New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
She is allowed to "see" what she should not be.
And the hero willingly lets her get away with it.
Not to be crude, but she sees those parts of the hero that are to be "private".The hero is not deceived. He is a willing participant is this sin, and does not "call her out" as evil for what she has done, because he has willingly done the same.She is Pale Green/Crimsons for a few reasons. First, Women as Snares was printed as Pale Green. Second, I think Pale Green could use some help. And Crimson, because she has spread her bed with fine linens, and I just personally imagine crimson being the color of a seductress. But really I have no real preference for brigade colors.
You may then withdraw Adultress from battle unharmed.