Author Topic: Acts Heroes [Part 2]  (Read 1075 times)


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Acts Heroes [Part 2]
« on: October 04, 2011, 02:32:19 PM »
See here for Part 1 of this set.

NOTE: The abilities (*/*) are generally what the old versions of the cards had, so they are most definitely changeable. Also, I didn't read the whole of Acts to find out if any of these were Deacons or whatever else identifiers, so I am more than willing to add whatever identifiers (or extra brigade colors as necessary) if someone can show me a verse. ^_^

9/8 Blue Hero
"Opponent must discard an evil card they control from The Church. May band to Aquila. Cannot be negated if The Church is in play."
~Acts 18:24

5/7 Blue Hero
"May band to Priscilla to gain 2/2. If you have no good enhancements on The Church, you may place one there from hand. Cannot be prevented."
~Acts 18:2

5/7 White/Blue Hero
-Apostle, Female-
"If Aquila and/or Apollos is in battle, draw 2. You may set Priscilla aside for 2 turns: Protect Heroes in your territory from opponents."
~Acts 18:2

Assembling the Church
-/- Blue Enhancement, TC
"Search deck for The Church and play it. Each player may place an enhancement from hand on The Church."
~Acts 11:26

Parmenas (slight edit from Pol's version to work with The Church)
7/7 Blue Hero
"Draw a card. Once per game, you may search opponent's discard pile for a NT good enhancement and play it as though playing it from The Church regardless of brigade."
~Acts 6:5


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Re: Acts Heroes [Part 2]
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2011, 02:35:54 PM »
*Le bump*


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