Author Topic: 1 and 2 Samuel  (Read 6313 times)

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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1 and 2 Samuel
« on: June 17, 2019, 09:29:56 PM »
Ramah 1 Sam 25:1
Site Gold/Green
Search discard pile for Samuel and place him here. While Samuel is in Ramah, if your Israelite is discarded you may discard a matching brigade from reserve instead and opponent must discard a card from hand.
-Samuel was a prophet and judge, I think it’s fair for him to judge your opponent for discarding an Israelite.

Meeting Abigail Purple/Red
1 Sam 25:3
Star: Search deck for Abigail
TC: Negate neutral cards. Draw 1 and search deck for an animal. If played in battle underdeck a hero in territory to underdeck an evil card.

1 Sam 25:3
5/7 Brown
TC: Negate protect abilities. If blocking,opponent must discard a good card from hand. If it was a dominant, protect lost souls from being rescued by a hero, cannot be negated.

I think he is hilarious. So his story is interesting; David shows up and takes a liking to his wife. David had his men watch Nabal’s shepherds then demanded gifts because his men did not steal from them and because his men were nice to Nabal’s shepherds. Just think about that for a second. I know Nabal was portrayed as a mean dude and a bad husband, and I am sure he was, but if someone demanded gifts because his guys did not steal from my guys I would probably question it too. Nabal questioned this but also did not help David, I think I would have helped him. So his wife gave David a bunch of food and wine without him knowing. So I thought his ability would be fun to contradict itself since Abigail contradicted him. He negates protect abilities but if you discard a good dominant lost souls are protected and his ability cannot be negated. His TC negating protect abilities is very nice and helps with targeting your opponent’s hand with Abigail/shearing sheep. I thought it was funny. Might be confusing for new players but what card isn’t?

Shearing Sheep
1 Sam 25:4
Purple GE/Brown EE
Underdeck a card in battle.

Deep Sleep
1 Sam 26:12
0/0 Purple/Red
X = Number of Israelites
Set aside X evil characters in play for 1 turn. 

Delivered from Tribulation
1 Sam 26:24
3/0 Purple
Identifier-Enhancement has Unity-Purple brigade heroes
Star: Topdeck an Israelite from discard pile
Interrupt the battle, draw 1 and withdraw your heroes. You may present a new hero and toss the next evil enhancement.

King Saul Hero
1 Sam 26:25 
8/10 Purple brigade
Double W/C symbols on both sides (he can hold two weapons)
Identifier: Israelite
Star: Take a weapon class enhancement from reserve
You may discard a weapon in territory to discard an evil human. Cannot be interrupted by an Israelite, Philistine or Edomite.

Maoch, King of Gath
1 Sam 27:2
Black 10/12 WC
Star: Search deck, discard or reserve for Gath.
TC: If an evil character is in Gath negate covenants and good fortresses. May band to King Achish.

Ahinoam the Jezreelite
1 Sam 27:3
3/2 Purple/white
Identifier: David’s Wife
TC: If an Israelite is captured, owner may reserve a matching brigade from hand instead.

Abigail the Carmelitess
2/3 Purple/white
Identifier: David’s wife
TC: 1 Samuel 25 cards cannot be negated. If an evil character is underdecked, its owner may discard 2 evil cards from hand instead.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2019, 08:32:14 AM by Mr.Hiatus »

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: 1 and 2 Samuel
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2019, 09:30:17 PM »
Gath Evil Fortress
1 Sam 27:4
If your evil king or Philistine is discarded place here. If opponent removes your evil king or Philistine you may add one evil character here to battle. May be used twice per game.

Dwelling in the Country
1 Sam 27:7
1/4 Red
x = number of Israelite’s owner has
Set aside up to X Israelites for 2 turns. For each hero set aside opponent must set aside an evil character.

Tidings to Gath
1 Sam 27:11
3/0 Green, Red, Purple
If used by a red warrior class character, discard an evil character. If used by a green prophet, shuffle an evil character. If used by purple royalty, underdeck an evil character.
-The point to this card was supposed to be a 4 color card, one for each of David’s, God’s King colors, and abilities would activate in battle so long as the colors matched. It was a bit wordy and that didn’t include white. So I did it this way so a lot of characters still get to use it, it can be negated, but it’s versatile, David can activate all of their abilities. I lastly added the specific colors to further limit the power of the card.

Philistine Warfare
1 Sam 28:1
2/4 Evil Enhancement
5/8 Evil Character WC
EE: Remove all warrior class heroes in battle.
Evil Character: Remove abilities cannot be interrupted.
May band to a generic Philistine to play the first O.T. enhancement.

Trembled Heart
1 Sam 28:5
0/0 Black
Star: Look at the top 6 cards of deck. Underdeck 1 good card and topdeck the rest in any order.
Interrupt the battle, withdraw heroes. Cannot be prevented.

Saul’s Disguise
1 Sam 28:8
0/0 Brown
TC: Convert opponent’s hero to an evil character and take to territory for 2 turns. When blocking negate special abilities on characters and toss all enhancements in battle.
-You can band to this guy and toss if their band is CNB/P. I know, it’s awesome.

Delivered to the Philistines
1 Samuel 28:19
0/0 Black
TC: Take a city. If played in battle capture all heroes in battle. Cannot be negated if played against an Israelite.

Philistine Commanders
1 Sam 29:3
7/9 WC
Star: Search deck for King Achish to draw 1.
May band to a Philistine to withdraw a hero in battle. Cannot be prevented.

Pursuing Philistines
1 Samuel 30:8
4/2 Red/Purple
Discard a character in battle and choose a new evil character to block. Opponent must discard an evil card from hand or banish their discard pile.
-David relentlessly pursued these guys so why not kill one, choose another, then kill a card from their hand?

David’s Spoil/Plunder which sounds better, spoil or plunder? Based on NIV/King James
1 Sam 30:20
3/0 Green, red, purple
Star: Search deck for an animal
TC: Capture an opponent’s animal. Draw 1. Take a city, artifact, and fortress.
-David won a LOT of battles, it’s only fair to take a spot in a deck that is not necessarily a battle winner by ensuring you get a lot of reward for using it.

Elders of Judah (David gave spoils to them)
1 Sam 30:26
7/5 Purple
Negate all cards except cards with David in the title or special ability. May play cards with David in the title regardless of brigade.
-Once again, a sneaky little make his ability work through wording. Since his special ability says David, he works and allows David cards to work. David gave them spoils from war, I thought it was cool to have his numbers as 7/5 so he gives away some initiative. He can play Bravery of David but the reason they won spoils were due to his bravery. It’s strong but not too strong, no stronger than Asahel ctb Bravery...

Philistine Slaughter
1 Sam 31:2
3/2 Purple/Red
Star: Look at the bottom five cards of deck, topdeck a card with discard in the special ability.
Discard all Israelites and royalty in play. Cannot be negated. If none are in play shuffle heroes in battle.

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: 1 and 2 Samuel
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2019, 09:41:37 PM »
Saul’s Armorbearer
1 Sam 31:5 WC
Purple 4/5 Israelite
Star: search deck for King Saul and activate his Star ability
TC: If Saul is discarded you may discard a good weapon instead. If Saul is in your discard pile discard this hero after battle. Take a weapon from deck or reserve and equip on King Saul.

King Saul’s Sword
1 Sam 31:4 WC
Purple 3/1 Israelite
Discard a warrior class evil character, owner may discard an evil card from instead.

How the Mighty have Fallen!
2 Sam 1:19
0/0 brown/purple
Regardless of protect abilities discard all cards in battle.

Tears for Abner
2 Sam 3:34
0/0 Purple/Red
Interrupt the battle. Search discard for a weapon class character. If it is an evil character convert it and add it to battle and band in an Israelite. Cannot be negated.
-So I feel for Abner. He was an obedient officer to King Saul, was chased by Asahel, told him repeatedly to stop chasing him, Asahel didn’t so Abner killed him. Eventually David sent for him, they left in a peaceful agreement. Joab was angry because Asahel was his brother so he deceived Abner to bring him back and Joab and his brother, Abishai killed Abner after he said he was cool with David.

40 Year Reign
2 Sam 5:4
Star: Search deck or discard for a good Samuel card
TC: Place in territory. Protect purple royalty in territory from opponents. Search deck or discard for Ark of the Lord.

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: 1 and 2 Samuel
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2019, 09:57:56 PM »
Blood of Your Hand
2 Sam 4:11
4/0 Red/Purple
Identifier- X = number of Israelites
Discard up to of your X evil humans to make opponent do the same.

2 Sam 23:8-38
12/12 WC Red
Star: Discard an evil character from opponent’s deck.
Weapons cannot be negated, may band to David. Take an opponent’s city.
-This is representative of David’s Mighty Men.

Jesse, Son of Bethlehem
1 Sam 17:12
5/6 White
Star: Search deck for an Israelite or Bethlehem
If Bethlehem is in play opponent must shuffle an evil card from hand to draw one.
If another Israelite is in play opponent must shuffle one evil card from hand to draw one.

Uzzah’s Error
2 Sam 6:7
Teal/brown enhancement
Interrupt the battle, if Ark of the Lord is active, discard one character in battle.

6 Pace Sacrifice
2 Sam 6 13
6/1 Purple/teal
TC Hero: If David is discarded you may discard this card instead.
GE: Negate and discard all evil enhancements in battle.

Ark of the Lord
Tabernacle artifact
2 Sam 6:17
On activation, draw 1 then underdeck an evil character not in battle or play an offering.

David’s Peace Offerings
2 Sam 6:17
0/1 Purple/teal
Draw 1 and recur a hero. If played in battle convert a human.

David’s Burnt Offerings
2 Sam 6:17
1/0 Purple/teal
Discard your animal to discard an evil card in a territory (or in battle if played on Ark if the Lord).

Bless the People
2 Sam 6:18
3/3 Red/green/purple
Star: Topdeck an offering from discard pile
Interrupt the battle, if an offering has been played or an animal has been discarded this turn, protect Israelites from evil cards.

Ahio son if Abinadab
2 Sam 6:4
You may activate an artifact on the tabernacle from artifact pile or reserve.

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: 1 and 2 Samuel
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2019, 10:06:28 PM »
Smitten Philistines
2 Sam 8:1
Black EC Generic Philistines/GE purple unity (royalty)
2/4 GE: If Ark of the Lord is in the Tabernacle discard all warrior class characters in play
8/1 EC: Discard all cards in battle to discard a fortress.

Allophyloi (land of the Philistines)
1 Sam 6:17
Site: Protects Philistine in your territory from discard.
Fort: if a Philistine wins a taunt battle, opponent may not rescue next turn.
-I love this card

Captured Ark
1 Sam 5 1
0/0 Black
Take opponent’s artifact. May be used twice.

House of Dagon
1 Sam 5:2 Philistine fortress
Identifier: May hold a curse or Altar of Dagon
If a curse is active here your Philistines gain taunt. If Ark of the Lord is active discard this card.
-Love this card too

Gifts from Syria
2 Sam 8:6
1/0 purple
Convert an evil human to a purple hero, they gain Israelite.

Golden Offerings
2 Sam 8:10-11
0/0 Teal/Purple.
D1 and prevent the next evil enhancement played in battle.

Ziba, Saul’s servant
2 Sam 9:9
Star: Draw 2 and topdeck 3 from hand
TC: May search deck or reserve for Mephisobeth. If David is in play take an opponent’s city and play it.

Poor Man’s lamb
2 Sam 12:4
0/0 GE Green
TC: Negate an evil enhancement and take it to hand. Place this card in that owners territory after use.

Restore the Lamb
2 Sam 14:6
TC: Resurrect all animals in discard pile. If at least 4 were resurrected, d2 and protect Uriah from opponents this turn.

2 Sam 12:1
6/7 Green Prophet
Star: Search deck, discard, or reserve for Uriah.
You max exchange a card in hand for Uriah’s Justice from deck or reserve.

Uriah’s Justice
2 Sam 12:10
3/1 Green/red
Star: Underdeck a good card from hand to draw one
Discard an evil character.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2019, 07:08:19 AM by Mr.Hiatus »

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: 1 and 2 Samuel
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2019, 10:10:32 PM »
Fasting for Children
2 Sam 12:16
2/4 Purple Red green
TC: Set aside a hero (limit 7 turns). Each turn set aside you may search deck or reserve for a 2 Samuel enhancement.

Taken the City
2 Sam 12:27
5/0 Red
Take an opponents city to capture an evil character. If opponent does not have a city capture all evil characters in battle.

Shameful Lies
 2 Sam 12:13
0/3 Brown
Withdraw all males in battle. Underdeck a female in battle.

Absalom Flees
2 Sam 13:34
0/0 Brown EE
Negate a good card, underdeck all characters in battle.

Doeg’s Slaughter
1 Sam 22:18
3/1 Brown/crimson
TC: Discard all priests in play. If played in battle discard a hero. Cannot be negated if King Saul is in play.

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: 1 and 2 Samuel
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2019, 10:16:41 PM »
Just a heads up before commenting, I took at least 8 hours reading about 1-2 Samuel and saw so many amazing abilities. So before you say anything about, this is too strong, this is no good or makes no sense, please read your comment prior to posting. I would love some constructive feedback, or questions about my thought process or if you see something is inaccurate. I think this game is amazing and what's even better, and Gabe and I have talked about this before, is that however amazing the game is, it still has not scratched the but a small amount of content in the Bible.
I initially was reading 1 Samuel and trying to find a potential fun counter to Ahimelek and I ended up making a 53 (if I counted right) miniature set about 1-2 Samuel. I hope you enjoy! I had a great time making these and will continue to finish 2 Samuel. I also started at 1 Samuel chapter 25, so I also have a lot to go over prior to that. I would like to finish this miniature set for another 47 cards for a solid 100 covering all of Samuel.

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Re: 1 and 2 Samuel
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2019, 10:50:08 PM »
I don't have any specific comments at the moment and haven't even read all these ideas yet. I just wanted to take a moment to say that I love seeing the creativity flow! 8)
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?

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Re: 1 and 2 Samuel
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2019, 11:21:26 PM »
This is awesome! I love 1 and 2 Samuel as well and think this would be great either for a future set or for new Starters!  8)

I also totally agree about Redemption having only scratched the surface of Bible content - the Bible is just so vast! Great job, and I would add that I'd love to see reprints of these characters/cards (and more):

- David, the Warrior (straight red BOSS version)
- Goliath
- Goliath's brothers (Ishbibenob, Saph, Lahmi, and The 12-Fingered Giant)
- Abner
- Absalom
- Amasa
- Ahimelech the priest
- Hushai, David's Friend
- Gad (the prophet)
- Goliath's sword
- David's sling
- The Mighty Men who still need reprints, especially Abishai. Also there's 30+ mighty men so many more could be printed

There's a ton more, these are just off the top of my head!

Also I think it would be awesome to incorporate the concept of being "anointed" - when the Holy Spirit comes upon someone to specially empower/equip them. This is an important theme in 1-2 Samuel - David was anointed overall and at special times, whereas Saul was initially anointed when he first became king, but lost his anointing through disobedience. Also the Mighty Men had some serious anointing going on!!  :o Something like a card that is placed on a Hero (could even be a dominant) that then makes that Hero extremely difficult to deal with.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2019, 11:31:07 PM by jesse »
Love is the flame of God, Who is love and an all-consuming fire!- Song. 8:6-7, 1 Jn. 4:8, Deut. 4:24

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Re: 1 and 2 Samuel
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2019, 01:21:16 AM »
On a quick glance, I just have to ask: Why doesn't House of Dagon hold Altar of Dagon?

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: 1 and 2 Samuel
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2019, 07:06:24 AM »
Awesome feedback Jesse, I’ll work on that today.

As for why House of Dagon can’t hold Altar of Dagon, because I didn’t think about it. Lol thanks. I’ll edit!

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Re: 1 and 2 Samuel
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2019, 10:36:36 PM »
Elkanah. 1 Sam 1:1 4/3 White hero
Star: Search deck or reserve for an offering
TC: If Hannah enters battle you may exchange a good card in hand for a 1 Samuel card in deck.
If in battle you may exchange this hero with Hannah or band to Peninnah to draw 2.
Conceiving a Son. 1 Sam 1:20 0/0 White/gold GE
Star: Enhancements used by females cannot be negated this round.
TC: Search deck for a male hero. If played in battle you may interrupt a fortress and band to an opponent’s male hero.
Yearly Sacrifice. 1 Sam 1:21 0/0 Teal GE
Offering X= number of 1 Samuel heroes
Discard up to X cards of your deck to force opponent to do the same. Each brigade discarded your priests ignore that brigade in battle this turn.
Peninnah. 1 Sam 1:4 3/3 White Hero 2/4 Brown EC
Israelite. If Hannah is in play when Peninnah is put in play she is an evil character
TC: If Hannah enters battle you may exchange a card in hand for a 1 Samuel card in deck.
Speak no Arrogance. 1 Sam 2:3  2/3 Gold/White GE
Star: Opponent must underdeck an evil card in hand or territory
TC: Place on your 1 Samuel hero. Toss the first enhancement played in battle. If rescue is successful decrease opponents’ evil humans 0/1.
Hired for Bread. 1 Sam 2:5 White GE
Interrupt the battle and band to opponents’ hero. If rescue is successful take that hero to territory.
3 Pronged Fork. 1 Sam 2:14 3/1 Teal GE 1/3 Pale Green EE
Interrupt the battle and discard your priest to reveal the top 3 of opponents’ deck. Add a character or enhancement and activate the ability regardless of brigade, or you may play the next enhancement.
Hophni, Eli’s Wicked Son. 1 Sam 2:12 3/4 Pale Green Priest
Star: Search reserve for an evil priest
TC: No Regard for the Lord is regardless of protect. If in battle draw the bottom card of deck.

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Re: 1 and 2 Samuel
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2019, 10:37:02 PM »
Phineas, Eli’s Wicked Son. 1 Sam 2:12 4/3 Pale Green Priest
Star: Search discard for an evil priest
TC: No Regard for the Lord cannot be negated. If in battle you may discard a good card from opponents’ hand.
No Regard for the Lord. 1 Sam 2:12 0/0 Pale Green EE
X = # of evil priests
Discard up to X heroes. Owner may underdeck up to X of your lost souls instead.
I think this is too strong in type so maybe instead say:
Discard up to X of opponent’s heroes.
Note- This is where Ends of the Earth is mentioned, 1 Sam 2:10 so I thought hiding souls would be a nice touch.
Evil Priests. 1 Sam 2:12 4/4 Pale Green EC
Star: You may play an evil offering
TC: Discard your animal to discard an O.T. human
Taken by Force. 1 Sam 2:16 0/3 PG EE
Capture a hero or opponent may give you a good card from hand instead. Cannot be interrupted.
Wicked Deeds. 1 Sam 2:23 0/0 PG EE
Negate and underdeck the last card played in battle.
Father’s Rebuke. 1 Sam 2:25 4/2 Gold GE
Star: Exchange a hero in hand for one in reserve.
Withdraw male evil humans.
Israelite Offerings. 1 Sam 2:28 0/0 Red/Gold
TC: Set aside an Israelite hero. While set aside toss evil enhancements played outside of battle and draw 1 each upkeep.
Scorn Offerings. 1 Sam 2:29 0/0 PG EE
Evil offering
If played outside of battle banish a good card. If played in battle negate a brigade.
Prophecy against Eli. 1 Sam 2:30 0/0 Green GE/PG EE
If used by an O.T. character, negate and banish a card in battle.

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Re: 1 and 2 Samuel
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2019, 10:37:22 PM »
Listening Servant. 1 Sam 3:10 GE/Hero Gold and Green for both GE and Hero
Star: Set aside a good card form hand for 1 turn to draw 2 on return.
GE: TC: Exchange this card for a 1 Sam * enhance and activates its * ability.
Hero TC: Exchange this card for a 1 Sam * hero and activates its * ability.
-          I love this card
He is The Lord. 1 Sam 3:18 Gold/White/Green/Teal GE
Star: Search deck for a good dominant
Banish an evil card. Opponent may underdeck it instead.
Carried with Evil/ 1 Sam 4:4 2/1 PG EE
If Ark of the Lord is active discard all characters in play except Philistines.
-          Philistines beat up on Israel. Israel went back to grab the ark but had Hophni and Phineas be with the ark so Philly beat them up again and took the ark. I wanted to show that the ark still kills everyone but the phillies won that day
Two Deaths Today. 1 Sam 4:11 2/1 Gold/Green GE and 1/2 PG/Black EE
Discard 2 characters in battle.
Fallen Dagon. 1 Sam 5:4 Red/good gold and black enhancement
GE: TC: Discard all O.T. curses and O.T. idols.
EE: Discard House of Dagon to discard opponents’ fortresses.
City in Panic. 1 Sam 5:9 Gold/Green GE
Star: Place in opponent’s territory
TC: Decrease an evil human 0/2. At */0 or less place this card in opponent’s territory.
Philistine Priests. 1 Sam 6:2 5/5 PG/Black EC
Generic Philistines
May give an opponent an artifact from artifact pile or reserve to protect evil priests from good cards.
Guilt Offering. 1 Sam 6:3 PG/Black EE
Evil Offering. X = # of Philistine evil priests
TC: Discard up to X (limit 5) from the top of deck. Opponent must discard X from territory.
Philistine Offerings. 1 Sam 6:13 Gold GE
Unity Israelite heroes
Star: Increase one Israelite’s strength by 5
TC: Place on your Israelite. First Strike. While alone in battle toss enhancements.

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Re: 1 and 2 Samuel
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2019, 10:37:39 PM »
Foolish Eyes. 1 Sam 6:19 7/0 Black EE
Star: Search deck for a Philistine city
Interrupt the battle. If opponent has more than 7 heroes in play discard them until there are 7.
Sacrificial Lamb. 1 Sam 7:9 Gold/teal GE
If played outside of battle your Israelites are protected from O.T. evil characters. If played in battle withdraw all characters, you may begin a new battle.
Joel, Samuel’s Firstborn. 1 Sam 8:2 4/8 Brown EC
Star: Discard a star card from hand or reserve to draw 1
TC: Negate protect abilities on heroes
Abijah, Samuel’s Second Son. 1 Sam 8:2. 3/6 Brown EC
Discard a star card. Reveal opponents’ hand and discard a star card.
Corrupt Judges. 1 Sam 8:3 Brown EE
Interrupt the battle. Opponent must give you a card from hand. You may toss an enhancement in battle or prevent the next enhancement.
Elders of Israel. 1 Sam 8:4 8/10 White/Gold hero
You may choose the evil character opponent uses to block. Cannot be interrupted.
-He might be a little strong with being able to protect Israelite’s from O.T, toss, plus first strike oh and increased strength by 5…But that requires a good bit of setting up, all Israelite heroes, keeping the placed card on him, and he’s not protected from NT or neutral cards/doms
Demand for a King. 1 Sam 8:19 Purple GE
Convert an evil male in battle and band him to your hero. He gains “royalty”.
Sacrifice at the High Place. 1 Sam 9:12 Gold/Teal GE
TC: Place on your priest. If opponent plays an evil enhancement in territory they must underdeck an evil card from hand. If an Israelite or priest enters battle you may discard a non-human.
Saul, the Benjamite. 1 Sam 9:21 1/12 Purple Hero
Star: Topdeck a card from reserve with Saul in the title
Negate neutral cards and evil territory class enhancements.
Anointing of Saul. 1 Sam 10:1 Green/Purple GE
Star: Search deck for Saul, the Benjamite
TC: Place on Saul, the Benjamite. He gains “royalty” and is protected from opponent’s discard abilities. Cannot be negated.

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Re: 1 and 2 Samuel
« Reply #15 on: June 19, 2019, 09:43:29 AM »
1 Sam 25:3
5/7 Brown
TC: Negate protect abilities. If blocking,opponent must discard a good card from hand. If it was a dominant, protect lost souls from being rescued by a hero, cannot be negated.

I think he is hilarious. So his story is interesting; David shows up and takes a liking to his wife. David had his men watch Nabal’s shepherds then demanded gifts because his men did not steal from them and because his men were nice to Nabal’s shepherds. Just think about that for a second. I know Nabal was portrayed as a mean dude and a bad husband, and I am sure he was, but if someone demanded gifts because his guys did not steal from my guys I would probably question it too. Nabal questioned this but also did not help David, I think I would have helped him. So his wife gave David a bunch of food and wine without him knowing. So I thought his ability would be fun to contradict itself since Abigail contradicted him. He negates protect abilities but if you discard a good dominant lost souls are protected and his ability cannot be negated. His TC negating protect abilities is very nice and helps with targeting your opponent’s hand with Abigail/shearing sheep. I thought it was funny. Might be confusing for new players but what card isn’t?
David asked for what he asked for because that was what was expected according to the customs of the time.  I would suggest doing some research on the time period. I think you'll find it very interesting and I think you'd be able to really fine tune some of the abilities.  I haven't got further than this idea but so far I think you've done a really good job.
May you prosper greatly!
Daniel 4:1b

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Re: 1 and 2 Samuel
« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2019, 09:47:14 AM »
Saul, the Benjamite. 1 Sam 9:21 1/12 Purple Hero
Star: Topdeck a card from reserve with Saul in the title

The star ability would be able to target Saul/Paul. Maybe it should read “...with “King Saul” or “King Saul’s” in the title.
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Re: 1 and 2 Samuel
« Reply #17 on: June 19, 2019, 10:43:56 AM »
Hmmm I’ll say O.T. Saul reference idk because I planned on making a card with Saul’s name in the title today or tomorrow. Good catch though, it does need to be fixed.

Thanks Sean, I’ll look more into it. Obviously I will only know customs that I have been thought in history classes or just what I know so certain things, like you mentioned, I would have no way of knowing if it’s not in the Bible. It’s funny though because me and Derek were talking about Peninnah and he made her before I did and had her solely as an EC and I have her as both an EC and hero. It looks as though over time what society has deemed as not evil or acceptable might have more of an influence over me than what I thought. Not that I think taunting and treating guests rudely is ok, just thinking out loud. Thanks for the feedback so far, I’ll edit some.

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Re: 1 and 2 Samuel
« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2019, 01:37:41 PM »
I've looked through the first 2 posts and still think you've done really well.  I was thinking over the weekend how it would be cool to have decks that would be entirely from one book (mostly because I really like the Daniel theme) but you're work here is exactly what I was thinking.  Maybe that's how we could create those special theme decks that were being talked about instead of regular starters.
May you prosper greatly!
Daniel 4:1b

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Re: 1 and 2 Samuel
« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2019, 02:16:44 PM »
There’s so much in both Samuels, particularly 1 Samuel. Iconic characters, evil characters, miracles, it’s insane. It’s easy to do an entire set from 1-2 Samuel. I’ve created 80 or so in two days so imagine what a team of experience could do. But once again, thanks for the feedback and comments!

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Re: 1 and 2 Samuel
« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2019, 07:45:18 PM »
So I finished going through these and you've got a lot a really great ideas.  I am wondering a couple things.

1. I'm not sure your use of star abilities is in line with the purpose of star abilities.  I thought they were all related to prophesy?  Or maybe I am off?
2. You've got a lot of offering cards and some of them I think will fit the definition of offering for Redemption but not all of them.  You may actually be better served creating a new definition that you could use instead of offering.
3. Aren't evil priests usually gray now?  You've got Hophni and Phinehas as Palegreen which is their Priest set version brigade but I would think they'd end up gray now.

I think you've done an excellent job.  The biggest thing I noticed is that the wording on a lot of these would just need to be tweeked to be in line with the grammar, terms, and format for the game.  I'm talked about things like using "banish" instead of "remove from the game"  There are a few I think would be too strong (especially that one that exchanges with a star card) but overall I think these are pretty balanced too.
May you prosper greatly!
Daniel 4:1b

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Re: 1 and 2 Samuel
« Reply #21 on: June 19, 2019, 10:48:47 PM »
Thanks Sean and yeah Star was in line with prophesy but I love the ability so why not use it for other cards and continue to stretch the game? I personally do not consider it like a non warrior being WC being that’s cool. I think star abilities can be given to other cards but if the elder team wants to keep it to prophetic acts then that’s fine! This is a made up set anyway lol I could do new stuff with offering and the Israelites did so many offerings and I feel like Redemption really only touches on some offerings with teal only instead of how many sacrifices the Israelites did.
Funny you mention that about gray and pale green. I was going to post a disclaimer about that. I was not sure what color to put them in so they could easily go to gray, I’m fine with that.
Awesome comments and remarks Sean. Thanks for taking the time to read over everything.

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Re: 1 and 2 Samuel
« Reply #22 on: June 20, 2019, 12:49:21 AM »
I think as evil Israelites they would probably be brown.

Haven't had time to look through all of these yet, but I like what I've seen thus far. Lots of untapped potential in these books.

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Re: 1 and 2 Samuel
« Reply #23 on: June 20, 2019, 09:46:55 PM »
Nahash, the Ammonite. 1 Sam 11:1 Brown EC 11/9
Take opponents’ city to discard an O.T. hero. Cannot be prevented.

Elders of Jabesh. 1 Sam 11:3 White/Gold hero 7/7
Star: topdeck the bottom card of deck, or underdeck the top card of deck
May band to an Israelite

Mustered at Bezek. 1 Sam 11:8 Gold GE 3/3
Interrupt the battle. If 3 or more Israelites are in battle underdeck or shuffle 3 evil cards.

Israel 1 Sam 11:13 –I’m sure there are better scriptures for this Gold Site/Good Fortress
Identifier: Fortress holds any number of Israelites, X = Israelites held here
Site: Search deck for an Israelite. If occupied by a human, opponent may only have one artifact active.
Fortress: Each upkeep you may place or take an Israelite here. After upkeep, decrease an opponent’s evil human by X each turn.

Fellowship Offerings 1 Sam 11:15 Gold/Teal GE
X= # of opponents’ evil brigade
You may place any number of your Israelites in Israel to decrease opponents’ evil characters by X.

Thunder from The Lord. 1 Sam 11:18. Gold GE 7/0
Interrupt the battle. Discard a good offering enhancement to discard a human.

Hiding from the Enemy. 1 Sam 13:6 Black EE
Underdeck a hero. Shuffle a hero. Set aside a hero.

Foolish Offerings. 1 Sam 13:13 Black EE
TC: Discard a good card from hand to discard 2 good heroes in play.

Without Weapons. 1 Sam 13:16 Black EE 3/5
TC: Discard opponents’ weapons. If played in battle discard all heroes in battle. Opponent may add a new hero to battle. Cannot be negated.

Jonathan, son of Saul. 1 Sam 14:1 Purple Hero WC 7/6
Israelite, Prince
If rescuing alone or Jonathan’s Armor-bearer is the only other hero in battle, if blocked by a weapon class character toss all enhancements in battle.

Jonathan’s Armor-bearer. 1 Sam 14:7 Purple/Red WC Hero 3/4
May band to a purple 1 Sam WC hero.

Panic sent by God. 1 Sam 14:15 Gold/Purple GE
Star: Enhancements used by Jonathan, Saul’s Son cannot be interrupted this turn
Interrupt the battle. Choose an evil character in play to fight the blocker.

Cursed to Eat. 1 Sam 14:28 Black Curse 0/3
X= # of heroes in battle.
EE: Negate a good enhancement. Decrease each hero in battle 3/3 to draw X.
Curse: If a player has drawn 6 or more cards protect lost souls from being rescued by heroes this turn.

Taste of Honey. 1 Sam 14:29 Purple 2/1 GE
TC: If played on Jonathan and if O.T. Saul is not in play discard an evil human in battle.

Bravery into Service. 1 Sam 14:52 Red/Purple GE 3/4
Interrupt the battle and protection on fortresses. Band any hero into battle who has rescued a lost soul. If a lost soul is rescued this turn convert that hero to red and purple and place in territory.

Self-Monument. 1 Sam 15:12 Brown Curse 0/3 EE
EE: Convert a hero to an evil character for 1 turn.
Curse: If you Israelite is blocking alone their ability cannot be negated and they are protected from O.T. enhancements. May be used twice.

Pounce on Plunder. 1 Sam 15:19 Brown/Black EE
TC: Take a city and evil character or an artifact and hero from opponent for 2 turns. Opponent may give you 2 cards from hand instead.

Obedience over Offerings. 1 Sam 15:22 Gold GE
Star: Underdeck a card from hand to draw a card
Negate all enhancements in battle. Draw 2 or discard an evil enhancement. Cannot be prevented.

Put to Death. 1 Sam 15:33 Gold GE
Banish an evil character. Cannot be negated if used by Samuel.


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