, 2012, 09:33:40 AM
7/7 Blue/Green
Patriarch, Prophet X= # of patriarchs in play
Enters as Abram. After a successful Rescue becomes Abraham and gains X/X. Negate all abilities on Lost Souls. Enhancements with Abram/Abraham in title or reference Cannot be Negated.
Reference: Same

5/5 Blue
May band to Abraham and/or Issac to ignore female Evil Characters. Cannot be negated.
Reference: Same

7/8 Blue
Protect Genesis Heroes from Capture ablilites on evil cards. Cannot be Interrupted.
Reference: Same

Abram's Jounrey
Blue TC
Search deck or discard for Abram/Abraham and put him in play. Place this on him to give him site access.
Title: Re: Ahbraham Cards
Post by: Nameless on April 09, 2012, 10:05:54 AM
What does X= on Sarah.
Title: Re: Ahbraham Cards
Post by: Arrthoa on April 09, 2012, 10:50:00 AM
Updated what X means on Abraham and Sarah
Title: Re: Ahbraham Cards
Post by: Nameless on April 09, 2012, 10:59:43 AM
The heroes are good but the enhancement is a bit op.
Title: Re: Ahbraham Cards
Post by: Arrthoa on April 09, 2012, 11:15:41 AM
Took the second ability off of the enhancement
Title: Re: Ahbraham Cards
Post by: Wings of Music on April 09, 2012, 11:23:17 AM
7/7 Blue/Green
Patriarch, Prophet X= # of patriarchs in play
Enters as Abram. After a successful Rescue become Abraham and gains X/X. Owner may discard a card from hand to negate all abilities on Lost Souls. Cannot be Prevented.
Reference: Same

I don't think you need to add a cost to what is an already (relatively) weak ability.

5/5 Blue X= # of opponent's evil brigades
If Abraham is in play, you may draw X (Limit 2) or band to Abraham and/or Issac. Cannot be negated if all your Heroes are Genesis Heroes.
Reference: Same

Don't like that she draws, I would just leave it with the CBN band, and probably take the condition off of the CBN if you take of the draw.  If you leave the draw ability on I think you should take off the CBN entirely.   

7/8 Blue
Protect Genesis Heroes from Capture ablilites on evil cards. Cannot be Interrupted.
Reference: Same

I like this one.

Abrahm's Jounrey
Blue TC
Search deck for Abrahm/Abraham and put him in play. Place this on him to give him site access.

I like this one too.
Title: Re: Ahbraham Cards
Post by: Arrthoa on April 09, 2012, 02:54:38 PM
the enhancement really is that overpowered
Well I had on there "after a successful rescue discard a evil card from opponent's hand."
Title: Re: Ahbraham Cards
Post by: megamanlan on April 09, 2012, 03:15:05 PM
Sarah and Issac are very UP. The Enhancement and Abraham are okay.
I think Sarah should do something more, like Search Deck for Issac or Negate Egyptians.

Issac, I'd just look through the chapters of Genesis, and find something that would be more helpful for him.
Title: Re: Ahbraham Cards
Post by: Arrthoa on April 09, 2012, 03:39:33 PM
Sarah helps Genesis against goliath and other negate banding people which is one of Genesis's weaknesses

Issac protects them from capture, another weakness in the Genesis theme.

With Sarah's ability you get a band that is CBN and protet that is CBI
Title: Re: Ahbraham Cards
Post by: megamanlan on April 09, 2012, 04:04:15 PM
Sarah is still UP because of the other cards like Seraph and the other Characters do more (Seraph bands to any Green Prophet, Seraph w/ a Live Coal D/C a Evil Card in territory to Search for a Isaiah 6 Enhancement) for only CBN banding to 2 Heroes, it isn't that good.

Genesis already has Judah for Captured Heroes + Levi. Just remember that cards like Ruben weren't used really at all. I would add something to him to get more play.
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