I'm pretty sure the only way for a balanced deck to come back from this card is with the unlikely chance they draw mayhem after having their hand discarded xD
Alexander the Cooper (
) smith
4/10 Black Evil Character
"Immune to N.T. Heroes. While blocking, if opponent has fewer than four cards in his territory, Discard his hand."
(I am really loving this card because it throws a HUGE wrench into Speed decks attacking first turn, yet it is difficult to create a situation on your opponent's turn where you can use this ability regardless of him having a respectable number of cards)
This is Pol gold.
I know this ability was written with the intention of being absurdly op and that's why it's hilarious to me
I mean just imagine the unholy grief cycle which would follow assuming you had abom/sbr/maybe a pretension and poz out with this guy