Author Topic: Nats 2016 T2 2p 2nd Place  (Read 2302 times)

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Nats 2016 T2 2p 2nd Place
« on: August 08, 2016, 11:44:38 PM »
100 cards
hand reveal x1
switch x1
dull x2
top 6 x2
forsaken x2
d/c an enh x2
revealer x2
search a deck for a ls x2

king saul (cow) x1
foreign sword x2
writ x3

melchizedek x1
samuel x2
joshua son of nun x2
ishmaiah x2
ahimelek x2
david the shepard x2
abigail x2
awtsn x1
auto x2
captain warriors x2

centurions proclamation x2
a soldiers prayer x2
battle cry x3
counsel of abigail x2
peace treaty x4

i am grace x1
eternal cov x1
you will remain x1

wop x1
throne of david x1

sog tsc grapes aotl

phil garrison x1
phil priests x1
king achish x1
phil diviners x1
goliath x1
the priest of zeus x1
the 12 fingered giant x1
delilah x1
saph x1
armor bearer x2
lot's wife x2
demetrius the silversmith x2

wrath of satan x2
phil horses x2
devourer warriors x2
wickedness of delilah x2
jip x3
seized by rioters x4

captured ark x1
phil outpost x1

cm burial don vain mayhem falling away (cow)

Since then I have changed 2 Wrath of Satan's out for 1 Paying Taxes, and one more Wickedness of Delilah. I have taken out Vain Philosophy for one Lahmi's Spear, and I have swapped out one Joseph in Prison for an additional Lahmi's Spear. I swapped King Achish for Saph. I still want to add another Throne of David and some different options for the offense, but as of now it works so fluently it's not a concern.
This deck did not really have any problems, it is extremely fast so I was able to have a balanced amount of EC's to EE's, usually I do more EC's, and the ratios work so well, even with the amount of drawing, I rarely have to discard what I need. Now with the new substitutions of Lahmi's spear and Paying Taxes, I really should not have any problem with my hand. Watch out for Authority of Christ.
The first game I played Marcus Peters and he had an awesome Noah's Ark/Egyptian deck and it was stomping my band due to The Deceiving Pharoah I believe, decreasing my band so much. Once he attacked I did Delilah to his band and played JiP and it was smooth sailing from there. My defense was able to block very efficiently due to my amount of interrupts and him not having cbn options.
The second round I played a similar version of this deck but he used Joshua and Canaanites which works for me because he could never do Ehud to give me an EC. I would use Joshua to steal his Canaan's as well. I used his hero's to set up my deck, and kept mine in my hand so he could either kill his hero's, or give up the soul. By the time he did kill his hero's I just dropped the ones from my hand and flipped over eternal cov to get back my one hero I lost and it was smooth sailing from there.
Third round was against Jayden, he was running mostly Judges with Assyrians. I had a costly misplay of drawing into Abigail with Samuel and not banding her in. He was able to use DoU and not draw souls for three rounds. He wouldve been able to still block that turn, but it would have kept lost souls out on the table. We timed out 6-5 him. Once my Coliseum got out I was able to hold him off much more efficiently.
Fourth round Justin Alstad. Worst game of type two ever. He walks in, I walk in, over and over and over. He had no defense, I had 2 Phil horses in hand. By the time I could block he had AotL. His Daniel/Michael to start off, coupled with Angelic Guidance to see my hand, stopped my opening hand Wrath of Satan, then his TSA continued to walk over me. I was able to rescue back but he underdecked my Grapes, played Christian Martyr, SoG, and when I finally had Seized by Rioters and Demetrius, he dropped AotL for 7. 7-4 him, done in ten mins.
Fifth round Jordan Alstad. He was running an Eternal Inheritance, Love, Christ's Triumph deck, trying to get multiple lost souls while still having other options. He was using Canaanites though so he couldn't choose the blocker against my black defense, and my Saph plus interrupts single handedly stopped his offense. It just was deck match up that's all. I won 7-2.
I went 4-1-1 but I apologize I forgot a round, not sure how I did that.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2016, 08:40:40 PM by Mr.Hiatus »

Offline The Guardian

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Re: Nats 2016 T2 2p 2nd Place
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2016, 10:03:16 AM »
We played in the 5th round. According to the Spreadsheet you played Joseph S. in round 2 and Zach Z. in round 4.  8)
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

Offline The Guardian

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Re: Nats 2016 T2 2p 2nd Place
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2016, 01:13:41 PM »
Fourth round Justin Alstad. Worst game of type two ever. He walks in, I walk in, over and over and over. He had no defense, I had 2 Phil horses in hand. By the time I could block he had AotL. His Daniel/Michael to start off, coupled with Angelic Guidance to see my hand, stopped my opening hand Wrath of Satan, then his TSA continued to walk over me. I was able to rescue back but he underdecked my Grapes, played Christian Martyr, SoG, and when I finally had Seized by Rioters and Demetrius, he dropped AotL for 7. 7-4 him, done in ten mins.

It was definitely a weird game, though I do feel like my strategy of packing 3x Household Idols paid off by keeping you from banding and subsequently drawing with the "Royals" (Saul, Abigail, David & Throne). I also gave up at least one of those freebies knowing you had Grapes and not wanting to put myself into an outright lead where Grapes turns into a block for you. Drawing into Ben-Hadad and CM for the block/underdeck Grapes was definitely fortunate on my part.
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

Offline Xonathan

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Re: Nats 2016 T2 2p 2nd Place
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2016, 01:34:48 PM »
Look at that profile pick though...
Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.
1 Chronicles 16:11

Offline The Schaefer

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Re: Nats 2016 T2 2p 2nd Place
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2016, 03:35:23 PM »
We played in the 5th round. According to the Spreadsheet you played Joseph S. in round 2 and Zach Z. in round 4.  8)
I was the second round but I wasn't playing a Canaanite defense. My defense was very similar to the Phils list here with few differences. Offensively also very similar but I ran more red like particularly Joshua heros. I couldn't get a hero to stay in play until I was already down 3-0 and ultimately lost 4-7.

It looks like the good and evil cards aren't balanced and I don't see seized by rioters on the list was that the difference or am I missing something?

Offline The Guardian

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Re: Nats 2016 T2 2p 2nd Place
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2016, 03:41:02 PM »
Yeah, it looks like SbR is missing from the list.

Zach Z. was the one running Canaanites.
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?


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