Cactus Web Site special offer: Orders over $75 will receive a free Angel of God 2023 National Promo card while supplies last.
The hem of His garment2/2 NT purple/gold enhancement"Reveal a card from the top of you draw pile. You may discard it to discard an evil character in battle."
Altar of gideonartifact"Upon activation, if Gideon and at least two angels are in your territory, you may discard a good gold brigade enhancement from your hand to search through your deck for a gold brigade judge and place in your unoccupied judge's seat to decrease 1/0. If removed from Judge's seat, return hero to fave value."
QuoteAltar of gideonartifact"Upon activation, if Gideon and at least two angels are in your territory, you may discard a good gold brigade enhancement from your hand to search through your deck for a gold brigade judge and place in your unoccupied judge's seat to decrease 1/0. If removed from Judge's seat, return hero to fave value." The hero decreases 1/0 till removes or decreases TO 1/0?
Bubbleboy, that was an altar Gideon made for God. After than Judges started popping up. And he was visited by an angel, so that's where that came from. It makes sense.
Moses10/10 Gold HeroNT"May band to elija to negate all special abilites on all character cards and enhancement cards not currently in battle. Discard this hero after battle. Cannot be negated."Elijah10/10 Purple HeroNT"Protect this hero from discard by evil cards. Discard this hero after battle. Cannot be blocked by demons."
Moses10/10 Gold HeroNT"May band to elija to negate all special abilites on all character cards and enhancement cards not currently in battle. Discard this hero after battle. Cannot be negated."
(needs a name)0/3 orange/gray evil enhancementX = number of opponent's redeemed soulsOpponent must discard X cards from hand. Cannot be prevented if used by a demon. Remove from the game after battle."
Nero's Realm is too powerful (type 2 anyone)why should romans be able to always play the first enhancment?Let's Assume that Nero's Realm is actually a real card right now. The Rescuer has .. say 6 cards in his hand including son of god and nj. I block with emperor Galba w/ the grey chariots. First, you discard a card from hand due to his ability (5) then i use the site's ability to make you discard another card from hand (4). Finally, I use the chariot's ability to play heavy taxes (2). Now, you have lost all your battle winners (assuming you kept Sog/Nj and the cycle just repeats next turn regardless of what your opponent draws. They will most likely only draw 3 cards and you will be able to discard them all. Not to mention the fact that they cant even stop this with AoTL in battle.Moses is Too Powerful (10/10 FBTN w/ one way banding?) not to mention you can get him back after he is discarded.Elijah - same as above, however when he bands to moses he loses his special ability (would be too powerful anyways if it couldn't be negated). A 20/20 fbtn combo is just too ridiculous.
If you can pull that 5 or more card combo off and use it effectively, then yes you should see some benefits from using that. However having 2 cards that simply band means you don't even have to try to have an uber combo